Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Musikalische Jahrestage (13) – 11. October – Internationaler Mädchentag | nmz

Musikalische Jahrestage (13) – 11. October – Internationaler Mädchentag | nmz

„Wer sagt, dass Mädchen dümmer sind?“, fragt ein Lied aus dem Jahr 1971. The answer promptly comes: „Der spinnt!“ – Der Liedtexter Volker Ludwig poetet Mädchen dann noch an, sieen albern, schüchtern, trauen sich nicht, see weinerlich, meckerig and zappelig. The full program and display of roles are performed here. Dann aber: “Der spinnt!” and “Der hat’n Stich”, it was so behauptet. And at the end: “Mädchen since you are happy with your children, you are happy since you are happy and fast, you are happy when you are young, you are happy with your love.”

On the international day of the UNO International Day of the Girl Child, it is “of course” possible to finance a patent platform “Kuriose Feiertage”. The Wörterbuch describes the Wort “kurios” as “unwise, quickly changing the language, brand würdig”. Keine dieser Zuweisungen passt wirklich zum Internationalen Mädchentag – this is the background of the seriousness. It is all remarkable, it is a simple Feiertages zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts noch bedarf. It’s not even like there’s an end to a year when the joy of life and reality has become a waste.

Who so often helps us with the announcement and diesen Tag that others on “Kuriose Feiertage” dargebotenen Tage wenig: the bundesweite Tag des Schauspiels in Deutschland, the Welt-Ei-Tag, the Meine-Party-Tag in US-America or der Tag der Würstchen-Pizza ebenda. The fact is that the date of the international elections (as of 2011 started on October 11) has no further involvement – ​​it is almost a matter of celebrating the UNO-Generalversammlung.

Children’s rights

Is this a strange occurrence? Laut der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention has Mädchen und Jungen die themselves Rechte. Trotzdem erleben Mädchen häufiger Diskriminierung. The International Mädchentag is one of the most curious things that the Mädchen are grim and perhaps a problem, which is often bothered. Jedes Jahr is a situation in which the situation of the world in the Blick zu nehmen and the unlawfulness, which is increased in a broader sense, will increase.

On the homepage of the organization „Plan International“, on the initiative of the United Nations who are thinking about their lives, the situation of the Mädchen is described as follows: „Nevertheless they are affected by the situation (Anm: the Mädchen) is affected by the discomfort. Straight paths. Weltweit bound 140 Millionen Mädchen können nicht zur Schule gehen. Gründe dafür since other children, frühe Schwangerschaft and sexuelle Gewalt. These barriers are the path to Bildung and hinder a self-best life. Crises and catastrophes have specific historical discrimi- nation, the consequences of women and young women who have developed.”

By Sheisoe

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