Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Warum in the Netherlands Gefängnisses were lost – DW – 16.10.2024

Warum in the Netherlands Gefängnisses were lost – DW – 16.10.2024

The United States, China, the Turks and Brazil are now among the states, in the time following the Häftlinge style. Derweil stehen in den Niederlanden Gefängnisse leer; some experience as cultural or hotels a new Nutzung. Der Grund: Die Gefängnisbevölkerung is sinking. But who came to dazu? What happened to a problem? The DW has conducted statistics and studies.

Those Facts

After studyingder Universitäten von Leiden (Netherlands) and Portsmouth (Great Britain), the Inhaftierungsrate in the Niederlanden-zwischen 2005 and 2016 decreased from 94 to 51 Insassen per 100,000 Einwohner.

This is not the case with trends, but also EurostatI believe that the level is at the lowest level: 2021 and 2022 is at a lower level than 54.

The Netherlands is dependent on the few European states, but at this rate it is worth it. Nach Angaben der Datenplattform World Prison Brief(WPB) is die Entwicklung in Ansätzen auch in Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Bulgarien, Tschechien, Rumänien and dem Baltikum zu beobachten (siehe Grafik).

The Netherlands was now affected by the Russian Federation: In Russia, the WPB was launched in 2000 at the age of 59. The Grund is political: the wars are freely fought, a Krieg is the Ukraine to fight.

Weltweit ist von einem Rückgang der Gefängnispopulation nichts zu spüren – in Gegenteil: Those Zahlen explosion animals. Since 2000, South America has been selling an Anstieg von 224 Prozent, Asia 141 Prozent and Ozeanien 84 Prozent.

Die Gründe

For the declining population in the Lower Countries, it is more Gründe. If you give other people the length of the criminal law, the undertaking of the Kriminalitätsrate, the Verurteilungspraxis, the Arbeit der Justizbehörden, the costs for Strafvollzug and Resozialisierung die jewelgesetzgebung.

Weniger and kürzere Haftstrafen

The Anzahl von Gefängnisstrafen ist zurückgegaan. Wurden 2005 noch 8305 Menschen mit Freiheitsentzug penalized, were es 2015 nur nor 4540. Der Rückgang erstreckt sich laut Studie auf jede Art von Straftaten.

For the Property Offenses there were 44 Prozent weniger, for Gewalt and Sexual Offenses 39 Prozent and for Drogendelikten sogar 49 Prozent. A financial penalty is not possible for persons who end up in the family, but only against the back 38 Prozent.

In the Netherlands the long term of the fine is a fact. The Kriminalitäts experts from Leiden University document in their research that half of all inner experiences are Monats that encompass the entire world.

Zum Vergleich: Laut dem SPACE I Report from the Universität von Lausannewords in the 46 Member States of Europarates in Durchschnitt nur 5.2 Prozent der Häftlinge weniger als sechs Monate hinter Gittern. Die meisten, 21.3 Prozent, sitzen zwischen einem en drei Jahren ein.

Seltener in U-Haft

Another factor is the sinking Anzahl von Untersuchungshäftlingen. Während laut Studie 2005 noch 21,029 Personen in Untersuchungshaft kamen, sank diese Zahl 2016 op 13,350. Dies entspricht einem Rückgang von 37 Prozent.

A Dutch Polizist in dark blue uniform with protective Weste. On the Rückensteht: Police
More politicians on the streets, with less punishment for punishment? Image: Remko de Waal/ANP/picture alliance

Sinking Kriminalitätsrate

In Zeitraum 2005 to 2016, registration has gone from 1.3 million in 2005 to 961,000 in 2016. There are 216,000 new owners (-27%) and 32,000 newer owners (-26%).

The strong back gait would be unavoidable in the case of Zerstörungsdelikten and Straftaten the öffentliche Ordnung (-50%) and in the case of Drogendelikten (-31%).

In 2018, people were reported to have been punished with 770,000 at a historic Tiefstand. Mittlerweile is the way Zahlen rose. Laut Statista lay die Anzahl der registrierten Straftaten in de Niederlanden 2022 at 798,000.

More power for the state health department

Since 2006, State Public Works Departments in the Netherlands have been able to cope with financial penalties or social work. It so happens that one of the consequences of the fall is straining the aimer and the aimer.

The Power of the Drug Mafia

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The reform has had no effect, but the state-owned banks have become more burdensome, thus the study. I am Gegenteil, the Zahlen has sunk.

If you notice that you are unable to achieve the goal and continue the sale, the chance of a penalty may be increased. Dies wiederum habe zum Rückgang der Gefangeneziffer beigetragen.

Schleppende Ermittlungen

A Veröffentliche Untersuchung 2017of the Kriminalitätsforscherin Judith van Valkenhoef and her colleagues Edward van der Torre have all the most recent Zweifel and the Dutch Heritage History. There may be inefficient errors and many criminal charges.

In the Netherlands, a large activity in the synthetic dryer has arisen and the world dies when politics no longer exists.

The Kriminologist Francis Pakes, professor at the University of Portsmouth and author of a study, sees the following Fazit: The population decline is not unfounded, this is a gift of Kriminalität.

When the Straftaten no longer lasts longer, the fight against the few Verurteilungen dies, after they have no longer acted in the few Straftaten. They said themselves in anticipation of the end of the Drogenmafia in the Netherlands.

By Sheisoe

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