Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Mercedes chief Källenius prangert hohen Krankenstand an

Mercedes chief Källenius prangert hohen Krankenstand an

The chef of the automotive manufacturers Mercedes-Benz Ola Källenius, see the Anzahl der Krankentage Deutsche Arbeitnehmer als Nachteil für den Wirtschaftsstandort. The manager told the “Spiegel”: “The high level of insanity in Germany is a problem for the Unternehmen.”

Mercedes CEO Källenius: Invalidity in Germany is twice as high as in Europe

With Blick on Mercedes-Benz, Källenius, if a production clause of the Krankenstand in Germany is twice as high as in the European Ausland, would be the economic next.

Mercedes produces Horsepower, Vans and Components in Germany, Ungarn, Rumänien, Spain and Poland in many areas. Some of the Unternehmens will not have any concrete views on the Krankenstand at the Marke with the Stern machines.

Källenius befeuerte mit seinen the debate, by the German Arbeitnehmer with a high sick daheimbleiben. Mercedes will continue to pay attention to the employee’s safety, “in terms of occupational safety and ergonomics and health benefits, as well as the benefits of occupational safety training”.

Auch Allianz CEO Bäte sieht Krankenstand critical

Källenius is not the only Dax-Konzernchef, the Krankenstand in Deutschland is viewed critically. Zuletzt mentioned Allianz CEO Oliver Bäte in the „Handelsblatt“, while the German is considered more Krankentage as Beschäftigte in the USA or Switzerland.

The Scientific Institute of the AOK had a historic high celebration of Fehltagen festgestellt in the month of October when the Fehlzeiten-Report for 2023 was released. Auf 100 erwerbstätige AOK-Versicherte kamen 225 Krankmeldungen. In those years the world was not affected.

By Sheisoe

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