Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Caren Lay on TikTok: Bauch, Beine, Politik

Caren Lay on TikTok: Bauch, Beine, Politik

At the time Max Holtz thought, the political problem may have been real, but it was only a matter of June. This war, if the new Chief, the Bundestagsabgeordnete Caren Lay, in general said: “I will rappen over the Mietendeckel”, that is a nervous reaction to Holtz.

Man can take the cake: Holtz, 31 years old, singer and guitarist of a rock band, goes to the Social Media Manager for a few weeks in time for the robbery policy Caren Lay, a more schlackish guy with her long hair, black shirt and black hose zu Zwarte Stiefeln , an Art Nick Cave in a Berliner Abgeordnetenbüro, fragte itself both, there was previous history, in which the Vorhölle of Uncoolness is its own vorgewat hatte: “Also, because it is very careful zu forms”, says Holtz, “Politiker, die versuchen, zu rappen en zu tanzen, om sich bei young Leuten anzubiedern, were an absolute horror story for me.” There’s a problem.

They have had the Kurve-kriegt, Caren Lay van der Linken, Diplom-Soziologin, Bundestagswahlkreis Bautzen I and Max Holtz, their new Social-Media-Coach. A microphone has been packed in the office, the cable has been installed, it has been placed under the text, and the recording has been made, Lay hat beim aufnehmen versucht, trotz aller overdrehtheit of the Augenblicks that Frau zu bleiben, who is with my 51 years ist . Kurzum: The TikTok video, which was used by Holtz’s smartphone in June of this year while being recorded on the platform, was clicked up to 126,150 times. Watch the Counter’s Clip with Rhabarberkuchen to find an internet hit Barbaras Rhubarb Bar nach. So it is a matter of Lays Versuch der Rückeroberung des digital Raums.

Das Video, mit dem Lay and Holtz has made a cover version of the songs Bauch, Beine, Po by Rapperin Shirin David – who has won more than 1.6 million times. It is a human, the layout in Bautzen or Hoyerswerda normally comes from 15 to 20 people.

Part of the three months is the political discussion of Linken, Caren Lay, with his film, in his political Botschaften report, so it was with a small development TikTok become. You can view the link with “Noch so ein Video en ich trete in die Linke ein” or “Mach die Linke be sexy again”. And when it comes to a party’s politics being challenged in the future, it is a matter that may arise first.

Die other Wahrheit besteht darin, dass for allem een ​​part on TikTok ist: die AfD.

An active study from the University of Potsdam said that the AfD on the platform was twice as Erstwählerinnen and Erstwähler erreicht with all other parties. Jeden Tag flirts with AfD views in a video about the images of young nutzers and nutzers. The parties’ TikTok channel has more than 730,000 followers – more Reichsweite than other parties’ channels.

The following countries were among the young Landtagswahlen zu erleben: In Thuringia and Saxony, the AfD was laut Nachwahlbefragungen among the 18- to 24-Jährigen an über 20 beziehungsweise 14 Prozent zu, in Brandenburg at 16- to 24-Jährigen um 14 Prozent . The recognition is a fact: 65 Prozent der TikTok-Nutzer in Deutschland since 18 and 24 years old. If you want information and information, you can do it after a while. Before we go any further, the AfD is a fact.

Unlike Facebook or Instagram, Nutzerinnen and Nutzers on TikTok are not possible. Follower, a Reichweite zu erzielen. The algorithm that came across everything, interaction was possible: we liked a video, a comment or secondary that turned out to be hanging, signaled interest – continued, the film was placed with others in the feedland. You can see more people commenting as we read the video even more.

The AfD knows its stuff. If you had everything in order, Aufmerksamkeit brings: einfache Botschaften; Texte, which move emotions; Music, Drama is great. The AfD-Europe representative Maximilian Krah, who has taken over the Synthesizer-Beats: “Deutschland geht ploke” or “Heimische Rust statt Geld fürs Ausland”. AfD chief Tino Chrupalla, for “Nur noch Brot, Bett und Seife für Asylbewerber”. Young Mädchen, die in irgendeinem dämmrigen Zimmer zum laut gedrehten Technoschlager “Deutschland braucht die AfD” tanzen. The AfD has developed a platform.

It is not true, it is not possible to participate in TikTok. If you are on a medium, it is a high click, it is a long period of the AfD überlassen. While ByteDance uses the Chinese Betreiber on the TikTok platform, Zugriff can be used on the wool, potentially changing the world and the Chinese Regierung. In other words, if one of the parts is released, the other brand mechanisms are followed as a political issue. So come on, let’s die AfD among the parties on TikTok for lying. It’s time for Sendung.

By Sheisoe

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