Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Neue Krypto-Börse für fairen Handel: Das since die Versprechen

Neue Krypto-Börse für fairen Handel: Das since die Versprechen

Neue Krypto-Börse für fairen Handel: Das since die Versprechen

Lehren aus FTX: Der Deutsche Patrick Gruhn will work with a new Krypto-Börse on Handelsbeurs and his machine.

  • The German Unternehmer and ex-FTX-Mitstreiter Patrick Gruhn started a new Krypto-Börse in Europe.
  • Gruhn offers fair and safe trading of Krypto products. Seine Firma is affiliated with EU regulations.
  • Donate for them Start with worth US$100 million. When Patrick Gruhn is at work, it was different for Krypto-Handel to do so.

Crypto analytics are lockable – and often risky. Starke Kursschwankungen are now a Risk. Another is located in the beautiful landscape of Anbietern and Handelsplätzen. Beispielhaft steht dafür der Zusammenbruch der US-Krypto-Börse FTX 2022. If you take over that unintentional hat, it will now be more. German Crypto Pioneer Patrick Gruhn started a new exchange in Europe. Sein Ziel: Explain the fair and safe trade with Krypto products. Schon for the Anfang 2025 plant market starts with Firma in a financing round worth 100 million US dollars. Was steckt dahinter? I spoke to Patrick Gruhn.

Gruhn comes from the Nähe von Hannover. Seriegründer, Multi-Unternehmer, Lawyer and Programmer have worked in the US for years. 2021 is a player in Europe that sold digital assets for 300 million dollars and bought Sam Bankman-Frieds FTX, which will be confirmed when FTX-Europe becomes more solid. Später bought Gruhn with the company’s partner for an ATM from the FTX-Insolvenz zurück. Before you do this, make sure the Titanic’s passengers are there.

Now also der Neustart with new Unternehmen. itself offers Krypto products. Hauptgeschäft ist to prepare a new Finanzmarkt-Infrastruktur. The developing world has developed a multilateral trading system for Krypto products, also a real exchange. The platform is fertile. “Test for a year,” Gruhn told Business Insider. A quieter Start with ausgewählten Kunden soll Mitte November erfollowen. The real market start is on January 1, 2025.

Gruhn nennt “disruptiv”. The platform will leave the Krypto-Landschaft in Europe and constitute “a significant undertaking for the Weiterentwicklung of the Krypto-Sectors weltweit leisten”. If the bulk is larger, it is the first simple simple solution from Gruhns: “Wir wollen ermöglichen, that can be fair trade.” The Krypto-Markt is no longer a higher Anspruch. “We have new products available,” said Gruhn and continued: “We are aware of the large size of the CFD provider.”


Patrick Gruhn, the German Crypto Pioneer, went on a ranch in the US with his skeletons, other books and a berühmten Uhr on the Titanic.

Hours of Titanic Passenger for Record Summary: Dieser 43-jährige deutsche Krypto-Millionär, kaufte sie

“Bei fell Anbietern since Kunden eher Opfer”

Most agreements with Contract for Difference (CFD), which represent the market with all the opportunities, risks and advantages, have been critically accepted. “Both most CFD providers have power that is the most attractive Zahl van Anleger Verluste. That’s in the system anyway. “The Verluste der Anleger since the Gain of the Betreiber”, is critical.

“The CFD recommendation itself is a market maker, but so is the price.” Für die Anleger berge die great risks. Gruhn can only say: “There are probably CFD providers and offshore providers who can offer their offer.” Customers were often “Leute, who are now little haben themselves.”

Mit Perpetuals will put Gruhn on the Markt vom Kopf auf die Beine. Drei Merkmale sollen seine Plattform unterscheiden: „Erstens since we are regulatory sauber. Zweitens are a real perpetual bond, and also a multilateral trading platform, on the 24th day of the stock exchange and can be traded this day. DRITTENS beets with its own unique products and.”

Gruhn: “We guarantee that the performance will be successful, that Stopp-Loss-Kurse would be the end result. “The risk is greater when it comes to the costs of the platform, not an army.” Perpetuals have a great interest in history, but cannot make money through simple trading. Regardless, the sale of has become a long-term trade on an unrequited platform.”

Lehren uit de autumn van de Krypto-Börse FTX

And it was no different than at FTX. “If you can use a private Krypto-Wallet in your own possession, you can use this one. You cannot see Zugriff. Damit can be a company that is not passive at FTX.”

In Sachen Regulierung ist Gruhn gebranntes Kind. If FTX’s Zusammenbruch is used, this probably happened. “Börsen for Krypto products is a beispiel, where the regulations and the jurisdiction are without any sin,” said Gruhn, who describes himself as quite conservative. In other words: it is an ingenious regulation and a good cause for the FTX, where Sam Bankman-Fried is never in trouble. The fallen prodigy of the Krypto-Branche is in a Haftstrafe from 25 years ago.

Perpetuals are supplied with Lizenz from Zypern, also fully subject to EU regulations. “We will spend some time in the last few weeks,” said Gruhn. Die IT ist in Frankfurt angesiedelt. Dort stehen eigene Server in een Rechenzentrum. “Frankfurt is one of the best hubs for the Internet,” says Gruhn. “The IT in Frankfurt supports the new DORA regular regulation, which provides the standards of the Financial Market Assessment for Börsenhandelssysteme.” That fairness concerns your detail, says Gruhn: “We guarantee all the good cables.”

“More opportunities to test and use the platform with the go-live of the platform itself starting,” Gruhn said. Darin sees a separate Vorteil for the Anleger: “The combined liquidität of all Offers on the Plattform Bildet an einheitlichen Markt with einheitlichen Preeisen.”

One of the Drittanbieter can be – under new names – at FTX Europe. „The unternehmen, which are due to the insolvency of FTX without having to deal with them, are worth more purchases“, says Gruhn. There are a number of interesting interests that can trade as a broker on a platform.”

“ is a new complete company and not a single step in the legal process of Digital Assets at FTX Europe.”


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Bisher hat Perpetuals 25 Beschäftigte. Dazu bowls beef 15 free Mitarbeitende. The great anteilseigner of Gruhn himself and Robin Matzke, who is involved in Digital Assets and Board War. A large investment has been made by an investor: “In a first run I made $5 million for the company’s profits. I said I got a market start of $100 million,” Gruhn said. Think of a venture capital fund that is involved in investments in Blockchain, Web 3 and other advanced technologies.”

The first round of financing has stopped. “There will be plenty of time to follow in the future – also after the Start and the Proof.”

“Europe at one point gave Krypto-Investments a state of play in the US,” says Gruhn. “While a consistent and legal arrangement is being abolished in Europe – one man cannot be otherwise – setting in motion the Place to be for Krypto-Investments.”


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