Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

I cheated on my wife with her stepmom after we drank a bottle of tequila – things went into a spiral when her bikini top fell off

I cheated on my wife with her stepmom after we drank a bottle of tequila – things went into a spiral when her bikini top fell off

HAVING an affair can literally tear a marriage apart, but cheating on a family member is even more explosive.

That’s exactly what 23-year-old Dan* discovered when he hooked up with his wife’s stepmother after drinking a bottle of tequila – while his wife and daughter were playing downstairs.

Dan's date with his stepmother took place while his wife was home


Dan’s date with his stepmother took place while his wife was homeCredit: Getty
He got into a steamy clinch upstairs after drinking tequila


He got into a steamy clinch upstairs after drinking tequilaCredit: Getty

Dan*, who revealed they had been married for five years and had a young daughter together, called a visibly shaken doctor John Delony on his YouTube chat show.

He asked, “How can me and my wife rebuild our marriage after I had a one night stand, or a date, I guess, with her stepmother?”

‘Her top fell off’

Dan* explained exactly what happened and continued: “It’s a wild situation.

“We were all drinking together, we each got a bottle of tequila – the three of us, and then it was just me and her stepmother in her apartment.

“My wife went down with the kids and they were swimming.

“(Her stepmother) was sleeping on the couch and I wanted to wake her up for a work meeting…

Bizarrely, he added: “When she woke up her top fell off – she was wearing a bikini – and she put it back on and then I started chasing.

“I sat her down and told (my wife)… It messed up my moral compass so much because I always told myself that I wasn’t (that kind of) person, that I couldn’t do that .

I cheated on my brother-in-law and had his baby. He looks enough like me so I’m not sure anyone has guessed yet.

“I have looked down on others who have done it.”

“It’s the lowest you can do.”

In response, Dr. John says, “I can’t think of anything more dishonorable you could do to someone, man.

“It’s the lowest thing you can do to someone.”

Dan agrees, saying, “It was the biggest and dumbest decision I ever made.”

“It’s been very, very difficult. I’ve done my best to forgive myself.

‘Me and my wife live together now. We have been polite.

Dan confessed to cheating on his wife with her stepmother, causing their marriage to end


Dan confessed to cheating on his wife with her stepmother, causing their marriage to endCredit: Getty

‘Our marriage was of course in no way perfect beforehand, otherwise this wouldn’t have even come close to happening.

A marriage on the rocks

When asked whether or not he thought his wife wanted to stay married, Dan replied: “She’s in limbo right now.

“We’ve been attached at the hip since we were 17.

‘We really lost ourselves in our relationship.

“We got together really quickly, then moved out of state and had a baby, all at age 18, and our whole lives were just each other and a baby.

“It shouldn’t have happened, I’m not trying to make any excuses.

‘I want my family above all else and I understand that I have blown that up.

“I just can’t imagine not coming home to my daughter every night and not coming home to my wife every night.

“I can’t see life without them, I really can’t.”

Four warning signs that your partner is cheating

Private investigator Aaron Bond from BondRees revealed four warning signs that your partner may be cheating.

They start taking their phones everywhere

In close relationships, it is normal to know each other’s passwords and use each other’s phones. If their phone habits change, they may be hiding something.

Aaron says, “If your partner starts changing his password, taking his phone everywhere, even around the house, or if he gets defensive when you ask to use his phone, this could be a sign that he’s not being faithful.” .”

“You should also look at how they put their phone down when not in use. If they look at the phone with the screen facing down, they may be hiding something.”

They start telling you less about their day

If partners cheat, they may start avoiding you. This could be because they feel guilty or because it is easier for them to lie to you.

“If you feel like your partner suddenly starts avoiding you and stops wanting to do things with you or stops talking about their day, this is another warning sign.”

“Partners often avoid their spouses or tell them less about their day because cheating can be difficult, remembering all your lies is impossible, and it’s an easy way to get caught,” says Aaron.

Their libido changes

Your partner’s libido can change for a variety of reasons, so it may not be a sure sign of cheating, but Aaron says it can be a warning sign.

Aaron says: “Cheaters often have less sex at home because they are cheating, but occasionally they may also have more sex at home. This is because they feel guilty and use this increase in sex to hide their cheating. You may also find that your partner will introduce new things into your sex life that were not there before.”

They become negative towards you

Cheaters know that cheating is wrong and for them it will feel good. This can cause tension and anxiety within themselves that they will have to justify.

“To release the tension they feel inside, they will try to convince themselves that you are the problem and out of nowhere become critical of you. Maybe you didn’t walk the dog that day, do the dishes, or do a book read. Book to your children before bed. A small problem like this can now feel like a big problem and if you experience this, your partner may be cheating,” Aaron warns.

‘I blew our lives to smithereens’

Dan explains that he temporarily moved out for two weeks before moving back home and initially stayed on the couch. He says that two months later he was back in the war bed.

He added: “There are good days and bad days.

“We’ve been able to go to the movies and go to an escape room and go out to dinner and… we can still laugh together and we’ve been able to be intimate and (I’ve) cuddled and I’ve kissed her, and on other days It doesn’t work that way, which I completely understand.”

Taking into account the misery of his caller, Dr. John then: “I want to challenge you to sit down with your wife and say, ‘I blew our lives to smithereens, and my ultimate dream is that you will rebuild something new with me.’

“But I also know you need time to catch your breath, so for 30 days I’ll (move) and take care of all the bills and you won’t have to worry about anything.”

“You can’t undo what happened. All you can do next is be a person of honor and high integrity moving forward.

“You have to understand it from her perspective: she also lost her (step)mother. She lost everything.”

*Name has been changed.

Dan discovered how dramatically cheating on a partner can affect a once strong relationship


Dan discovered how dramatically cheating on a partner can affect a once strong relationshipCredit: Getty

By Sheisoe

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