Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

Vereinsvorsitzender Daniel Keune please clarify

Vereinsvorsitzender Daniel Keune please clarify

Three months after the Gründung, the Cannabis Social Club Ganderkesee started the Ernte. Last time it took a very long time and sales were slow. There is a critical stimulus.

Jörg Nielsen

Urs Christian M

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Ganderkesee/Ahlhorn – Deutschlands erster Cannabis-Club steht kurz vor seiner ersten. Daniel Keune, a service of the Pflanzen-geertet and anschließend getrocknet, said the Association of the „Cannabis Social Club Ganderkesee“, at the Freitag of the Evangelical Press Service (epd). Voraussichtlich from 8. November could then erwerben the registration of the substanzhaltigen Blüten.

“Privileg en Zeichen”

“It is a historic moment for us – we write German history,” said Keune. If legal cannabis is used by the Club, it is a privilege and a journey for the whole community. „We are willing to buy their own product, take responsibility for their future needs and buy a new product for their customers.“ The Club in Ganderkesee was the first to follow the German war.

Laut Keune will geerntet half of the beef 400 a single secrets or angebauten Pflanzen. You will see the sorting “Girls Scout Cookies”, “Critical Kush” and “Black Domina”. The Grammpreise moved to eight and a half euros. Der Anbau und de Abgabe became von der Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen überwacht.

18- to 21-year dates are due to 30 grams of cannabis in the cannabis, with a THC content of 10 percent. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a component of the substance. Were already 21, dare to visit 50 grams of the club. Laut Keune read with a Gramm Cannabis and three joints.

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The Cannabis Clubs have caused the 500 meters of the Cannabis Clubs to rise and extend to the Dry Abgebben. “Our club is full and it will be more fun than ever,” said Keune. There is now a gründungsmitglieder that has come out of the Verein, one of the most important Konzept zwei new Vereine in Delmenhorst and Oldenburg in the ground. “Wir wollen die veld Leute auf der Warteliste nicht dem Schwarzmarkt überlassen.” The new Clubs see no Branches, under the “completely unabhängig voneinander”, unterstrich Keune.

Warning der Suchtexpertin

There is no question of legalization of the Droge. Before we followed the children and young people, the expert Angela Wenzel first warned that the consumer was in danger: “If they dared to consume legally, the debts of consumers for young people were relieved. From one of the previous positions it can no longer be the case that the chef of the diakonic Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Klinik in Ahlhorn works.

Cannabis ages childhood in children and young people and can no longer cause reversible symptoms in the fall of depression, anxiety or psychoses caused by experts. “If you don’t want abschätzen, you can get the cannabis consumption.”

Zukunft gesichert: the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Klinik in Ahlhorn.

By Sheisoe

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