Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Genauer als der BMI: So look at the Body-Round-Index

Genauer als der BMI: So look at the Body-Round-Index

Body Mass Index. A Formel, the Körperweight with the Körpergröße in the Verhältnis setzt. Dieser Wert soll unter alles aussagen, wie gesund ein Mensch ist, ob er an over-oder Unterweight leads. All information about the index, the BMI, and whoever is in the criticism. It is not clear that the weight is not low, but the weight is low when the weight is low.

The BMI Hat Limits

“Thank you for fishing healthily, for ending up in the Bauchraum and being at high risk for Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen and Typ-2-Diabetes verunden,” wrote and the experts of the “Adiposity Clinic”. When you are concerned with researching the different ethnic groups, BMI is ignored.

If this Grund speaks out, you may no longer have any other controls over vision involvement. Research has been done into an alternative Wert: The Body-Round Index (BRI).

Forscher sources the statistics from the BRI

That is the American mathematician of Diana Thomas. The BRI has not determined the Körpergröße with the BMI with the Körperweight, but with the Waist in its Verhältnis. “This agitation provides a generous chance of preventable diseases and avoids the risks of long-term illness with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes,” says the Adiposity expert. The BRI is responsible for the “Rundheit” of the Körpers. That’s it: “The person is a person who ensures that someone can identify themselves – a significant difference based on BMI.”

The calculation is a very complicated complexity:

  • 364.2 − 365.5 × √(1 − ( Bauchumfang in Zentimetern / 2π)² / (0.5 × Körpergröße in Zentimetern)²)

You can use a taschenrechner. The experts who work will auszurechnen the Teil-Ergebnisse in Klammern, a Fehler beim Eingeben in the Taschenrechner zu avoid.

Alternative services are online Rechner, the Rechnung for your endurance run.

Those experts need three performance reviews:

  1. A person with 183 Zentimetern (cm) Körpergröße and a Bauchumfang of 106 cm hat one BRI-Wert of 6.01
  2. For a person with a height of 174 cm and a Bauchumfang of a hat of 83 cm BRI-Wert of 3.09
  3. For a person with a height of 176 cm and a Bauchumfang of a hat of 120 cmBRI-Wert of 7.47

For the BRI follow Borders:

  • BRI Sehr schlanke Körperform (smallest 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung)
  • 3.41 ≤ BRI Schlanke bis durchschnittliche Körperform (under 20 to 40 Prozent der Bevölkerung)
  • 4.45 ≤ BRI Durchschnittliche Körperform (mittlere 40 tot 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung)
  • 5.46 ≤ BRI Überdurchschnittliche Körperrundheit (obere 60 bis 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung)
  • BRI ≥ 6.91: Hohe Körperrundheit (op 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung)

Erhöhter BRI-Wertzeit Gesundheitsgefahr an

The new, yet erschienene Study said: A erhöhter BRI-Wert in the Zusammenhang with an erhöhten Risk for Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen.

In the year 2023, the Chinese Wissenschaftler said that people with BRI values ​​are within 50 percent of their expectations. And: That’s great fun with extremely low-key usage. Experts may have a problem solving problems and solving problems with the human body.

A Chinese study of the great festival of 2023, that Teilnehmmer with high BRI-Werten a 50 Prozent erhöhtes Sterberisiko in Vergleich van Teilnehmern with mittleren Werten hatten. More interesting research into the study, those people with extremely new BRI worlds who had a high degree of risk control, was a problem with an uninteresting and musky knowledge.

Is the BRI higher than the BMI?

“The Body-Roundness Index offers an exciting alternative to the traditional BMI,” write the experts at the “Adiposity Clinics”.

Especially people with high viszeralem Fett can make a generous analysis of your bottom line and make a profit. “Think of the BMI being aimed higher.” It is possible to play the BRI in a larger role.

By Sheisoe

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