Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Blue Road on the Autobahn in France: Bußgeld für Verbrenner

Blue Road on the Autobahn in France: Bußgeld für Verbrenner

Neues Rauten-Schild in Frankreich: Wer es missachtet, zahlt 135 Euro

France’s new Verkehrsschild said a white Raute on blue Grund and marked a Spur, which is now free for Buses, Elektroautos, Fahrgemeinschaften and Taxis. Verstöße costs 135 Euro. Die Maßnahme soll die Umwelt entlasten – but would you like this Spur?

It’s okay to search the short cupboards for a while. There are several autofahrers who are investigating active sales regulations in the Zielland in the future. Damit saves himself Stress and Punishments. Other countries often have different rules on the beach.

Since August 2023, France will have a new traffic rule and that’s it a new Verkehrszeichen eingeführt. Bei Missachtung drhen Autofahrern bis 135 Euro Strafe. The new Verkehrsschild is blue and says a white Raute. It is good that you pay attention to this.

New Traffic Shield gilded stories now available in time

In Lyon, Grenoble and Strasbourg the new Shield is ready in Einsatz. Now we are together in our country. There is a separate Fahrspur, which is for the best Verkehrsteilnehmer reservation. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel Fahrgemeinschaften, Busse und Elektroautos. Genau is the markierte Fahrspur bzw. Fahrspuren befahrbar für

  • Vehicle with a mind while driving (or Motorcycle with a Sozius)
  • Vehicle with a Zero Emission Sticker (z. B. Elektroautos)
  • Taxis (also ohne Insassen)
  • Bus or other public transport means

In general, it acts as a connection on the highways, a traffic flow carried by the highways and the overarching business activities. In one case, the Spur is now the best Tageszeiten reserve. There is a connection between the shield fences or a Zusatzschild with the Zeitfenster, in the context of the beach rules.

Spezielle Radarkameras wait over the Einhaltung der Regel

If you think any longer that the Spurs will die, you die exclusively from Fahrgemeinschaften enjoyed became expensive. The soul of the new regulations is the same, the environmental tax is less. If there is a problem, you will be reimbursed for the Fahrzeuge on the Straße by reducing vermehrte Fahrgemeinschaften.

Verstöße gegen these regulations could be imposed with fines of 135 euros. These are Fahrer, although the Spur nutzen, ohne in the Zugehörige Kategorie to Pass. The Erkennung der Regelverstöße is connected by the Police Controls or special Radargeräte. These radar rooms in the cities of Lyon and Grenoble may be a fact, one of the raids in a Fahrzeug recognizes their costs. If we are in a test phase, we can no longer receive a financial penalty. The test phase has been completed in Lyon, while Fahrer is now passing the Fahrgemeinschafts-Regeln through the Chamber with Geldbußen at Verstößen.

The new arrangement does not apply to any of the Kingdom of France, the Bürger zur Bildung von Fahrgemeinschaften zu move. When we bothered to get a Prämie.

By Sheisoe

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