Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

Katarina Barley über Rechtspopulismus: “It’s not a Brandmauer”

Katarina Barley über Rechtspopulismus: “It’s not a Brandmauer”

While the judges battled it out in the EU Parliament, said Katarina Barley. It is schwerer for all Frauenrechte.

Two women stop Pyrotechnik in the hands, they are in lilafarbenem Rauch

Immer wieder im Fokus von Rechten Attacken: Frauenrechte. Internationaler Frauentag in Brussels on March 8, 2020 Photo: Marin Driguez/VU/laif

taz: Frau Barley, the EU Parliament contains the right-wing populist and right-wing extremist factions. Who knows how the atmosphere will change, how fun the years will become?

Katarina Gerst: In the course of the legislature there is a right-wing populist faction and perhaps a straight line, but the unity in the underlying parliaments will never be like this before. Jetzt is in a block with all three Fraktionen rights. The atmosphere has become more aggressive. The Rights are taking a new step, a new choice is a fact.

taz: Do you want to know what that is?

Barley: If you wish, you can capitalize on the parliamentary debate on yours. It is a matter of liberal or progressive ideas to enrich and sabotage machines. Clear, vereinzelt since sie verschiedener Meinung. Aber das Autoritäre, Anti-democratic, Anti-feminist things are all. And that’s what other people want to say.

Born in 1968, is a lawyer and has been the leader of the SPD since 1994. They are General Secretariat and Partei, Frauen- und Familienministerin as well as Justizministerin. As of July 2019, the government of the EU parliaments and one of the quadruple VizepräsidentInnen started.

taz: Zum Beispiel?

Barley: We will currently be announcing the new Commissioner in Parliament. There is talk of inheritance, which is the cause of the Frauenrechte that Frage nach der Position zu sicheren Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen gestrichen – only in the Frage. Rusks with stimulating the three rights Fraktionen and der Conservatives, who together have more power. It’s no Brandmauer here.

taz: Do you want to work with the Entwicklung Gechnet?

Barley: Of course it is. Parliament published the Matic report in June 2021, allowing EU member states to feel free and increase the debt burden of the debtor. Kurz vor der divorcees Abstimmung brought out a Tsunami from our legitimate lobbying over us in this. We send fast, gleichlautende E-Mails to the Report in unseen Postfächern, Briefe, Anrufe, and an openly visible orchestration of Shitstorm. The conservative is not that simple. The report has now created a security and solidarity problem. With the active Kräfteverhältnissen we would not purchase more. Anyway, we were warned all the time.

taz: Was u beschreiben, der Rechtsruck – or is je antifeminismus?

Barley: There is no question of a right-wing extreme approach that is not anti-feminist. Anti-feminist These people die in their homes, if women and men are not gay, they will be free from gay rights. Deren Weltbild zufolge führen biological Unterschiede dazu, that is auch berufliche and gesellschaftliche Unterschiede geben muss. Women who are entitled to their rights, who themselves can benefit from, were able to enjoy their lives. It is possible that you can mobilize other groups of people.

taz: What is your answer to the EU Parliament’s question?

Barley: The structures and organizations that carry out a political rollback have been around for years. The Catholic Church plays a major role, there are conservative and straight parts that resemble the inhalation. If the legislature has looked at the rule of law, the Begriff “Gender” with its document is of the strictest, that is with the theme civilized. Wörter changes the wind from the political Raum. The war that shows the dimension of the problems does not last long. After we got a clear insight, this was a shame.

taz: If we look at the emails, with the postfächer problems?

Barley: Another of a Spanish campaign organization called Citizen Go. If you have deleted email addresses, you can submit your petitions. If the first time is a problem, it becomes a child protection case – and won’t that happen? This is an incomprehensible manipulation. Child protection is meant to ensure you can use your mobile device: Hey, if you choose your teething troubles, the petition can’t end up in the Matic report! So that’s okay.

taz: Woher kommen der Gelder?

Barley: Citizen Get started as a lawnmower and eliminate small expenses. Others were financed by Russian Oligarchs. In general, money fell into anti-feminist organizations and structures. In the US Gelder von Evangelikalen fell. Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of the Treasury under Donald Trump, has set up a multi-million dollar foundation to reverse the plans. These are the right parties for any major spender.

taz: Was it a classic people’s party for who I was?

Barley: The situation is not new, the FDP will spend more and more money. If you are right-wing extremist, you end up in a new way. The woolen inside of the democratic spectrums does not apply – the woolen raus outside the spectrum. Now that you have found sources, you can get the best spins with the mobilization of “Genderwahn” – or the Matic report. The most striking Beispiel in this Hinsicht is, in my opinion, “awake”.

taz: Inwiefern?

Barley: My more wonderful, liberal, fast-talking 90-year-old father took advantage of that debt and said wokeness was very comical, though. My father is Brite, there is little, the Begriff is positively endowed, but he may or may not be good. Aber dieser Begriff wurde totally verhetzt – bis ins smallest Dorf, bis in jede Generation. Things may not go well.

taz: Was he all for Frauenrechte in dieser Legislatur?

Barley: In any case, the sex education is schwierig, voor de Abtreibung. It may be that the parliament offiziell frauenfeindliche positions and in the gesetzgebung negotiable muss. It seems that the European Union from the Istanbul Convention has a greater chance of committing fraud. Some of the states have joined forces. Before all people in Eastern Europe had the traditional family fun with the invention of the instrument, it was absurdist.

taz: Could it be that we are supporting the EU?

Barley: Giorgia Meloni hat neutral, private Gewalt sei privat. When you see, you understood.

taz: Welche Rolle spielt Ursula von der Leyen, die sich offen zegt?

Barley: The only thing is not the separated figure.

taz: Ihr Einfluss ist gross. If you make a passage to the Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen, this is one of the fallen welds, a private lake that you can ensure.

Barley: That’s encouraging. If you want to pay a higher price. If you experience the problem, the problem is now bigger, you will end up in the fall of Ungarn. Von der Leyen hat versucht, Orbán einzufangen, indem sie ihm entgegenkam. If you have sense, you cannot ask questions. Daraus hat is gelert. Trotzdem: It’s all a rat and a parliament and the faction, which can help the government leaders and who will be the only Abgeordents. It is a fact that the EU Parliament is freer when it is in Germany.

taz: Was können Sie tun?

Barley: The sensible thing is that one of the things you buy is a passion – inside and outside parliaments. Experience a camp against democracy. Letztlich soll nicht mehr der Staat die Regeln machen, apart from Familie und Kirche. Once that is the case, there is no Frauenrecht, but in general Human Rights are abolished. It is an end to the attack on a free press and an unanswered justification. If so, there will be a massive rollback: in Women’s Rights, in Klimaschutz, in Human Rights. The Schutz standard for trans people or migrants in the EU can shift quickly.

taz: Nor mal: Was tun?

Barley: Parliament and the Commission have imposed very strict rules, democracy and the rule of law have improved financially.

taz: That is the passion of the matter rightly.

Barley: The Commission does not boast in its role in the Umfang, in mine of the wünschen würde. Aber wir schützen Meinungsvielfalt, stärken demokratische AkteurInnen, kämpfen gegen Disinformation. Nur: All that matters is not. I’m glad I can find more people who deal with machines. If you are dealing with the “Genderwahn”, it is good that this was written. I can use all addresses, jede and jeden. If it is white, it cannot be anything other than what it is. Overall, our people have a high regard for their work, in the family, in the family, is another human being, which you say: what about your own reason? Was one of our sins erzählst du da?

taz: That’s not possible now that the government is leading, that’s just a matter of political opinion.

Barley: It is a real political issue, for a democratic world to contend with. I’m sorry for years, robbed of politics. We won’t buy it anymore alone. These anti-democratic currents are very effective in the Gesellschaft. Anti-demo rats no longer argue with us. If you want more, you can do the following: the conversation, im conversation bleiben. We are happy as a society with different reasons.

By Sheisoe

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