Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

In some cases it is tough

In some cases it is tough

Es gibt felle Verkehrsschilder, whom you know. Others are not so clear and obvious that they should do this. We are ready to add the OD shield.

Dieses Schild no longer looks good

Germany is a Schilderwald. If Schild does not end up in the Fahrschulen or commits a violation, then it is clear. There is a kind of gründe that definitively enables the Shield with the “OD” and probably makes autofahrern that is complete.

This is possible with OD-Schild white or yellow see. It is often in there Go to the Ortseingangschilds so found. Manchmal versteckt sich de Bezeichnung “OD” auf auf auf großen Stein am Straßenrand.

I am a video with tips, no matter how long the car has been in shape.

Traffic Safety: Tips for the Urlaub

OD-Schild: Was that the Bedeutung?

When we knew that, it was an OD Shield in the Straßenrand that was on guard, but it was a matter of an explanation for that few Verkehrsschild. The Abkürzung “OD” stands for Ortsdurchfahrt. Laut a definition of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport acts in itself as an Ortsdurchfahrt one in Teil een Bundesstraße, de inner geschlossener Ortschaften verläuft en auch der Erschließung anliegender Grundstücke serves.

A highway that follows the OD-Schild has not been found. In the federal states of Schild another Buchstaben ergänzt. Provided “V” and “E” would die Verknüpfungs- or die Erschließungsbereiche gekenzeichnet. Verknüpfungsbereiche finden sich außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften, Erschließungsbereiche innerorts.

Was OD-Schilder für Autofahrer?

OD Painter heard from the Group of the Stationszeichen. The wiring for the autofahrer is more relevant, the painter is straight out of Importance. If the Straße is marked with an OD Shield, he will probably die Straßenbaulast beim Bund and the municipality concerned must not exceed the costs for sanitary facilities and repairs.

The costs for painting or stone processing are included in the scheme officials of the Bundes.

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By Sheisoe

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