Liturgical Ministries

Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers to the Sick

Eucharistic Ministers distribute Holy Communion during the Mass. Ministers of the Eucharist must be fully initiated Catholics, must be of excellent moral character. If married, they must have fulfilled the marriage requirements of the Catholic Church They should be prayerful and should exhibit signs of special devotion to the Eucharist. These Ministers undergo special training on a diocesan and parish level. This ministry is mandated by the Bishop for a 3-year term. Ministers are scheduled to distribute communion once or twice per month on average. Eucharistic Ministers also  bring Holy Communion to shut-in members of the parish after the Lord’s Day Masses on a weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis.

Ministry of the Word

The Minister of the Word or Lector must have a love for the scriptures, must be willing to study the scriptures to be proclaimed, must be of good moral character and reputation. Additionally, if married, were have observed the marriage requirements of the Catholic Church. Lectors must speak clearly and must be confident in front of people. Training on an individual basis is provided, as well as through mandatory diocesan workshops. These ministers are mandated by the Bishop for a 3-year commitment. Ministers are scheduled to read at Mass once every  few weeks, depending on the number of  volunteers,  and may also assist at special functions during Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Volunteers assist with teaching children, from kindergarten to grade 2, about the message in the Sunday readings at a level the children can understand. This program takes place during the 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Sunday Masses every week.. Volunteers serve usually one or two Sundays per month.

Musicians, Choir and Cantors

The various choirs and cantors in the parish are a dedicated group of singers who enhance our Sunday Masses as well as other liturgies throughout the year. All choirs are in need of people who are skilled in instrumental music and enjoy offering their talents in a group setting. Choir practices are held on different weekday evenings, depending on the choir. Cantors lead the congregation in singing. Choir members and Cantors require a good singing voice and a willingness to participate on a regular basis.

Altar Servers

Boys and girls in grade three and higher are eligible to be altar servers. They assist the priest at Mass and have an indispensable role in helping the liturgy be celebrated with dignity and reverence. Training sessions  are held on several occasions throughout the year. Servers are scheduled to serve Masses twice per month and are often asked to serve at special liturgies, weddings and funerals.

Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers)

Ushers greet parishioners and guests to the parish, arrange gift bearers, tidy the Church after Masses and strive to assist people with special needs. They ensure that all people feel welcome and comfortable at Our Lady of the Assumption. Ushers are scheduled to serve at a particular Mass on two Sundays per month. This Ministry is open to men and women and young people of the parish.