Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

She tells her grandma that she has been cheated on, and grandma gives some incredible advice

She tells her grandma that she has been cheated on, and grandma gives some incredible advice

There are times in life when you just want to curl up in the fetal position and cry. You feel broken as if you don’t have the strength or desire to move on. Maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you, or you got fired. Everything is so bad that you don’t see how it could ever get better.

This simple story can help. It illustrates the best way to deal with setbacks and how we can tackle the challenges, disappointments and general bad things that happen to us and use them to create better versions of ourselves.

One day a young woman was visiting her grandmother and told her how difficult her life was. She had discovered that her husband had cheated on her, something that 20 to 25 percent of married men do, according to research from the University of Utah.

‘Grandma, I give up. I’m just not strong enough to fight anymore. Everything seems to go wrong and as one problem is solved, another ten times worse happens. I swear I’m done.’

Her grandmother looked at her, dried her tears, took her to the kitchen and gave her incredible advice.

There the grandmother filled three pots with water and put them on the stove. When the pots started to boil, she put carrots in the first pot, eggs in the second, and ground coffee beans in the third.

The young woman and her grandmother said nothing and just watched them cook. After about twenty minutes, the grandmother turned off the heat under all the pots, took out the contents and put them in bowls.

“Tell me what you see,” Grandmother asked. “Carrots, eggs and coffee,” the granddaughter replied, thinking that her grandmother’s mind was not as sharp as it used to be. “Feel the roots,” the grandmother said to her granddaughter. “Then take an egg and break it. Finally, take a sip of coffee.”

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She tells her grandma that she has been cheated on and grandma gives incredible advice Cottonbro studio / Pexels

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The granddaughter did as she was told and then asked, “What are you trying to tell me?” “You see, dear, each of these objects faced the same adversity and responded differently.

The root went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being exposed to the boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg had been fragile, with only a thin shell protecting its liquid interior, but after soaking in boiling water the interior had hardened. The ground coffee beans were different from the other two; instead of being changed by the water, they had changed it.”

The granddaughter nodded her head in agreement and wished the science experiments in seventh grade had been as educational. “Which one are you?” the grandmother asked her granddaughter.

“When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a root that seems strong, but with pain and adversity; do you become soft and lose strength; or are you the egg that starts with an adaptable heart, but changes with the heat?

She tells her grandma that she has been cheated on and grandma gives incredible advice Cottonbro studio / Pexels

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Do you usually have a fluid mind, unless something bad happens, such as a death, divorce, or job loss, and you become hardened and inflexible? Do you look the same on the outside, but on the inside you become bitter and tough?” The granddaughter listened, trying to understand every word her grandmother said.

“Are you like the ground coffee beans that changed the hot water, the very circumstance that caused the pain? When the water becomes hot, it releases a wonderful coffee aroma and takes on the taste of the coffee. If you are like the bean When things are at their worst, instead of giving up, you become better and stronger and change the situation around you,” the grandmother explained.

The young woman hugged her grandmother and clearly went to talk to her husband. When she was almost out the door, her grandmother said, “Be the coffee, honey. Always try to be the coffee.’

Ultimately, the happiest people don’t necessarily have everything best, and every day isn’t made up of lollipops and unicorns; it’s just that happy people make the best of what comes their way.

The brightest future is built on a forgotten past. It was a wise person who gave this great life advice: You can’t move forward in life until you let go of your past failures and sorrows. Letting go and accepting what is can lead to a happier life, according to research from 2011.

Don’t let adversity weigh you down so much that you can’t get up. Try to learn from it, forgive if you can, and know that trials make you strong, sadness keeps you human, and happiness makes you love.

RELATED: 8 Basic Ways Being Cheated on Changes You

Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer and regular contributor to YourTango. She has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Woman’s Day, among others.

By Sheisoe

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