Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Deutschland muss endlich mitziehen. But Pistorius hesitates.

Deutschland muss endlich mitziehen. But Pistorius hesitates.

Schon seit Monaten stockt de Zeitenwende. Now there are no other reforms in Germany. Dass der Verteidigungsminister ausgerechnet in dieser Zeit schweigt, is fatal.

Soldier of the German Fallschirmjägertruppe am 17. September 2024 in Saarlouis.

Soldier of the German Fallschirmjägertruppe am 17. September 2024 in Saarlouis.

Björn Trotzky / Imago

Read the newsletter «Der Andere Blick», heute von Marco Seliger, Editor of the NZZ in Berlin. Subscribe to the Newsletter for free. Niece in Deutschland living? You benefit from this.

Vielen Deutschen dürfte bewusst sein, dass die Zeitenwende stockt. It was worth knowing what it was like, that is the bald, nor other Anstrengungen auf Deutschland zukommen.

Then NATO will stockpile Truppen en masse in Europe. If an internal document is used, the broadcast of “Die Welt” is included, so that the Zahl of the camp brigade will become a spiritually four-zigged Stück. More Flugzeuge, more Flugabwehr guns, more Waffen were purchased. Ensure that the Bundeswehr takes the following measures.

The Lord must prepare few years of 25,000 sister soldiers. In the story of Russia, it was only a few years ago that Putin was working with an army of 1.5 million soldiers. Aber für Deutschland was an immense reformation. The fact that the country is not even like this at the moment is that the age of personalization has been inherited, in the coming period, major war campaigns and a Minister of Defense, of the «Kriegstüchtigkeit» speech.

Massa zählt

Wer meint, de pläne seien nicht innen and went zweiit, sollte sich vor augen fuhren, had happened in the Ukraine. Give yourself two years of work for the Allianz and a new sales plan. While NATO concentrates on the Annahme, NATO can unleash Russian anger over a Zurückweichen area on the other side of the road, a später with its entire long-term reserve that it will free up.

Then those Russians are still alive, that is why NATO is thinking about it: they are massacred in 2022. Hunderte Zivilisten in Butscha und Irpin und Verschleppten Tausende Ukrainian Children. It is clear that NATO has received a “small Zentimeter Boden” from Anfang. While the man has more Truppen, as bishop of the Defense against Russia, wurden wurden. «Mass matters», Masse zählt.

The war of the Federal Government will last all the time, like the Zeitenwende. But of the bisherigen Elan is not yet kaum nor itwas übrig geblieben. Who is the last Rufer in the Wüste Mahte Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius of the SPD long entschiedenere Schritte and: the Einführung a Auswahlwehrpflicht, more Soldiers to recruit, and deutlich more Money for Waffen, Ammunition and other Ausrüstung.

Scholz lets Pistorius auflauf

But Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, the Leftists in the SPD who employ the Grüne and the FDP, are on an unused Gründen list. The Vorschläge for a new Wehrpflicht has its greenhouse, we can’t find any Notnauwkeit dafür besteht. If we receive an amount of EUR 50 million, registration will probably not generate any money in the coming years.

Zum Beispiel will aufwenden the Bundesregierung allein im nachsten Jahr 17 Billiarden Euro, een EEG-Umlage (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) first time from the core haushalt to finance. Auch der Sozialhaushalt weist no Anzeichen von Schrumpfungen auf.

The problem with instantaneous security is that it has an incorrect priority. The Bundeswehr will no longer last, while all members of the German Regierungskoalitie are neither part of NATO nor hereditary. If you direct like this, set the certainty of the landes in the game.

It’s all that Monaten is like that. During NATO-organized decision-making, the policy would not be so big now.

The Bürger has taken the trouble to cook. If you want to know the EEG registration you want yourself, if you want, then this money is splashed in your Verteidigung-geht. It is a good thing that your personal and financial seclusion is carried out in Kauf zu nehmen. If it is matured, it is more convenient for higher sales and ensure that you have a Wehrpflicht-gibt. The position of the NATO Plane is that Germany has conducted an abysmal debate.

The coalition resembles reality

If the migration takes a long time, the reality becomes greater, the study and the coalition partner on those themes.

Selbst der Verteidigungsminister will change since Wednesday. Kein Wort can be longer in the Kriegstüchtigkeit or the notnauwen Stationierung American Mittelstreckenraketen. Manche in Berlin said that Pistorius was putting himself forward for a possible new event in the battle for the connection and the link. Sharing would no longer be possible. Other people have made the NATO plans themselves, the pressure on Scholz and the coalition is high.

When the Grund für sein Schweigen ist, it is true that it no longer works. When the Putin friend of the BSW and the AfD continued longer and became German. I think the debate about German Security is not all in the überlassen.

By Sheisoe

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