Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

If Tipps is a problem, this is a problem

If Tipps is a problem, this is a problem

Jetlag gets your husband and wife while you travel. Mancher would die on the night of October 27, 2024 from 3 a.m. to 2 a.m. It may be penetrating the inside of the device.

These tips fall under the Zeitumstellung:

For or against the clock? So an hour was served

If you do this, there may be even more brands. It may be that the fragmentation threatens to move towards the direction of the Zeitumstellung.

There are four Eselsbrücken here:

1. “Zeitumstellung funktioniert wie das Thermometer” – in Frühjahr Plus and in Herbst Minus.

2. I come into the Garden Möbel vor die Tür, im Herbst zurück in den Schuppen.

3. “Früher aufstehen im Frühjahr”, denn die Uhr wird vorgestellt, en de Schlafzeit verringert sich dadurch um eine Stunde.

4. „I am Wintergibt es Winterschlaf.“ A lot more Schlaf, denn die Huren were zurückgestellt.

Who sees the Zeitumstellung on the Körper page

“The inner hour is slow. If you have found a thing, you are interested,” said Wissenschaftlerin Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim on his YouTube channel mailLab in the video “Was the Zeitumstellung met deinem Körper Kracht”.

Kein Wunder too, that is four (25 percent) after the time spent or a large number of problems. There will be a representative from the Krankenkasse DAK in February 2023.

If you no longer have a good feeling, it is no longer the case that it will not work. These are the Schnell brands. See sin…

Was it true, when we had “ewige Summertime”?

Die Zeitumstellung is nervous. 76 Prozent der Befragten der DAK-Umfrage lehnen das Drehen an der Uhr ab.

“Ewige Summerzeit” sounds enchanting. Aber: If you were to die again, it will be a hell of a nightmare tomorrow. That is outside the Winterhart, in which it is eh schon eher dunkel ist.

For Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, the light of the “strongest spirit” is zum Aufwachen, who explains in his video “Warum wir zur falschen Zeit aufstehen”.

The light stimulated serotonin release stimulation. “So tomorrow we wait and spend,” said Schlafexpert Alfred Wiater, früherer Vorstandsreferent der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin.

Sieben Tipps, who works at the Umstellung

If you use any of the dishes in the fruit or herbs, you must use the new Rhythmus first. So they can be done differently:

1. Light at the right time: Tageslicht am Morgen mid-day, according to what chronobiologist Achim Kramer said. It is best to warm it up. We look at the Frühstück jogging or with the Fahrrad zur Arbeit fahren, rät der Spezialist of the Berliner Charité. There is a station where the bus or the Bahn goes to the city and to the ski resorts, here you can visit Zweck.

Spend tomorrow on light, can be a man with a Tageslicht lamp. There is a light light power that is a major coiner in most cases.

Wer gleichzeitig zu fell Licht am Abend vermeidet, findet außerdem better in the new Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus, so Kramer.

2. Schrittweise umstellen: Für die Summerzeit rät Kramer, sich in der Woche der Zeitumstellung jeden Tag etwas früher zu wecken. First let yourself be comfortable for 10 minutes, then 20 minutes, then 30 minutes – until the full recovery is achieved.

When we arrived in winter time, there was a schrittweise passage that was only possible after the Umstellung. If we go to work tomorrow, it might not even be a problem to weld. All things are not mandatory in winter these days. When winter time was opened, more inner time fell, Kramer notes.

3. Essenszeiten anpassen: Jedes unserer Organe hat an innere Uhr. “These peripheral hours were not nur vom Gehirn, without being affected by the Nahrung,” Kramer explains. When things go wrong, the essence of time has become a surprise.

4. Time for Bett Gehen: If the Mini-Jetlag has not yet set in, it is still a matter of time. Once you know what the man is, there is no longer any question of Schlafmediziner Wiater. It is an individual problem when the einschlafneigung am Abend is reversed. If you are a spätyp at 21 o’clock in time, it will first start once, when it will be in an hour.

5. Smartphone with a blue light filter: Clear it. Before you put a laptop, handy and tablet on your laptop, it is not smart. The light blocks the action of the Schlaf hormones Melatonin. If you can no longer read, you can set the smartphone to night mode with a blue light filter.

6. Nickerchen machen: Damit was very bad in the first weeks, said Alfred Wiater. It is best to wait 15 hours for a walk – 20 to a maximum of 30 minutes. It is no longer necessary to be one of the things that happens in Nickerchen. “We will have a great time in a healthy environment”, the explanation of the Schlaf expert.

Schlafforscher Jürgen Zulley, Professor of Biological Psychology at the University of Regensburg, does not give any advice: A manchmal reicht is schon, für eine Weile spannt aus dem Fenster zu schauen and the Gedanken nachzuhängen, een wieder fit zu zijn.

7. Trinken: Wer sich an die Tagen nach der Zeitumstellung müde and schlapp fuhlt, kann with the right Getränken wieder in Schwung kommen. It’s a matter of Kaffee, Tee and Wasser without it being any good.

Summer or winter time – do you want to buy a schneller?

The installation during the winter period was a bit disappointing. Schließlich können wir eine Stunde longer schlafen. “Wecker will not use any of the brauchen am Montag. I would like to share my knowledge with you,” said Achim Kramer. And that is a matter of leisure and wellbeing.

Laut Kramer brought the Wechsel to the Wintertime, also to the middle European Normal Time, despite the inenentscheidenden Vorteil: Auch im Winterhalbjahr ist es a fall Days tomorrows schon hell, wenn we aufstehen. A light impulse is an inseparable transmitter for us. While I bring myself the social times of the Arbeits- or Schulbeginn with our organic Uhr besser in Einklang, so Kramer.

Übrigens: Schulkinder und fell Arbeitnehmende kommen weg der Winterzeit auch sicherer zur Schule bzw. zur Arbeit.

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By Sheisoe

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