Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Strafvollzug: Blick hinter Gefängnismauern – Podcast with Straftätern

Strafvollzug: Blick hinter Gefängnismauern – Podcast with Straftätern

Life in the kitchen is a world with the reinforcement of written texts and own rules. Einblicke für Außenstehende since rar. Here you will find a new podcast from Rundfunks Berlin-Brandenburg and the «Tagesspiegels». The eighth series “Unter Mördern – Leben in Gefängnis” takes place in the “Kosmos Knast”, with Autorin Katja Füchsel and Moderator Teresa Sickert versprechen.

«Wir wollen die menschlichen Abgründe verstehen», sagen sie. Since the project of the time punk is a fact, the Straftäter will be sold and lengthened in Haft Seien. Was the power of man, life-long in life zu sein? Can a man become a better person in his or her life? These fragments were taken into account by the true crime experts.

Vier Gefängnis-Insassen monatelang begleitet

«Tagesspiegel» author Katja Füchsel, another for the podcast «Tatort Berlin», can say that the nach appropriation takes longer than a year four insassen of the Berliner Gefängnisses Tegel, which is the largest in Germany.

Rund 750 Gefangene und 55 Sicherungsverwahrte (Stand: 16.10.) sitzen because of the Senatsjustizverwaltung ein, davon 160 Menschen in der Teilanstalt 5. In diesem Gebäude since Straftäter unterbracht, which zu lifeslänglicher Haft be verurteilt besind.

Podcast listens to Entwicklung von Serienmörder

Dazu gehört Thomas Rung, der bis heute als der gefährlichste Serienmörder Berlins gilded. The 63 years and three other stories are the protagonists of the podcast.

First of all, both went a step further when the Landgericht Berlin had a lifetime experience in 1996. Sechs Frauen und Seinen Stiefbruder hatte er damals ermordet. In the process of growing 1.90 meters tall, the man becomes a lebensbeichte ab.

For a 20-year run, there is an effort for the goal: If there was a Mithäftling fast getötet in a Wutausbruch, there were ways to look forward to seeing them later. Make sure that it is aimed at the «gefährlichen Hangtäter» a two-sided Sicherungsverwahrung and. It’s a matter of free time, it’s damn incomprehensible.

Can a word be in the kitchen?

Im Podcast message Füchsel, wie der Mann met beeindruckender Statur zunächst weiterhin keine Controlle über seine Wut hat and also weigh signal Statur of others Gefangeen gefürchtet wird. Anyone who has moved into a new world in Lower Saxony is still very socially engaged in the Berliner Gefängnis.

What does the work also look like? Moderator Sickert is skeptical. Gutachter und Beschäftigte der Justizvollzugsanstalt kommen dazu zu Wort. The podcast combines narrative elements with studio broadcasts. Both follow first in the ARD Audiothek, which sheds light on «».

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By Sheisoe

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