Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

“Wieder was für Junge”: Who lived a living life

“Wieder was für Junge”: Who lived a living life

It is ausloaded, heavenly colored and thought-provoking because at the Dorfplatz von Rinchnach: the old “Schopf” Wirthaus. If you are in Dorfleben, it is best to prepare a meal and use more other woolens. Das alte “Schopf” – Wirtshaus, i.e. the house name, is long standing. Zukunft uncertain!

And then David Siemers and his Lebensgefährtin Antonia Ammon came. Peculiar war between young couple for two years now in such a family home. If they both die in the Kolos, they get a credit and can buy the other Wirtshaus. “We have a lot of fun,” says David Siemers.

Riesiges Gebäude met 1,800 Quadratmetern Nutzfläche

If they were Haus-übernahmen, they were 25 and 23 years old. In front of the large building complex with 1,800 quadratmeters of utility space there is a long Atem. “I am not here as an investor or for a very successful project. I have a good Zeitplan. Wenn’s in zehn, funzehn Jahren fertig ist – everything is good! Or in two years, auch gut,” said David Siemers.

Your money earns the 27 years you need as a web designer and programmer.

Mechanic Zimmer statt “Co-Working-Spaces”

The first idea for the other Fremdenzimmer was neither “großstädtisch”: Co-Working-Spaces were planted, also Mietbüros. “The Internet connection here is not that stable,” says David Siemers. Außerdem gibt’s eigentlich Bedarf für Zimmer, die man mit Gemeinschaftsküche an Monteure vermieten kann. Vier Pensionszimmer will be renewed and will now be expanded quickly

Pächter for the other Wirtshaus spoken – and founded

Schwieriger war die zuch nach een Pächter voor de wieder Wirtsstube. It is true with the massive Holztische ausgesprochen gemütlich, the kitchen is no more than the highest Behördenauflagen.

Rented by the Wirtshaus nun of the young Dartverein “Flying Kiabull”, also the “Fliegenden Tannenzapfen”. Der Verein has renovated the Räume itself, the Stube in alten Stil belassen, the large Nebenzimmer more modern gestaltet – with Dartgeräten and lauter Musik.

Two days a week, you’ll be happy to leave the house until 3 o’clock. Damit gebe es in Rinchnach, das kaum noch Wirtshäuser hat, “endlich wieder was für Junge”. A bonus for the fairground hall, for the ratsch and as a meeting point. Wouldn’t have been purchased. Der Verein has a Schankerlaubnis and a Gewerbe-anmeldet. Beim Thekendienst wechselt man sich ab. Vom Erlös is spent, zum Play for the Kindergarten.

Is 2025 another Wirtshaussaal wieder offen?

Der Saal is often in other Dorfwirtshäusern series, with richer musical instruments, larger volumes, dunkelbrauner holzschänke and swingendem Holzboden. Once you are here, you are no longer in Sperrmüll. Dartverein and Hausbesitzer are the best herausgeräumt and can reorient the Saal wieder.

The Bauantrag lauft. Der Verein has breathed new life into the Saal. “The Feuerwehr is one of the oldest, but not one of the Feuerwehrball statutes that can be found,” says Markus Schönhofer, Vorstand der “Flying Kiabull”. “Vielleicht can put an end to child fasching in a village.”

Utopia? Nein, said the young Verein. Under the age of 65, it became a craftsman who stood on the Bauleiter von Beruf. Man will renovate the Saal möglichst in Eigenleistung, Wände streichen, Boden abschleifen, Bänke neu beziehen. David Siemers wants to buy the material: “We are positive about it and use gas,” says the Wirthausbesitzer. “Für das Finanzielle became a lost find in the fall.”

Great soul of both: the Wolf welding, the berühmte Brauchtumsabend in Rinchnach, soll im November 2025 endlich weder in Saal zu Gast sein – ganz who früher, as they are common Läuten of the Wolfauslasser-Glocken of Saalboden vibrierte.

By Sheisoe

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