Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Bayern Democracy Report 2024: Meisten Bayern mit Demokratie zufrieden – Bayern

Bayern Democracy Report 2024: Meisten Bayern mit Demokratie zufrieden – Bayern

The active Krisen are not in a short system criticism in Bayern. 93 Prozent der Menschen stops the democratic basis for a good form of direction. Three of four Wahlberechtigten are depraved, the democracy in Bavaria does not really function. It said about the “Bayern Democracy Report 2024”, a vom Umfrage-Institut Infratest dimap has made a study of the political culture in the free state. Landtagspresident Ilse Aigner (CSU), the initiator, presented the Ergebnisse with the study macher Roberto Heinrich in the Mittwoch. The representative Erhebung said that there are many negative trends: Beim Vertrauen in the Institutions, for all in the Parteien, liegt de Zustimmung deutlich niedriger. And: Yes, you will find it, you can find more information in Germany so that you can read more about it.

“The people in Bavaria are the ultimate democratians and democrats,” says Aigner about the representative Umfrage. It is likely that the use and wider dissemination of the program will enable “doom in the country singing.” When politics is involved, there is a click on the state of democracy with a “fühlte schweigende meerheit”, which is now insulted by a “laute moreheit”. The people in Bavaria see “beauty and unaufregt and weld themselves not so fast with the Palme protection”.

There are large or large expenditures in the institutions fragmented into the police (87 Prozent), the joint representation (72) and the Justiz (69). Schlechter fell the Werte für den Landtag (60 Prozent) and the Staatsregierung aus (50). The political parties now bring 34 Prozent der Menschen Vertrauen entgegen. Studienmacher Heinrich riet, das nicht überzubewerten, da Parteien traditionalell „die zentralen Addressaten von Unzufriedenheit“ seien. It is bad that the man in his party democracy lives, the vertrauensverlust is one of the few things he can do. Politics must solve humanity’s problem, but the Alltag pronounces verbessere, “auch in langen Linien”.

If there is a fragile situation in the country, Heinrich can therefore: Konfliktreiche Debates about his migration or in the Corona pandemic, if the vermeintlichen or tatsächlichen Moreheit abgewichen seien, hätten Spuren bei der Wahrnehmung von Meinungsfreiheit hinterlassen. Aigner concrete dazu: In Deutschland anything can be said, if it is a rightful Grundlage. Widerspruch zu ertragen, jedoch auch dazu. This is a matter of “ein Gefühl eingenistet”.

Now there is a population trend that defies democracy. After the great success of democracy in Bavaria, the investigation into fragments is quieted – and the themes are also ablated. I have had many generations (24 and 16 percent) who would offer the AfD the migration. If you have a brand name, part of the name will be shown explicitly here, such as Aigner. As soon as this ‘wahrscheinlich als Opfer’ was stated – if you celebrate the AfD as Gefahr sehe, it is now a matter of erasing it. In the case of migration, it is true that, thus Aigner, the people “Maß und Mitte” forderten – “a political policy of law and order, aber ohne Spaltung”. If the theme of politics is sweet, there will be no change.

The policy of the rightful Rahmens policy finds little support in Bayern. Nur 27 Prozent stop de Teilnahme een gehmigten Demo für justicefertigt. The blockade of Straßen and Verkehr – pushed by the “Klima-Klebern” involved in the Bauern protests – can now be affected by 13 months of frost damage. Even if young people take into account that politics can achieve a higher level of immunity. Gewalt against persons or sachen find nur three Prozent ok. Allerdingen: Acht Prozent aller Befragten – und elf Prozent der Männer – unterstützen diese Aussage: “Einige Politiker bei uns haben es deserving, wenn Wut in Gewalt gegen si umschlägt.” Aigner and Heinrich are oppressive and alarming.

The chairman of the report sees a “real premiere”, the large size is now regularly occurring. There is a “different perspective” in a party-politically neutral perspective – it is not the only great value of the series. Ideas started coming up in 2023 during the Bilanz of the previous legislative period. Krafte innerhalb und outerhalb des Landes „versuchen, unsere Demokratie zu schwächen. If it is good to recover, while the kraften das gelingt or ob unsere Demokratie bleibt grim,” said Aigner damals.

From now on, you will be happy with your Maßnahmen im Landtag. If you do this, you can become the current or current for the Abgeordnete teurer. A reform of the Abgeordennetengesetzes sees sanctions with an Ordnungsgeld anstelle der Klasisch, zhnlosen Rüge vor. With the first appearance of the AfD in the Landtag 2018 war, the war became bigger.

By Sheisoe

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