Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

New notification lights for online platforms: Zwischen Sicherheit and Datenschutz

New notification lights for online platforms: Zwischen Sicherheit and Datenschutz

Detailed information from the Bundestag about the new notifications for hosting services in the DSA service.

The digital world has been available to online platforms and hosting services in the European Union since February 17, 2024 with new control room information. One of the most important consequences of the Digital Services Act (DSA) is that criminal measures may be taken and the Federal Criminal Office (BKA) must be notified. This Entwicklung will be as fragmented on the protection of the data as on the data protection on.

Was muss reported?

The new notification lights may be located outside the range of the safety situation. If you use any child pornographic material, paragraphs §184b and §184c of the Criminal Law (StGB) are punishable. Auch Bedrohungen nach Paragraf §241 StGB fallen darunter, ebenso wie the Störung des öffentlichen Friedens by the Androhung von Straftaten gemäß Paragraf §126 StGB. Letzteres concern especially amoklaufdrohungen, the Androhung of Tötungsdelikten anyway schwerer or der gefährlicher Körperverletzung.

First consideration of the new regulations

De Zahlen uttered a German Sprache: Who has an answer to the Bundesregierung op een kleine Anfrage der AfD-Fraktion(Drucksache 20/12942) reformed, wurden bis zum 25. September 2024 bereits 1,102 Notifications an the BKA übermittelt. These efforts were completed without any notification from Miss Brauch von Minderjährigen, the über den special NCMEC-Prozess (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children).

New notifications for online platforms: Who operates the system?

The fact that BKA does not play a central role in this system. If the coordination structure is used, you will be able to enter the fall. Before the information and the jewel criminal prosecution, Justiz or Polizeibehörden laws are changed, the end of the year is reached.

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) is responsible for this work as a central management system. If you want to know more, here’s what you can do:

  • You coordinate the work between different tasks
  • Sie zertifiziert vertrauenswürdige Hinweisgeber (sogenannte “trusted flaggers”)
  • It is possible to use the Streitigkeiten-zwischen Nutzern und Plattformen

Zum Stand 27. September 2024 the BNetzA will be happy to receive feedback from you as a “trusted flagger”. There is a first set with a more targeted stretching process.

Critical Stimmen became laut

The implementation of the European Digital Services Act by the German Digital Services Act (DDG) has led to intensive discussion. A central point of criticism is the reduction of the representatives of the federal states in the Bundesbene. Experts see a possible representation of Article 30 of the Grundgesetzes and warn of a shutdown of the middle control.

Datenschützer äußern ebenfalls Thinking. If you see yourself in the surrounding data, a state institution in the form of new notification lights is made possible for the private sphere of citizens. Criticism continues:

  • The large size of the further data
  • The mangling transparency during further display
  • The Frage nach der Verhältnismäßigkeit der Eingriffsbefugnisse
  • Der Schutz personal information

Restructuring for the future

The practical application of the DSA is intended for delivery, which will increase interest over time. There is an effective way in which the Criminal Prosecution is carried out, other gold-plated data protection and the Grundrechte of the Citizen that you can serve. Auch die föderalen Strukturen Deutschlands must be viewed.

In the coming months it will be determined who maintains that balance in practice. You will see the effectiveness of the Strafverfolgung as the Auswirkungen on the Privatsphäre der Nutzers that you can use. The mistakes from this first phase were repeated later on in the adjustments and improvements of the systems.

Fazit: New reporting duties – Fluch or Segen?

The new Reporting Regulations set out a strict regulatory framework for digital services. If you have a chance at an effective cybercrime accusation, you can request another weighty fragment from the private sphere. There are more studies that make this possible, with the right weight of certainty and generosity being funded.


By Sheisoe

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