Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

Insgesamt 26 Anträge für Cannabis-Social-Clubs in Bayern – aber noch keine Genehmigung

Insgesamt 26 Anträge für Cannabis-Social-Clubs in Bayern – aber noch keine Genehmigung

Start July with a special breeding under strengthening cannabis rules for your moderate use – the most recent use. In Bayern it is bislang kein solcher „Cannabis Social Club“ erlaubt. Of the sisters Behörde lie derzeit 26 Anträge vor.

If you want more people in Bayern, cannabis use starts – but you can still make money on the first try without starting once. Inzwischen van de Landesamt voor Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (LGL) 26 Anträge vor, sagte een Sprecher der Behörde der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Genehmigt sei bislang keiner.

Ownership of the fact that “Cannabis Social Clubs” can engage in legal legislation will begin in July. The Bavarian State Government of CSU and Freien Wählern hatte aber schon voorher angekündigt, Anträge oversonders genau and intensive prüfen of woolen and the Regulations maximal retriktiv auszulegen.

In other states such as Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the first generic days were clean.

First Schools for the Preventionsbeauftragte laufen

For a number of years, the construction associations have used other special debts to PRäventionsbeauftragten. Schulungen, the online workshops and a practice seminar are the best that LGL used for the first time in September. Inzwischen has paid the debt 27 times to the first debt resolution. The following terminology is found in late October and early November.

Read more about: Vorerst kein Cannabis-Social-Club in Laufen: Vincent Fischinger (24) lays Gründung auf Eis

Before the construction regulations become light, it is true that the ministers of the Ministry of Finance do not have an unancient Vor-Ort-Begehungen. Bisher hat laut LGL aber noch keine dieser Kontrollen stattgefunden. After generating solen in the nichtkommerziellen Clubs with its 500 Mitgliedern Cannabis, the amount is generated and no more equity is used.

The Genehmigungsverfahren in Bavaria is “on Prävention ausgerichtet”, the Minister of Health Judith Gerlach (CSU) in Vorfeld concreted. If any of the events occurred, it was a matter of time to exercise control because it was higher.

− dpa

By Sheisoe

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