Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

SPIEGEL Bestseller List: Diese Neueinsteiger darfst du nicht verpassen

SPIEGEL Bestseller List: Diese Neueinsteiger darfst du nicht verpassen


Were they not, in a good book and in their own world, exciting stories that can be shared with moments? Jahr für Jahr erscheinen unzählige nieuw Bücher – Romane, Sachbücher, Thriller und Liebesgeschichten – en is een kostenlos unmöglich, de overblick zu behalten.

If we want to know, Bücher in Deutschland will do my most things and try to take a look at the SPIEGEL bestseller list. If you read the title, you can read on the Belletristik listening list for hardcover, paperback and bookcase, wieder an exciting new scaffolding. This Romane is an official SPIEGEL Bestseller:

“Monas Augen – A journey through the beautiful works of art in our time” by Thomas Schlesser

„Monas Augen – A journey through the beautiful works of art during the present time“ This week on the Platz 11 of the Belletristik Hardcover is one – it was not surprising, but the Roman war was completed in France and there was a great success. The book never fails to inspire readers with a fascinating history of a journey through the Kunstwelt.

Order “Monas Augen – Eine Reise zu den Schönsten Kunstwerken in Zeit” here from Thalia*

A story is everything else: If the Mona for a Stunde in the Augenlicht loses, refer to the care of Eltern and a child psychiatrist. Monas Großvater Henry said that the terms had begun, but he had another idea: he would have the whole beautiful world of the world in his life. Heimlich both dies in the larger Parisian museums and makes the Woche a single work of art for Woche. With jedem Leonardo, jedem Monet and Kandinsky, Mona creates a new Weisheit – and asks for Grund in Leiden for…

Clap text / Piper

Monas Augen Buch von Piper.
Here you can order “Monas Augen” from Thalia* Credit: Piper/gofeminin

“Reichskanzlerplatz” by Nora Bossong

On the “Reichskanzlerplatz” Nora Bossong said that she had heard the most important historical writers. With my scharfen Blick auf gesellschaftliche Strukturen Lädt Bossong dazu ein, Macht, Politik und social Ungleichheiten critical zu hinterfragen. A Novel, thinking deeply, has begun.

Order “Reichskanzlerplatz” here at Thalia*

If Hans knows the young and beautiful Stepmutter with debt friends Hellmut Quandt, it is still not the case that Rolle Magda played in his life, for his personal, but a few years later as a fanatical National Socialist and Vorzeigemutter of the “Written Reichs”. Nor ist the Weimarer Republik im Aufbruch and Hans is so fierce who loses hoffnungslos in Hellmut. However, after a happy ending, Hans and Magda begin an affair, and after that they are proud and happy: They will also reveal themselves, there will be homosexuality hidden. Before Magda knew Joseph Goebbels and the NSDAP issue, Hans and ihr zum Bruch met. Während Magda with my children bald in the Wochenschau, Hans goes zunehmend in Gefahr. A Roman, who spent a very busy year with people and a country, was no longer at war.

Clap text / Suhrkamp Verlag

“Lindt & Sprüngli (Lindt & Sprüngli Saga 1)” by Lisa Graf

The History of Lindt & Sprüngli is no longer a world-class chocolate market, among a family that goes back generations for my Träume kämpfte. Lisa Graf brought one of the exciting stories from the Schokoladen dynasty in this first saga and features the Herausforderungen, Rückschlägen and Erfolgen, which hint at the future stories that we will love.

Order “Lindt & Sprüngli (Lindt & Sprüngli Saga 1)” here from Thalia*

Zurich 1826: Voller Verzweiflung brings the little Rudolf Sprüngli blessing Mutter a Tafel Schokolade and Krankenbett. See letztes Taschengeld and all seine Hoffnung lies in this little Mysterium, that is Schokolade. If a miracle is a miracle, it’s just a matter of mumbling what it’s like. Ab diesem Tag is clear to Rudolf, the Schokolade may recover. Jahre später has become a child of a man, but the trauma has passed. A »Confiserie Sprüngli« is bare in Zurich, in the finest Backwerk, noble Pralines and delicious Chocolates were served. Chocolate, which in the Mund zerght who Lässt Butter and the Herzen höher schlagen. Tell your own Herz that Rudolf has lost a young woman. But in some cases they share another inheritance with Katharina. Reicht Rudolf’s unerbittlicher Eifer und unermüdlicher Fleiß, um seine Träume wahr zu lassen? And wasn’t it true that it hedges Traum?

Clap text / Penguin

“A Whisper of Wings” by Carina Schnell

Magical, mysterious and mysterious – “A Whisper of Wings” by Carina Schnell deals with a band zwei in the Rabenwinter Saga (Band 1 here at Thalia buy*), which is a world inspired by Northern mythology. A must-read for everything, that is one of the New-Adult Fantasy-Romance with orderly Herzklopfen wünschen.

Order “A Whisper of Wings” here from Thalia*

As the new Commander of the Wild Hunters, the fortified Söldnertruppe von Middangard, that the Hexe Smilla a Ziel versschrieben, das ihr Leben nun een bestimmt: Sie will befrreien the Land of the mordlüsternen Valkyries. When this happened, I was the most loved. There is a chance that they will walk outside the camp of superior numbers, there is no chance that they will make a plan: they will get better with their gefängnis in Addangard, a flugelten best with their Hilfe they are besieging. But in Odin’s Halls more wart as an overraschung on the Gefährten…

Clap text / Knaur Taschenbuch

Buch von Knauer, A whisper of wings.
Order “A Whisper of Wings” here from Thalia* Credit: Knaur Taschenbuch/gofeminin

“Zwischen uns das Flüstern der Wellen” by Janine Ukena

Wer Sehnsucht nach dem meer en nach emotional Geschichten hat, wird “Zwischen uns das Flüstern der Wellen” lieben – Band zwei der Sylt-Suspense-Trilogie von Janine Ukena. This man is the best of the windsurfer Erik and his ex-boyfriend Hanna in Fokus, who is still a good friend, but one of his secret things.

Order “Zwischen uns das Flüstern der Wellen” here from Thalia*

Erik Sylt is stubborn and wants more information about his weld. But if the family is in the braucht, it is schweren Herzens zurück. If the beach bars are from the bankrott, you can use the best Windsurf-Profi-dazu, the Surf-Cup branches and the high money you earn. Now Erik has set a Surf-Unfall-keinen Fuß more ins Meer. One of the things that happens itself is a small business, which now costs less: it takes a moment when the career is taken, and its greater rivalry is a lifetime. Now I am happy with Hanna as Windsurfing-Lehrerin helfen, seine Angst vor den Wellen zu überwinden. Hanna – her ex-boyfriend, who got the Unfall with a different hat and change, was very sad. Both will come later, and later and later they will be with Erik’s Memorial Lücken. If Erik was present, he was shocked during the Grundfesten…

Clap text / Knaur Taschenbuch

“Alte Taten, neuer Zorn” by Eva Völler

A historical Crimea, that’s in his hat. In „Alte Taten, neuer Zorn“, Teil zwei der Reihe um Kriminalinspektor Carl Bruns van Bestseller-Autorin Eva Völler, we learn more in the Essence of the Nachkriegszeit ein. This often happens when you run a page on a page with nerve kitzel and historical settings.

Order “Alte Taten, neuer Zorn” here from Thalia*

One of the best autumn landings from 1949 at the Schreibtische von Kriminalinspektor Carl Bruns: In Essen wurde der angesehene Richter Dr. Vahrendonk Opfer eines Giftmords. Erste Ermittlungen ergeben, the Tote of the House a war against Tyrann and their young Ehefrau mistreatment, if there is any question of their affairs. Is it Mörderin’s intention? Plötzlich tauchen as Anklageschrifts formte Vorwürfe auf, die Vahrendonk schwer taxen: Während der Nazizeit soll er gruesamste seine Macht missbraucht haben. Due to the Urteile des Richters, a father of the Tochter was lost, a son of a father, a Jewish family. There is a motivation for the Mord. Do you want to take over everything?

Clap text / Droemer Taschenbuch

“Nordlicht – Das Kalte Grab” by Anette Hinrichs

If you want a Nordic Krimis with more atmosphere and packaging material, come here with your costs. Hinrichs ended up on the German island, where Vibeke Boisen and Rasmus Nyborg found themselves in a shocking situation.

Order “Nordlicht – Das kalte Grab” here from Thalia*

A requirement of a double game is that the Bewohner der Dänischen Insel Als: In een Abgelegen Huis the Leichen des Deutschen Real estate investors Konrad Dahlmann and the fund’s blessing fraud. Blutüberströmt and a single Heizkörper-gefesselt. Is there an escape or a personal motive? If a weitere Leiche lifts, in the autumn a unreliable Wendung and führt Vibeke Boisen and Rasmus Nyborg of the Sondereinheit GZ Padborg weit in the Verleidingenheit in the Eiswinter 1978/79…

Clap text / Blanvalet

‘Meet me in the fall. A Pumpkin Spiced Romance” by Laurie Gilmore

On TikTok, man come and live together with “Meet me in Autumn. A Pumpkin Spiced Romance” here. You will find the wonderful stories with herbal settings on the SPIEGEL Bestseller List. In a cozy cafe, between Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Enemies, did they become lovers? More Herbstgefühle is nicht.

‘Meet me in the fall. Order “Eine Pumpkin spiced Romance” here from Thalia*

When Jeanie’s Aunt is at the delicious Pumpkin Spice Café in the Kleinstad Dream Harbor, there is a very good chance that they will get white jobs for a long time. While you are busy with farmer Logan, the Klatsch and Tratsch no longer overlook their own small town houses and have a lot of fun. But Jeanies Ankunft spent Logan’s Routines, unwillingly not with the irritating unconcerned Frau zu tun haben – oh well, there is an incomprehensible problem with his hinged fühlt. Can you think of a pair of jeans that hits the walls, or makes Logan more attractive, or that City Girl is the only person in town who’s out of charm or out of Pumpkin Spice Lattes?

Clap text / HarperCollins Taschenbuch

Buch von Harper Collins, Meet Me in the Fall.
Order “Meet me in Autumn” here from Thalia* Credit: HarperCollins/gofeminin

“Dark Duty” by JS Wonda

So exciting and thrilling – „Dark Duty“ is not for many nerves. The Dark Romance Thriller (Teil vier der Royal-Reihe) plays an important role in the Vorgänger-Band and sees its students while in a stimulating World with Verbrechen and Intrigen.

Order “Dark Duty” here from Thalia*

You weckst Gefühle in mir. Schön von Anfang and. If it is no longer positive, the marches are the worst, the worst and the most abtrünnigst, which have ich jemals empfunden. I think I live for the things I do. I am prepared for this to happen through Hölle zu gehen. I am ready, I am prepared, and I have the opportunity to live. And if the prince says he has no marches here, who can say that Todessto is happening to him?

Clap text / WondaVersum

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By Sheisoe

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