Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Quantum Girl: Knowledge for young Entdeckerinnen

Quantum Girl: Knowledge for young Entdeckerinnen

Science is a herum and can reform emotional ones. From October 11th exclusively on RaiPlay erzählt Virginia Benzi – Bekannt in the social media as Quantum Girl – on a few women and with a poppigen expression, who is a real Superheroine, the secrets and secrets of physics and science, with the Soul, young people of STEM-Fächern näherzubringen and geschlechterstereotypes Abzubauen, indem sie erklärt, warum Frauen auch heute noch in bestimmten winstschaftlichen Bereichen in der Minderheit sind.

Zehn Stations in Ganz Italien, a Physik and other science facilities can be explained, from the Orten, which we tag besuchen: vom Strand bis zum Fitnessstudio, über de Küche, das Segelboot, the Vergnügungspark, the U-Bahn, Fahrradtouren and where not , such as the Superhero Comics.

Quantum Girl is a nerdy friend, the publikum on the Entdeckung der Gesetze führt, life and the natural nature, and erklärt, wie de dinge funktionieren, by de wind, der die segel inflated, über Sandburgen bis in de Hebeln der Weighte in Fitnessstudio . In each episode our heroine meets other young people with their stars of the scientific knowledge, daunter Chiara Montanarithe first Italian woman to lead an expedition in the Antarctic Leitete; Donato Giovannellia professor who has done research in astrobiology; Silvia Bodoardothe largest European expert on batteries; Boris Behncke, a volcanological Rocker, who does that, is at the height of his life.

Schließlich, de Virginia Benzi Botschafterin der Generation Stem ist – der erst Communicatie, de Frauen in de wisschaftlichen Disziplinen widmet – endet jede Episode met een tribute to een Frau, de Wissenschaft groß gemacht hat.

“I’m very happy, I have the opportunity to haben, Gen-Q to moderate,” says Virginia Benzi, the moderator of Sendung. “I’m happy, that’s my understanding, as well as ideas for the new generation of inspiring signals. We know, it’s a small scientific achievement, a large part of the wider population of our future, and the problem of gender gaps in the mathematics faculty and arbitration is an insulting problem. It can take a long time for these distribution centers to be developed and developed by men, and a new story, a new art of communication can help, the beauty of science can take the next step, creating that interesting interest. I have the feeling that I am together with the team that has put together a team, a Weiterentwicklung dessen ist, was alle in mache’, schließt Benzi, ‘wir haben us mit ihnen ausgetauscht, um the Botschaft, which we are willing to do, bestmöglich zu About us: Physics is an interesting discovery and man is not really active, but reality is one of his descriptions, but the fact is that he is a world that continues to expand our sins.»

By Sheisoe

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