Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

In Solingen: Social Media for Fünftklässler kale tabu – Rheinland – Nachrichten

In Solingen: Social Media for Fünftklässler kale tabu – Rheinland – Nachrichten

Children and youth, the excessive social media, often lead to depression and anxiety disorders. Your feelings of guilt became worse as mobbing increased. Etwa ein Drittel der Zwölf-bis 17-jährigen zegt Anzeichen von Depressionen.

It is not that it is worth much effort to study in the great angel USA. Sogar die Weltgesundheitsorganisation hat jüngst “big worries“Uber die Auswirkungen von Sozialen Medien auf Kinder und Jugendliche geäußert.

Deutschlandweit einzigartiges Bündnis von Schulen, Eltern, Experten

In Solingen woolen debts, Eltern, social scientists and psychologists one of the children in the Internet media with their high potential foreclosure.

Experiencing longer stays is a better business, that’s “Germany is unique“, so the Organizer.”One of the most important phases is the installation of the Grundzur-weiterführenden Schule. For many families, the time point, their childhood is a smartphone approach.“And there will be no more problems.

Glücksgefühl among Jugendlichen is sinking

Forscher in the USA ermittelt, that was for the year 2012 Jugendliche an überwiegend glückliche Lebensphase duchlaufen haben. This is the case with the widespread use of the Instagram platform.

Das Glücksgefühl has been lost.
Markus Surrey, Schulpsychologischer Dienst in Solingen

Social media verb and warning

Is there a verb for the funklässlern during the lesson? “Dafür soll das Bundnis take care ofsaid Markus Surrey.If Solinger’s electrical supply is used when starting the boat, the Ganze can no longer function.“Deenn ein immer vorbrachtes Argument der Jugendlichen lautet:”My Mitschüler has used a smartphone, also brauche and a.”

If all families put a word in the debt, this argument is true. “And we will strengthen the Erziehungspartnerschaft Swiss Schools and Eltern“, said Markus Surrey. Please note that the schools are prepared for the future, the hinter of the classes Präsenz on Instagram & Co lauern.

More than 40 schools in Solingen machen mit

If all goes well, it’s been a year since it’s been released. Dann wollen alle 42 Schulen in Solingen dafür sogen, dass Fünftklässler von de Folgen des standen Nutzens von Sozialen Medien zumindest in der funten Klasse verschont bleiben.

By Sheisoe

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