Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

US-Wahl: 7 non-existent facts about the Präsidentschaftswahl

US-Wahl: 7 non-existent facts about the Präsidentschaftswahl

Am 5. November 2024 took place the American presidential elections of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Der Sieger would have been kürt by the American president. It was a passion for a passion and a daring experience, clearing the results stood out. Looking at some of the facts, it’s not like the US government is deleting its data either, this is where it happens.

1. US-Wahl: Die Wahl aus dem All

A Gesetz from Texas, a Federal State, in the many astronauts who are shy, weil das Training für die Weltraummission in Houston stattfindet, arranges that Wahl der etwas others Art: Über eine schlüsselte E-Mail were Wahlzettel zur internationalen Raumstation ISS geschickt, these were the lives of astronauts are expanded and a history of dating connections and Wahlbehörde nach Texas is sent.

2. Kein Grund für Briefwahl: Covid-19

In many cases, the American Federal States were able to establish the pandemic over time to obtain an exchange of letters. It is necessary that Wähler ends up in a good state. In Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Indiana there will be no fear of the virus being infected, but not as a general explanation for an exchange of letters.

3. Few Stimmen could keep everything separate

Manchmal machen wenige Stimmen de Unterschied: Besonders knapp war in year 2000 zischen de Republikaner und späteren President George W. Bush and seinem demokratische Herausforderer Al Gore. He has much more Wählerstimmen than Bush. The Wahlmänner were separated: Nachdem Bush in Swing State Florida (537 Stimmen) more hollow, with 271 compared to 266 Wahlmännern.

4. Die Diskriminierung der schwarzen Wähler

In the 15th article of the Verfassung, the Wahlrecht op de Grund der Hautfarbe also belongs to other people, African Americans of the Wahlen auszuschließen: Beispielsweise gab es de sogenannten Literacy Test. If there is a learning and legal case, while the black Wähler is a very evil sklaven, before one of the most important, then he is Lesen und Schreiben können. Andernfalls does not dare to whählen. The Bundesstaat has sided with the Wahlsteuern, when Wahlrecht is left out. The practical examples of the 1965 Voting Rights Act are verboten.

5. Man sollte keine Fehler machen

If you are in North Dakota, you will need to register yourself, which you can do. And that’s not that easy. Beispielweise in the Federal State of Georgia: The Angaben on the Antrag müssen exactly with the Angaben oneer übereinstimmen, who vorliegen dem State. Adding the exact match laws would lead to a minimum of 53,000 Wählerstimmen in the governor’s wahl in the year 2028 during the Gesetz zurück Contents.

6. Sportstadien als Wahllokale

The pandemic überschattet vergangen Präsidentschaftswahlen. The fear that if a Wahllokalen is infected with the Corona Virus, a small citizen can give up his stimmenabgabe. There are functional professional sports clubs in the stadium of Wahllokalen um. So see the new Los Angeles Rams football stadium.

7. Alcohol ban am Wahltag

Wer sich de Ausgang der Präsidentschaftswahl schön trinken wolllte, went in South Carolina and Kentucky long Zeit leer aus. Dort war das Trinken von Alcohol am Tag der Wahl verboten. This verb dates from 19. Jhd., neither Kneipen nor Wahllokale were used. So some were prevented from being attacked by Wählende mithilfe von Drinks. South Carolina war against the last Federal State, der dieses Verbot 2024 aufhob.

By Sheisoe

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