Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

based-Markt – Pflanzliche Alternativen omsatzstärker denn je –

based-Markt – Pflanzliche Alternativen omsatzstärker denn je –

The market for tasty Fleisch- and Milchalternativen in Germany is expected to reach 2.2 billion euros in 2023. The entspricht is a Zuwachs von 8 Prozent. Deutschland is the largest market for cheap Lebensmittel in Europe.

Germany is the largest market for fresh Fleisch- and Milchalternatives in Europe.

Image: Mirco Moskopp

The market for an attractive Fleisch and Military alternative in Germany is expected to reach a new market price of 2.2 billion euros in 2023. This goal is one of 8 results achieved by the Good Food Institute Europe (GFI Europe). The Wachstums trend starts in 2024.

The study by the joint think tanks GFI Europe, which is based on data from Circana and the CPS/GfK sales panel, is the German largest market for fresh Lebensmittel in Europe. Der Umsatz mit pflanzlichen Fleischalternativen stieg 2023 een 6 Prozent auf 922 Millionen Euro. In the first month of 2024, the duration of the Wochenums in that segment was 9 Prozent, the Verkaufsmenge was 16 Prozent.

Own marks treiben Wachstum at Fleischalternativen

Treiber des Wachstums were all owned by Supermarkets and Discounters. Flanzliche Fleischalternativen der Eigenmarken were 2023 rund 22 Prozent more favorable as Markenprodukte. Insured since the fresh Fleisch- and Fish alternatives nor teurer tourer as ihre tieischen Hangers, but the Preisunterschied couldnte of 65 Prozent in Year 2021 auf 35 Prozent Anfang 2024 were reduced.

Auch der Markt für pflanzliche Milchprodukte verzeichnete deutliche Zuwächse. Der Umsatz mit pflanzlicher Milch wuchs 2023 een 11 Prozent auf 805 Millionen Euro. Include the strengths of the Bereich debt with a Plus of 38 Prozent on 74 Million Euro. A variety of tasty desserts since 2022 or 2023 until 2023 (-7 Prozent or 35 Million Euro).

“Germany is a country with a large market for food-based living in Europe. The Wachstum turned out to be dynamic and started to lift the years 2024 in many products, nor a single sister Fahrt,” explains Helen Breewood from GFI Europe.

Market analysis at nidrigem Level

Trotz des Wachstums machen pflanzliche Alternativen bislang nur a small part of the Gesamtmarktes aus. Der Marktanteil von flanzlichen Fleisch- und Fischalternativen betrug 2023 beef 2.3 Prozent der Verkaufsmenge. At Milch there are options for an anteil of 9.8 Prozent, at Joghurt 4.3 Prozent and at Käse completely 0.7 Prozent.

A representative of the Umfrage von Yougov said that the Verbraucher would be offensive for alternatives. 30 Enjoy your life in the next few years and enjoy more colorful Fleischalternatives. 46 Prozent plans, few formal products will be delivered.

Ivo Rzegotta from GFI Europe has been awarded the Bedeutung wetbewerbsfähiger Preise for the success of protein diversification and forderte faire Rahmenbedingungen bei der Besteuerung von pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln sowietliche Investitionen in Research and Kapazitätsaufbau.

By Sheisoe

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