Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

FH St. Pölten: Junge Erwachsene als Citizen Scientists im Kampf gegen Disinformation

FH St. Pölten: Junge Erwachsene als Citizen Scientists im Kampf gegen Disinformation

In the project „Young Citizen Scientists Against Disinformation“ (YCSAD) to support young people with research at the University of St. Pölten and the Donau-Universität Krems den Umgang with Disinformation in new communication channels. These young people play a central role as citizen scientists and are actively involved in research.

ST. PÖLTEN. With the results of new communication technologies – Social Media Foundation – the Art and Culture, which information has been received, has fundamentally changed. Medieninhalte could be improved in time and spread. If you wish to obtain information and access them, you will still be able to walk uninterruptedly. This brings value, but also results in a short period of time: Disinformation can be easily and quickly disseminated. Speziell young Menschen spend their time in social media and sincerely their entwicklungen are concerned.

With the new project “Young Citizen Scientists Against Disinformation” Lukas Daniel Klausner, Researcher at the Institute for IT Security Research and the Center for Artificial Intelligence at FH St. Pölten, and Bettina Pospisil, scientific expert at the Center for Infrastructure Security at the University für Weiterbildung Krems, das Thema Disinformation aus der Perspektive junior Erwachsener erforschen. Das Besondere an ihrem Project ist die intensive Einbindung der Jugendlichen.

Dr. Lukas Daniel Klausner

„Der Clou am Projekt ist der Fokus auf Jugendliche als Zielgruppe, Stakeholder*innen und Mitforschende. Gerade von der Generation, who is very self-sufficient with the Internet and Social Media, is still able to learn more and less during the semester. I am very happy, because my projects are unique in their production, with traditional ideas, so that they are uncritical with social media input from the youth around the house.”

says Co-Project Leader Lukas Daniel Klausner.

Junge Erwachsene rode mit

In the context of the research projects, these young people are educated to become citizen scientists (“citizen scientists”) and gain knowledge about their knowledge and experience, as well as knowledge about their knowledge. Because of the fact that all these aspects of life are young due to the constant confrontation with media and information and strong changes, they are the result of the research itself, and the (des-)information should be critically analyzed.

„The project YCSAD finds evidence of growth in the science and technology research and if it is possible to do so, it is important to know that the art we are working on is also active in our soul group. We are proud that our Citizen Scientists are not as young as they are youthful, especially in the first line of expertise as experts who own all tags with (Des-)Information. “Unser Ziel ist es, gemeinsam with the Citizen Scientists their knowledge, was sie von us, aber auch was Wissenschaft and Gesellschaft of their Erfahrungen and ihrer Art with (Des-)Information umzugehen lernen können”

concrete Projektleiterin Bettina Pospisil.

Strategies against Disinformation

The current analysis of disinformation is aimed at young people as a passive consumer of web content and insight into their autonomy and a sense of self-sufficiency, independent strategies for dealing with disinformation. During these studies, the research team works with classes from three higher schools in the Netherlands (HLW Tulln, HTL St. Pölten, BRG Krems) in the future.

Disinformation platform for construction

Eine der Aufgaben der Schüler*innen liegt dain, selbst Daten über (Des-)Information, die für sie in ihrem Alltag relevant since, zu sammeln and auszuwerten. In this way, the research materials and research into three themes are discussed, which are discussed in common with the young citizen scientists. Based on the recognition of the research projects soll der Bedarf nach and die Anforderungen an eine Disinformationsplattform ausgelotet, die den Beürfnissen und Wünschen junger Erwachsener entspricht und im Gang mit Disinformation helfen soll.
“The project can create a more fruitful environment between science and society. Young people learn more about their work and knowledge and learn more about their experiences with young people with disinformation,” says Lukas Daniel Klausner.

Über „Young Citizen Scientists Against Disinformation“

The research project YCSAD is a common cause of the St. Pölten University School and the University for the Study of Education for a lifetime. The project inherits the stringent quality criteria of the Austrian Citizen Science Platform and is listed on the Platform (
The project is financed by the Gesellschaft für Schungsförderung Niederösterreich im Rahmen der FTI-Strategie Niederösterreich 2027.

More information can be found on the research websites:

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