Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

In the meantime, between Pkw and Lkw you will be able to travel between the two kilometers and a distance of 13 kilometres.

In the meantime, between Pkw and Lkw you will be able to travel between the two kilometers and a distance of 13 kilometres.

A1-Unfall both Pkw and Lkw fordert both Opfer and Verkehrsbehinderungen. There are kilometers of long Schlangen, cars that drive on the Ausweichroutes after a short route.

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A Grab Unfall during a traffic accident on Donnerstag, on October 6, around 00 am on the Autobahn A24, which connects the Mailland with Neapel, both people and their lives.

Schwerer Unfall on the A1 between Pkw and Lkw: both Tote and Staus on 13 kilometers in length

At kilometer 457 a zwischen is a Pkw and a Lkw with a tragic sequel. The Road Traffic Behörden are so happy that we will be one, a Notfall, and the Ermittlungen will go to the Unfallursachen einzuleiten.Unfall.

Der Aufprall verursachte nach Angaben von Autostrade per l’Italia erhebliche Staus zwischen Fabro und Attigliano in Richtung Rom.. Der Verkehr wurde auf nur eine Fahrspur, de Überholspur, umgeleitet, was zu weiteren Verzögerungen führte.

Unfall A1: Suspended between Pkw and Lkw you will continue until 13 kilometers long Warteschlange

For the journey in Richtung Rom trip, you can follow an alternative route: Nehmen Sie de Ausfahrt Valdichiana and follow the Verbindung Siena-Bettolle in Richtung Perugia, then you go to the highway E1 on the highway A45 to zurück.

Drivers and Einsatzfahrzeuge von Autostrade per l’Italia intervened in the event of an accident, when the traffic police began, information about the dynamics of the traffic will be cleared. Weitere Updates were erwartet, one of the Ursachen des Unfalls will ermitteln, the two Todesopfer and a longer Verkehrsbehinderung verursachte. In the Zwischenzeit the problems for the autofahrer lasted so long, but normal sales were no longer the same.

By Sheisoe

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