Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Complete destabilization ‘became fatal’ by dpa-AFX

Complete destabilization ‘became fatal’ by dpa-AFX

(neu: Details.)

BEIRUT (dpa-AFX) – Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned the Kriegs in Israel and the Schiitenmiliz Hisbollah in Lebanon about the Reichenden Konsequenzen for the Nahen East and about a new diplomatic offensive. Glancing at Lebanon, he said it was an issue in the capital of Beirut: “A full-fledged destabilization of the countries would be fatal for the religious community of all states in the east of the country and for the combined region.”

In the course of the time that Israel has been in power, the terrorist Hisbollah will become German, the Grünen-Politiekerin. “Jetzt gilded, in common with our partners in the US, Europe and the Arab world, a tragic diplomatic solution, which has the right to the security interest of Israel and the benefit of Lebanon’s war.”

Baerbock is pushing for a UN resolution

Der Schlüssel zum Frieden liege in der volen Umsetzung der UN-Resolution 1701, Baerbock said. You can call the Lebanese Streitkräften a weighty Rolle zu. In Beirut and at the Lebanon Conference in Paris, the Donnerstag is “closed, whoever can go away in this way and thus beitragen, the humanitarian leadership of the linden”. Baerbock left with the Commander of the Lebanese Streitkräfte, General Joseph Aoun.

Israel passes the Hisbollah resolution of the UN Security Councils of the Israeli-Lebanese border and 30 kilometers further north, the Litani-Fluss zurückzieht aims. Israel will therefore die Sicherheit seiner Bürger im Norden gewährleisten.

Baerbock warned that the humanitarian situation in Lebanon was becoming more widespread. It is unclear, “who are responsible for themselves terrorists hinting Zivilistinnen and Zivilisten verstecken and from dort weiterhin Raketen auf Israel aufeuern”. Gleichzeitig müsse Israel seine Einsätze and the narrow limits of self-defense rights and the humanitarian people’s rights ausrichten and that Leben innocent Zivilisten schützen, forderte sie.

Israel fights Hisbollah with Luftangriffen and Bodentruppen

Israel converts in Lebanon by leaving Iran with its history with Luftangriffen and in the south of the countries with Bodentruppen. The active Krieg began for a year with the liberal forces of Hamas, when Israel started the terror war in the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023. Seitdem beschießen sich Israel en de Hisbollah in de Grenzgebied. In September Israel Angriffe in Lebanon – from the Luft and then near Boden – massively expelled. More than 2,500 people won, beautiful losses and great performances, the most in Lebanon.

Paul Ziemiak (CDU), Head of the German-Lebanese Parlamentarian Group, warned at the Besuch in Beirut of a complete collapse of Lebanon. There’s a hat for Europe-conquering Folgen. It is urgent to develop a human plan for a political new beginning for the Landes.

Video chat Baerbocks with Unifil Kommandeuren

Baerbock war in the form of a small machine of the Bundeswehr with the international Rafik-Hariri-Flughafen in the Lebanese Hauptstadt-geland. It is the German minister’s fourth trip to Lebanon on October 7, 2023 with a run of 1,200 tots. Director nach der Ankunft comb Baerbock together with the speakers of parliament and Hisbollah-affiliated Nabih Berri.

Because the fight against a military action by Israel was hit by the Hisbollah in Beirut, the Besuch Baerbocks was seen as one of the best after a narrower time organization. Genaue Orte, Zeiten en Routen ihres Konvois were der Israeli Seite zuvor mitgeteilt be.

The Critical Response Center of the Lebanese Roten Kreuzes is located as the Minister in the Arbeit bei der Medizinische Notfallversorgung in the South of the Landes countries. A message from Baerbock, who is on his account as Rot-Kreuz-Retter in the area of ​​a Feuer-geraten – obwohl ihr Einsatz for his angekündigt gewesen sei. It is not possible to hang the device.

In the German Botschaft, the ministership lies by video conference of chief of the UN Blauhelmtruppe Unifil, General Aroldo Saenz, the commander of the maritime Einsatzgruppe, the German Fleet Admiral Richard Kesten, about the low information. In the transition weeks, Stützpunkte der Friedenstruppe morefach unter Beschuss of the Israeli Military were ratified.

Baerbock: Angriffe auf UN-Blauhelme vertoßen gegen Völkerrecht

Schutz’s relief from UN-Friedenstruppen, such as Baerbock, applies to all conflict parties. The UN Blauhelmtruppe Unifil became a political issue. “You are angry about the UN Blue Helmet who defends humanitarian people’s rights.”

With the Hinblick on the humanitarian level in the Gaza Strip, the Green politician separates the Israeli Regie with Nachdruck from, more Hilfe for the not leading Zivilbevölkerung from ermöglichen. Especially in Norden Gazas, the Lage Tag zu Tag was lost. The region is at 19 days old, “humanitäre Hilfe kommt nur tröpfchenweise herein”, ergänzte Baerbock.

Look at German Waffen love in Israel. Deutschland habe deutlich gemacht, Israel bei seinem Recht auf Selbstverteidigung zu unterstützen – “auch mit Waffen”. Jede Waffenlieferung is a humane humanitarian company federated by Völkerrecht. “If the Israeli Regierung an Verantwortung is carried out, the humanitarian law of the people is followed,” Baerbock said.

We will have a great time at home in Paris, we will be there during the Donnerstag and one of France’s President Emmanuel Macron will organize international meetings for Lebanon.

Israeli Military Greift Lebanese Coastal City Tyrus an

The Israeli military griffin is owned by the Lebanese Nachrichtenagentur NNA in the coastal city of Tyrus an. At Live-Bildern in Arab Fernsehen war, which dense Rauchclouden from Gebäuden in the Innenstadt aufstiegen. Ensure that the Israeli military evacuation and targeted targeting of those involved takes place. The Israeli military is best positioned to fight and fight, it may shift command and control over military history.

Israel bestätigt Tötung mutmaßlichen Nasrallah-Nachfolgers

The Israeli army is fighting the military leadership of Hisbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. Haschim Safi al-Din is busy running three weeks by a rage at the headquarters of the Hisbollah Secret Service in one of the Vorort der Hauptstadt Beirut, teilte das Militär am Abend met. Die Schiiten-Miliz bestätigte seinen Tod bisher nicht.

By Sheisoe

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