Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

MMO Star Citizen hat 729 million. $ eingenommen, Demo perform live on the stage ab, Publikum applauds

MMO Star Citizen hat 729 million. $ eingenommen, Demo perform live on the stage ab, Publikum applauds

The offered action is performed in MMO Star Citizen full zu. Mitten bei der Präsentation auf der CitizenCon 2024 in Manchester stürzte das sundhaft teure Spiel on 19. Oktober 2024 ab. The public cheers that the Internet is a party.

Was this a Star Citizen? In Manchester the annual CitizenCon statt was found on October 19 and 20, 2024. I was at the Messe war an interesting Insider Message.

A 9-part video has appeared on YouTube, the broadcast is 1. Tages said (via YouTube).

Make sure you click on the Clip, at nur 38 Sekunden dauert.

Empfohlener redaktioneller Inhalt

A couple finds an external page on YouTube of the article.

If a situation has arisen, the external inhalation can be performed. Personenbezogene Daten can be a Drittplattformen übermittelt. More information about data protection.

Applauds as the Weltraumschlacht ends

Was it in the Clip zu sehen? If you see the clip, it will be an impressive spectacle. The game can get a little more exciting.

In the Publikum a man is praised with “Ooh” when the sound comes from another hole.

If the big screen is a small Windows box, the audience will be applauding.

“Fehlen nur noch a few Millionen $”

It’s a comment: The comments on the reddit page are very interesting, but also look at the milder budgets of the games. Durch Crowdfunding hat Star Citizen action $ 729,680,204 taken. The final week of the Star Citizen demonstration is one of the biggest themes on all of gaming Reddit:

  • “I am my own person, I spend a few millions of dollars and everything is perfect”
  • “Yes, maybe not 4 or 5 more Hollywood Stars”
  • “If I played the 2012 game with 30$ – when I’m in heaven, do I want to play a real game?”
  • „Es dauert noch 2 Year bis zum Release, een Absturz in der Demo is een nicht wieder Sache. The real problem is that in 2 years it will only be 2 years until the game comes.”
  • “Miss, look at it this way, if it only costs $50,000, damn it, the problem is glattbügeln können. Sonst ist da nichts zu machen.”
  • “The real problem is that the CIG car is used for the demonstration on 19 days in the demo. A demo, the man who doesn’t want it anymore, and who is now, a hype for the next sale in the hall.”

One of the most important news items about Star Citizen from the CitizenCon 2024 has appeared on MeinMMO in that article: Single-player game with Star Citizen with all features, the gameplay is far from finished

By Sheisoe

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