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So think of Dieter Bohlens Bodyshaming at DSDS

So think of Dieter Bohlens Bodyshaming at DSDS

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Beatrice Egli Blickt with Mischten Gefühlen on her “Deutschland Sucht den Superstar” -Teilnahme Zurück: Das Bodyshaming von Dieter Bohlen Setzte der Sängerin Schwer zu.

Cologne – In the year 2013, Beatrice Egli (36) became the staff of “Deutschland like the Superstar”. It is a fact that the sun is a million public and has a regularity of great magnitude. Although it is not so bad to know: that Schweizer is about to appear, voluntarily with the promising RTL casting show-and those weigh chief jury member Dieter Bohlen (70).

Dieter Bohlen wanted von Beatrice Egli, that happened

With her stimme and sympathetic art, Beatrice Egli was able to do the Herzen of “Deutschland Sucht den Superstar” in Sturm Erobern: The young singer was unggestive 70.25 Prozent der ZuSchauerstimmen and went like a clear Siegerin der Staffel -Hervor. It was where the jury judged Dieter Bohlen that he had no hat at all.

Dieter Bohlen war against the Meinung, Beatrice Egli was one of the leaders of the family, an inheritance zu werken – the most appreciated behavior of the Schlagers for a year in the Web talk show by Nico Gutjahr. “Der Dieter meinte, ‘Du mustst abnehmen, du mustst ins Solarium gehen'”, remembered herself that Schweizerin.

Beatrice Egli war kurz davor, her DSDS-Teilnahme abzubrechen

But don’t worry: Dieter Bohlen wants to sing more Schlager if he is shortened. “That was completely clear to me: No, I didn’t hear it! I’ll be happy with my life! I’m here!”, says Beatrice Egli nun in an interview with the Boulevardzeitschrift Revue Heute. The singers have fun and play with the gratitude, the show they share – the body shaming power they buy is underestimated. If you want to know more and can say you’re thinking about it all, then it’s so good that it is.

Beatrice Egli has never been positive about her
Beatrice Egli has never been positive about her “Deutschland sucht the Superstar” Teilnahme: Das Bodyshaming by Dieter Bohlen cast the singer in the black. © IMAGO / Eventpress & Daniel Scharinger

Offenbar was able to weld the unfruitful interrogation heit with Dieter Bohlen Hinter Sich: Seit September Sitzt Beatrice Egli Nun itself in the jury of “Deutschland Sucht the Superstar”. Both of which are not mutually exclusive or discussed.

Auch Pietro Lombardi (32) is on the DSDS jury that year. But Actuell Power der Sänger Nicht weigh Seiner Teilnahme An der Show Schlagzilen: Nach Einem Polizeieinsatz in Seinen own four Wänden Soll Lombardi von Seiner Lobsters Angeigt are Sein. Spoiled Quellen: Revue Heute (Ausgabe No. 9) Web talk show (Ausgabe vom 19. August 2020)

By Sheisoe

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