Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

Lehrter Teller in Restaurant Marg-i von Inge Schild

Lehrter Teller in Restaurant Marg-i von Inge Schild

Lehrte. Since September in the Lehrter Restaurant “Marg-i” in the Parkschlösschen it has been opened: an ambitious culinary experiment with the name “Lehrter Teller”. It is the place where regional bio-organisms develop – and the inner world has become the real runner. The Prinzip, aimed at the product rearrangement, which in Lehrte erzeugt wurden, überzeugt offenbar so sehr, that Restaurantbetreiberin Inge Schild das Angebot mindestens bis Ende 2024 weiterführen will, and black with monatlich wechselnden Gerichten.

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Read more after that Anzeige

“That Sache is rundum gelungen,” said Schild erefreut. Niece of the “Lehrter Teller” with the recovered Camembert lauf “bombig”. If you don’t want to spend time in the restaurant in the city park, you can try more targeted regional bio-health solutions. “I have lived in Hannover here, that my food has been great since”, says the gastronomer. The knowledge treasure is more incomprehensible, the man knows that the Zutates come before the Judge. The fact that the “Lehrter Teller” once made a Mark for the “Marg-i” is Schild.

The bag is a rundum-gelungen.

Inge Schild,

Owner of the Restaurants “Marg-i”

The action continues with the regional “Region Challenge” on September 30, along with a larger regional program that offers life in the Fokus rückte. Under the motto “Iss, was um die Ecke wächst” it was about a regional and healthy Ernährung zu schärfen. The “Lehrter Teller” is an idea of ​​Ina Rust, the other Lehrter Dorf that the Nachhaltigkeits- and Klimapositivitätsprojekt Hof Zwoelf involves. Sie holte as a partner for the Lebensmittel of the Solidarische Landwirtschaft of the Öko-Gutshofs Adolphshof near Hämelerwald with ins Boot. While products and products were brought to market in these genossenschaftlichen projects, everything was at the “Lehrter Teller”.

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“Iss, was um die Ecke waiting”: Anne Kautz von der Solidarische Landwirtschaft des Adolphshofs (on the left), Gastronomin Inge Schild, Sabine Adam, Leiterin der Landwirtschaft beim Adolphshof, and the Betreiberin des Hof Zwoelf in Lehrte, Ina Rust.

“Iss, was um die Ecke waiting”: Anne Kautz von der Solidarische Landwirtschaft des Adolphshofs (on the left), Gastronomin Inge Schild, Sabine Adam, Leiterin der Landwirtschaft beim Adolphshof, and the Betreiberin des Hof Zwoelf in Lehrte, Ina Rust.

Schild, if you are on organic production in your restaurant, you can expect the “Lehrter Teller” of your credit. It is possible with Fleisch, vegetarian and vegan. The parts you can use from your Monat are used and may take longer.

Von Krustenbraten bis Herbstgemüse

In November, Schild serves the Fleischhaltigen variant of the “Lehrter Tellers” on Krustenbraten with Sahnespitzkohl, Kartoffeln, buntem Wurzelgemüse and black sauce (28.50 Euro). Vegetarian gebackener Camembert with Semmeltalern, caramelized Pflaumen and a “Herbstgemüse-Durcheinander” (28.50 Euro) on the Speisekarte and with the vegan Variante the “Tolle Rolle”, a filled Wirsingrolle with Vanillelauch and Kichererbsen as well as Crossbrot.

Also add the Veggie Nitzel (ohne “Sch”) to the “Lehrter Teller”. Cooking is done with spice mixtures in Hokkaidorkürbis and Rosmarinkartoffeln. A delicious beef stew in Angebote style with an inspiring night of regional products and: Kürbis dessert with yoghurt and honey.

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Read more after that Anzeige

Example for other restaurants?

Ideengeberin Ina Rust made the culinary experiment with the “Marg-i” possible for other good restaurants in the region during her Hoffnung holiday in September. There are a number of organizations in Hannover and a number of producers from Biolebensmitteln, who are responsible for regionally targeted recovery.

The Restaurant “Marg-i” in Parkschlösschen is open with jewels from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. You can receive a notification by telephone (05132) 51712.


By Sheisoe

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