Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Wird Prinz Andrew and the bald Charles’ Pilot?

Wird Prinz Andrew and the bald Charles’ Pilot?

Prinz Andrew (64) could expect an extremely shocking occasion for a royal comeback. Sein alterer Bruder, König Charles (75), such things after an inheritance Hubschrauberpiloten, der Mitglieder der königlichen Familie zu offizieellen Terminen in gesamten Vereinigten Königreich fliegt. The Stelle was a law-bewerbsfähige Gehalt and attractive Vorteile, was for the Herzog of York, for the pleasant years of his royal duties that are zurückgetreten, among the interesting machen könnte. Der Royal-Experte Richard scherzte gegenüber Daily mail: “That could be the perfect opportunity for you Andrew signal, um wieder königliche Pflichten zu übernehmen.”

The statement on the royal family’s website calls for “equipped pilots for multi-engine hubschrauber”, so that both the main and co-pilots can function. If the Anforderungen have a varied flight and the high quality, the family of the family can find a more efficient and efficient way to reach the termines. Andrew further details these qualifications: The fight against the Falkland Kriegen is as a Hubschrauber pilot and Captain on the Kriegsschiff HMS Invincible. In this Zeit-flog there were completed missions, an Argentinian Missile of British Schiffen was absorbed, and half of the Schiffs SS Atlantic Conveyor were hit during the Rettung van Seeleuten des von Raketenen. These errors can occur as the “re-rained moments of the Krieges”.

Andrew war 1982 trotz Devise een Regierungsmitglieder, die hätten in a seicheren Schreibtischposition gesehen, im active Kriegseinsatz. Seine Mutter, the bewildered Queen Elizabeth II. (✝96), file jedoch darauf, there is a claimant Front served. The backbone in an active role of the royal family can now live in the power of the family, a military military Leistung anzuknüpfen and the platz on the open life wieder a few things. Bond Karel it is a chance that the family dies in turbulent times after its sister amenzubringen. Ob Andrew If the tattoos on the stelle are bewirbt, the claim will end for the first time on November 3, the bald soft drink Klarheit herrschen dürfte.

By Sheisoe

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