Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Niece Salz or Pfeffer: DAS is the Lieblingsgewürz of the Österreicher

Niece Salz or Pfeffer: DAS is the Lieblingsgewürz of the Österreicher

Am 24. October feiern Hobbyköche den Welttag der Gewürze. The Kotányi Gewürz-Report would be the Österreicher zu ihren Würzvorlieben befragt – de Ergebnisse since durchhaus überraschend.

Österreicher lieben Gewürze, de Leben süßer machen. The best is now in the Kotányi Gewürz-Report 2024. The invisible Lieblinge is an end to Zimt and Vanille. Also remember that this kitchen is suitable for the preparation of mehlspeisen, pastries and fruit snacks such as pancakes and porridge in desserts and drinks with smoothies.

Gewürzlieblinge des Jahres 2024: Zimt und Vanille

Zimt and Vanille since the Gewürzlieblinge 2024

© Pexels/Daria Jakovleva

Zimt and Vanille since the Gewürzlieblinge 2024

Laut der diesjährigen Umfrage des heimischen Gewürzmarktführers steht fest: Die Österreicher:innen versüßen sich gerne ihren Alltag. 41 Prozent prepare morehmmals for Woche züße Gerichte züd and used dabei “süße Gewürze”. I feel like Zimt (57 %) and Vanilla (48 %) with two Gewürzklassikern, followed by Ingwer (14 %), Muskatnuss (13 %), Zitronenschale (10 %), Turmeric as well as Lebkuchen-Gewürz and Nelken. German seltener zum Einsatz kommen Anis, Cardamom and Safran as well as Fenchelsamen, Piment and Sternanis. Furthermore, the following messages are used: in jeder Art von Torten, Kuchen und Strudeln (59 %), Keksen and
Weihnachtsbäckerei (55 %), süßen (Frühstücks-)Gerichten including Palatschinken, Pannenkoeken, French Toast and Waffeln (51 %) as well as Getreidezubereitungen including Porridge, Grießkoch, Müsli and Granola (37 %). Also in Desserts with Puddings and Creams (34%), freshly baked Banana Brot bis Zimtschnecke (30 %), Obstzubereitungen with Smoothies and Kompott (26 %), and also enjoy the delicious Chai-Tee or Matcha Latte. den Zuten. The food was in the marinade and sauce for spicy ingredients (17%), ice cream and sorbets with international sweet dishes (16%) and it was a selection of delicious cocktails or mocktails (10%).

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Vanilla dissolves Zuhause-Gefühl aus

Zimt and Vanille since the Gewürzlieblinge 2024

© Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

Zimt and Vanille since the Gewürzlieblinge 2024

The active Kotányi-Umfrage went on the Geheimnis der Vanille – der thus generated “Königin der Gewürze” – on the Spur: 64 Prozent der Befragten mag de einzigartigen Geschmack, 50 Prozent lieben den Duft. It is sold as a very emotional component: if a drop comes out of the fragrance: the aroma of the vanilla is “heated-sour smell” from a jede/jeder-fühlt-fühlt-himself-through-the-gewürzklassiker in the Kindness zurückversetzt. „Ob Vanillekipferl, Kompott or Milchreis – with due care, slightly modified Aroma refines the Vanilla jedes Gericht. “Selbst spicy creations have an exciting yet exotic note,” said Elisabeth Voltmer von Kotányi.

Food trends from süß bis scharf

One of the most credible Food Trends 2024: fermented Früchte.

© Pexels/Roman Odintsov

One of the most credible Food Trends 2024: fermented Früchte.

Süßspeisen since Gerichte mit Wohlfühlfaktor: Neben Vanille und Zimt erweitert sich mit Ingwer, Muskatnuss, Zitronenschale, Kurkuma, Nelken, Anis, Cardamom und Safran derkreative Spielraum in der süßen Küche heblich. Under the Kotányi Gewürz report, the Österreicher shows: there is a lot of experimentation freude, if it is a new Food Trends: Sweet butter variations with vanilla, nougat cream or a pistachio fragmented by the scent with “Shaved Peach” bzw. other Desserts with frozen, grated fruits and “Swicy Food” – also the combination with süßen and sliced ​​Aromen – try it beforehand and be sure to enjoy it. Also delicious aroma fusions that are prepared with vanilla egg with olive oil and salt or pommes with vanilla egg. “And that is the best way to do it, that is, in Austria’s cuisine, you will enjoy your meal as soon as possible,” says Dominik Mattes, Director of Marketing and Innovation at Kotányi.

By Sheisoe

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