Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Trump continues to dance towards the elections. Why worry?

Trump continues to dance towards the elections. Why worry?

Anyone unsure whether Donald Trump is cognitively all there was recently given quite a lifeline at a Trump rally outside Philadelphia, when what started as a town hall turned into a new television special: Donald Trump Dancing With Himself.

Midway through an event at which South Dakota governor and famed puppy hangman Kristi Noem was scheduled to “moderate” friendly questions from audience members, Trump paused when two people fainted.

So far, things are going relatively well.

What followed, however, was less good if you hope for a president who has full control over his faculties. “Let’s stop asking questions, let’s just listen to music,” Trump announced. “Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” For the next forty minutes, Trump stood there listening to music and invited viewers to watch him listen to music there.

While Governor Noem tried valiantly to appear as if this was completely normal, the once and future possessor of our nuclear codes silently bobbed and swayed to an eclectic selection of tunes, from “Ave Maria” to “YMCA” before leaving the stage. As former President Obama put it with considerable restraint, “You’d worry if your grandpa behaved” like Trump.

Team Trump seems certain there is something seriously wrong with him. Kamala Harris, who derides Trump as “stupid,” handed him his head during their debate last month. This prompted Trump to announce that since he had “won,” he would debate her again when the pigs flew.

In the past, Trump has been assisted by doctors who were willing to say whatever he wanted. These include the guy who declared that the young Trump, eager to serve his country in Vietnam, unfortunately suffered from disqualifying bone spurs, and the New York gastroenterologist whose 2015 letter about the significantly overweight candidate for which caused laughter. “If elected, Mr. Trump will, I can say unequivocally, will be the healthiest person ever elected president,” the good doctor wrote.

But Trump seems to be having more trouble lately finding a sufficiently accommodating doctor who can vouch for his health, refusing to make his medical records public. About 230 medical providers have just called on him to come clean. “Trump significantly fails to meet any standard for fitness for office and exhibits alarming features of declining visual acuity,” they wrote. “In the limited opportunities in which we can investigate his behavior, he provides a very worrying snapshot.”

That snapshot is getting worse by the day. Therefore, he not only withdrew from a second debate, but refused to be interviewed by 60 Minutes and rejected CNN’s invitation to hold a public town hall.

Here was Trump recently in Detroit: “Jill, get your fat husband off the couch. Get that, get that fat pig off the couch. Tell him to vote for Trump, he will save our country. Get that guy the hell away from us…get him, Jill! Knock him down! Put it on!”

Here he was in Philadelphia talking about a deceased golfer: “Arnold Palmer is all man. I mean no disrespect to women. I like women, but he was all man. When he went to take a shower with the other professionals, they came out and said, ‘Oh, my God.’ I had to say it…I had to tell you the shower part because it’s true.

On Fox News last weekend, he was asked about his rampant and oft-repeated claim that immigrants in Ohio were eating people’s pets. The host asked, “You said, ‘They eat the dogs, they eat the cats.’ That turned out not to be true.” Trump responded: “I don’t know if it’s true or not.” The host: “I don’t know? It has been debunked.” The Republican candidate for President of the United States replied: “What about the goose? The geese. What about the geese? What happened there? They were all missing.”

If it looks like cognitive decline and sounds like cognitive decline, chances are it’s cognitive decline. Choose whatever euphemism you like for the evasion, the hypocrisy, and the incoherence.

Donald Trump is not healthy in the head.

Jeff Robbins’ latest book, “Notes From the Brink: A Collection of Columns about Policy at Home and Abroad,” is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books and Google Play. Robbins, a former assistant U.S. attorney and U.S. delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, served as lead minority counsel on the United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. A lawyer specializing in the First Amendment, he is a longtime columnist for the Boston Herald and writes about politics, national security, human rights and the Middle East.

By Sheisoe

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