Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

70 Jahre Kindergeld in der FRG: 25 D-Mark for the Nachwuchs

70 Jahre Kindergeld in der FRG: 25 D-Mark for the Nachwuchs

70 Years Child Allowance
Who was the CDU for family conflict and the SPD for everyday hatred?

A beautiful smiling woman strolling on a street in her pram

If diese Mütter 1961 with my babies on an autostraße a Frühjahrsspaziergang unternehmen, the children’s allowance gives up its year and new things for Zweitgeboortee

© dpa / Picture Alliance

For 70 years of decision of the Bundestag, family finance will continue. The child allowance is taken from the Strich by the SPD – and it is a matter of time in the NS era.

Look to the 1950s and look at the Bundesrepublik Deutschland in its golden age. Before the Marshall Plan and the Währungsreform de Wirtschaft-rasant, Bauern tauschen ihre Pferdegespanne gegen Traktoren, in more and more Haushalten kommen Waschmaschinen and Fernseher and the Steckdosen and sonntags ein Braten auf den Tisch, Autos erobern de Straße.

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With the new Wohlstand there was a baby boom in the young German democracy, German citizenship. Rufe nach finanziellen Hilfen für Eltern were daher immer lauter, de Politik muss sich Gedanken machen, was the Versprechen von Artikel 6 of the Grundgesetzes in Konkreten heißen soll: “Ehe und Familie stehen unter besonderem Schutze des Staates.”

Working Mütter? Will of the Family Minister prevents this

1953 in the Bundeshauptstadt Bonn, the first own standard “Ministerium für Familienfragen” was formed by the Arbeit. A striker of the CDU politician Franz-Josef Wuermeling, who was concerned with filial power, would see his new Amtszeit in the Ära Adenauer fierce children’s reiche family power – and in a brochure of his ministeriums on the Platz der Frauen it would be unmistakable are definitive: “Mutterglück ist etts vom Anfang an nicht nur mit großer Verantwortung, sonondern auch mit stetem Verzicht verbunden. This Gabe and Aufgabe der Selbsthingabe and Selbstverleugnung a höherer Ziele wanting is therefore, that Mutter zur verständnisvollen Lebensbegleiterin des Mannes and Vaters and zum Hearts of the Family were lost.”

Berufstätige Mütter since the Minister is Graus; It is a good idea to continue living in the family, with a childish, illicit couple and an unobstructed life.

A Mann with Horn Brille and Krawatt has a Rednerpult with microphones

The politician Franz-Josef Wuermeling saw the CDU in the first Bundestag in 1949. Dort is so vehemently in favor of family politics. This image was said by the first Federal German “Minister for Family Fragments” during a parliamentary debate on October 28, 1960, in the evening, after all, after 15 years of receiving childcare allowance.

© Kurt Rohwedder / dpa / Picture Alliance

There is more power for the family than a child allowance for a family – a social enterprise that no longer has such a social organization and a people’s living environment is one of the interests of the scaffolding and the woman who holds up, erwerbstätig werken.

A new idea is that there is a settlement: The principles in the Weimarer Verfassung war that anchors the Forderung after the financial support of families, then was initially transformed by the National Socialists: The NS State would be a “Kinderbeihilfe” in 1935, die If you research the things you do, it is best to come up with an order that is not described and as “aryan” galten.

When the spark of the CDU/CSU faction for a child benefit was created on October 14, 1954 by the struggle against the Bundestages tags, a fierce debate arose. SPD-Abgeordnete has gone through a financing by the Steuerzahler, which is in a new situation in the future.

The CDU/CSU faction can, in an absolute majority, immunize your family in a camp factory to stimulate all other factions: from January 1, 1955, the family was put on 25 D-Marks for the following matters – financially during the use of Arbeitergebern and Selbständigen und Ausgezahlt über die neuer eingericht Familienausgleichskassen.

No child allowance for work loss

For a breakthrough by the Arbeiterhaushalt, the child allowance will de facto become a Lohnerhöhung of a beef 6.5 Prozent. When a statement has been made, learn – we will take a strong critical look at the Bundesregierung that has not yet passed this Regelung in 1955.

Etliche Änderungen und Ergänzungen zum ersten Kindergeldgesetz lassen de Kreis der Bezugsberechtigten will wait longer in the following years. So there are families from 1961 onwards for their children, and from 1975 onwards, as the children are fully prepared for the German Federal House, written by, for their children’s unterstützung. The bet for Dritt and Viertgeboortee is higher than for the first two children – until 2023 an angular inheritance: Seither zahlt der deutsche Staat Eltern pro Child 250 Euro pro Monat.

Ausweis paper with a black, white photo and stamp

In 1957, the German Federal Railroad left Mädchen und Jungen aus kinderreichen Familien zum halben Preis mitsfahren. Der entsprechende Ausweis is zurück on the initiative of the first family minister Franz-Josef Wuermelings

© JuTe CLZ / wikimedia-commons

Der Mann aber, der das Kindergeld for 70 years as the first West German Family Minister brought on the Road, which is in another Leistung a Platz on the collective Memorial of the FRG erobert: Franz-Josef Wuermeling lässt 1957 a Berechtigungsschein einführen, der Jungen and Mädchen With the utmost respect for the success of the journey, we will continue to enjoy the best price. It is likely that the Ausweis is the “Würmeling” or the “Karnickelpass”, which goes on a year-long journey in the Kinderreicher Familien.

Seine eigentlichen Ziele aber verfehlt Wuermeling auf longere Sicht: Trotz Kindergelds sinks de burden in de BRD ab Mitte der 1960er-Jahre rasant. And the more I schicken in the kindergarten – I am called upon.

By Sheisoe

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