Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Blaulicht report: Wer power sowas? Possibility to use a solar panel

Blaulicht report: Wer power sowas? Possibility to use a solar panel

You can purchase a solar panel at Hohentengen-Lienheim. Betrüger was in Weil am Rhein unterwegs, sie erleichterten aine 73-Jährige. In Muttenz (Basel-Landschaft) a Frau van een Tram-erfasst en schwer verletzt zijn.

Hohentengen: Sie causes damage of 150 Euro an

Unbekannte haben am Sonntagabend, 6. October, at 21 O’clock, of a small Weinanbaugebiet westlich of Lienheim a Solar panel climbed, which the Police am Donnerstag, 17. October, Mitteilt. You are a Hinweise.

The solar module was developed by Angaben in the Ortsrand von Lienheim. Let’s see if we can remember it again. Den Schaden gives the Polizei an amount of 150 euros per year.

The Police at the Posts in Tiengen (07741 8316-0) please report those who have been informed of this. Hinweise nimmt auch die Polizei auf dem Revier in Waldshut (07751 8316-0) – rund um die Uhr – entgegen.

Weil am Rhein: Vorsicht! They are themselves employees of the water works

Schmuck und Geld haben zwei Männer am Mittwoch, 16. Oktober, 10.15 Uhr, aus einer Wohnung einer 73-Jährigen im Unterbaselweg in Weil am Rhein mitlaufen lassen. Gaben sich als Mitarbeiter des Wasserwerks aus. The Polizei warned about Solchen Betrügern.

The police will find the wife of both men in their home. If you are in a conversation, you can let the other in the entire Ruhe die Räume go through such konnte. After the men had left, the 73 years noticed that Schmuck and Geld were falling apart.

The police follow the description of the man: both 25 years old, strong. If you mess up the hair, it’s worth it to work by hand. There is a good deal for Deutsche sprochen haben. The other hatte rotbraun-gefärbtes, zu einem Knoten gebudenes Haar. Der Nacken are different things.

The Polizei Weil am Rhein (07621 97970) offers more options or sows from the Dristen Masche.

You can follow the following tips: Have your free time carry out a personal and financial financial report, when Suspected the Polizei (110) is speaking, by speaking with Vertrauten or Verwandten. In general, you can inform the family about topics, warnings and other family information.

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High Rhine

A Mercedes-Fahrer stopped the police on Trab – the publication ended with the party

Ein Einsatzfahrzeug der Polizei (Symbol image). Polizisten have been a wild game of Katz and Maus with a Mercedes fahrer in Steinen ...

Muttenz/CH: Tram runs a Fußgängerin

A fußgängerin (82) is on the Donnerstag, October 17, at 11 a.m., in Muttenz in the Canton of Basel-Landschaft of a Tram heritage and will be lost, the Kantonspolizei writes.

After taking note of the age of 82 and the Haltestelle Käppeli, the Gleise is überqueren. You can follow the Tram der Lijn 14 towards Basel, which is lonely. Trotz full brakes is the driver who has not leaned down, the tram right to stop. The woman would have shaken away frontal inheritance and more meters, he is in the Mitteilung further.

The Rettungsdienst brought the lost Frau to Spital.

Rheinfelden: Essen quailmt – the House is evacuated

Starker Rauchdruk am Mittwoch, 16. Oktober, aus een Wohnung in der Lower Dorfstraße in Rheinfelden. The Feuerwehr was alerted at 4:50 PM, who was the Polizei Mitteilt. The house was evacuated. The efficiency can be improved quickly.

If we remain in the Civil War, the Feuerwehrleute must undergo the Tür gewaltsam öffnen. Present the Ursache for the Rauch festival: Offensichtlicht hatten the residents lost, the herd auszuschalten, auf dem Essen stand.

No one gets lost, it is not damage.

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Polizei and veterinarians remove a halter from their dog – one of the most common problems

Police (Symbolbild) and Veterinairamt have taken away a Halter in Landkreis Waldshut über zehn Hunde, which are in einem ...

By Sheisoe

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