Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Eine Woche Zeitgenössischer Tanz in Teatro Nuovo di Napoli

Eine Woche Zeitgenössischer Tanz in Teatro Nuovo di Napoli

The government program von Korper I am Teatro Nuovo di Napoli with a Woche fuller Highlights further. From October 29 to November 3 Find Körper al nuovo, a festival for the time-bound Tanz, kuriert van Körper, the national center for tanz production, that is an experiment and a new Vorschläge konzentriert. The artistic guidance lies bei Gennaro Cimminowhile in those years the great interest in the Teatro Pubblico Campano and the cultural reality of the city of Neapel arose.

Am 29. and 31. October productions of MM Contemporary Dance Company were performed, a contemporary dance company led by the choreographers Michele MerolaIn 1999 the war became a fact, an Austausch and Allianzen are Italian and internationally specialized in the base.

Der Abend Nighttime storiessigns von Michele Merola and Adriano Bologninopresents the Performances Short Stories by Michele Merola (October 29, 9:00 PM), Skrik by Adriano Bolognino (October 29, 9:00 PM); such as Ballade von Mauro Bigonzetti ist planted (October 31, 9:00 PM). In the new theater of a Wednesday, the production of körper is widmet, with MDMA from Gennaro Maione (November 2, 9:00 PM), a work inspired by the cinematic Vorstellungskraft von Dario Argentoen dem Diptychon Your body is a battlefield and Gli Amanti von Adriano Bolognino (November 3, 9:00 PM).

The October term was held in the Spazio Körper with the Abend’altro della stanza des Projects Körper Young fortgesetzt, kuriert von Gennaro Cimmino and coordinates Susanna Sastro and Flavio Ferruzzi; on the Stage of Performances Silenzi und Aesthetica – esercizio n° 1 (October 27, 6:00 PM).

Das Projekt Night Stories by MM Contemporary Dance Company is included in the choreography of Michele Merola and Adriano Bolognino. Short Stories by Michele Merola involved the tanzenden Körper in a continuous design, which is based on wiederholungen and uninterested, Momente von Soli, Duetten und Chorpartituren, an Abfolge von Bildern, which were erzeugt during the Klang der Live-Musik: Natalia Abbascia It will be performed live and will feature a soundtrack with evocative lyrics for violin and solo music.

The Tänzer became the Grenze Zwitsers Publikum and Bühnenraum verwischen. Die Stücke, the work of the image, became an expressive Landscape entfalten, the publikum an intime Lesart der Gefühle überlässt, the Tanz and Musik suggestieren (29. October in Teatro Nuovo von Neapel, 9:00 PM).

Skrik von Adriano Bolognino It is inspired by Edvard Munch’s Gemälde Der Schrei, a work, the choreographic work that brings down the theme of tragedy, fear and the smallness of man in the unermesslichkeit of the universities. Der Choreograph Erklärt: «Der Dumpfe Schrei des Bildes – Dessen Norwegischen Title” Skik “Ich Beiabhalten Habe, Der Phonetic An Einen Unangenehmen Klang, Einen Stoß, Einen Schock Erinnert – Schock that Landschaft Zu Verli Hren, Wärafling Ergä still maintains immense beauty. A dualism that is not so will be a moment of buying, an atemloser who can immunize all the years of the years, aber who is a bell waterfall in the beginning of the publications can be29. October im Teatro Nuovo von Neapel, 9:00 PM).

Auch Ballade, the new Kreation von Mauro Bigonzetti for the MM Contemporary Dance Company, a tribute, a tribute, a chorale Erzählung, a complete portrait of the eighties, a year, this time Borders lost hat, a symbol of an era that you became. An interpretation through musical images, which reveals the experiences of a generation, a work that is deeply rooted in art, interpreted by the Tänzern der Mmcdc and generated on a musical dramaturgy that is based on the Spannungen und Visionen jener Jahre and on verschiedene Autoren jener Zeit zurückgreift, von Prince bis his anarchist Genialität von Frank Zappabis zur tiefen Poesie von Leonard Cohenbis zur punkigen und existenziellen Ästhetik der CCCP (31. October im Teatro Nuovo von Neapel, 9:00 PM).

Gennaro Maione It is one of many works of art that operate in the Kampan world and can last for years with the production center along with the production center. The Neapolitan Choreographer with MDMA presentations, a tribute to Dario Argento’s film, a choreographic score, in the Körper der Performer all art forms that know the Ästhetik of the Directors: vom sanften and wild Character bis zum Opfer und Täter, uhmhüllt von körperlichem Vergnügen and stollz in the blessing Nacktheit. If the film also gives a poor description of some human thoughts, the films within the film portray reality in time. (November 2 im Teatro Nuovo von Neapel, 7:00 PM).

The story begins with Adriano Bolognino’s diptych. Gli Amanti is inspired by the Gipsabdruck der Liebenden from the year 79 AD. Chr., a plötzlich by the mighty Kraft of nature, which brings light and light, becomes visible forever. The time, which lasts about 2,000 years, eröffnet Welten and Räume der Reflexion, the über that time dimension begins and a Spalt of Freiheit through the Movement of the Körper öffnen.

Your body is a battleground hinged behind the definition of social roles: The title is seen as the image of Barbara Kruger, which was created and expanded for the Frauenmarsch in Washington 1989, a great demonstration for the flexible freedom of self-bestimmung over one’s own body. and die Abtreibung in the USA. (Das Diptychon wird am November 3 im Teatro Nuovo von Neapel, 6:00 PM, aufgeführt).

It’s a bit Workshops with the Guest Choreographers of the Reihe Vorgesehen, which were found in the SpazioKörper-stattfinden: Montag, October 28 | Michele Merola 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM Samstag, November 2 | Gennaro Maione 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Sunday, November 3 | Adriano Bolognino 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Among the October terms in Spazio Körper auch das Ereignis dall’altro della stanza des Projects Körper Young, kuriert von Gennaro Cimmino and coordinates Susanna Sastro and Flavio Ferruzzi. A new group of 6 young tanzer women would be at the letzten audition on September 7, ’24, to become part of the professional Ausbildungsprogramms Körper Young. the other part of the stanza is the first half of the intensive work of the programs, in the young tanzer women, inspired by the fragments and thanks to both authors, the metaphor of the space as a boundary of the different experiences and human nature a number of questions about the functioning of the Gesellschaft are examined.

Der Abend wird zwei Performances enthalten, die erste, die Susanna Sastro The work is performed with a new creation, which is performed with the young ensemble under the title Silenzi entstanden, with a unique repertoire of the Körper Company, Aesthetica – esercizio n° 1 with Choreographyn of Gennaro Cimmino and Gennaro Maione. The young project office of Gennaro Cimmino sees life in the early years of the Kampanien region, with an emphasis on the tags, while the Studium does its work as the best interpreters of the time of their perfection and buhnen foutahrung zu sammeln.

Korper | National Center for Tanz Production

Gegründet 2003 by Gennaro Cimmino, is the Körper ein Productionszentrum, das darauf abzielt, alle Ausdruckssprachen around Tanz, Theater, Musik und zeitgenössische Kunst zu erforschen. The Schwerpunkt der Tätigkeit des Zentrums lies on the production and financing of the tanzesals Kunst des Körpers, bevorzugte en universelle Kommunikationssprache, in Hinblick auf Austausch und Dialog mit ellers europäischen und international künstlerieken Realitäten.

The recognition during the MIC in June 2022 as the National Center for Dance Production inherits nach zwanzig Jahren Tätigkeit and ermutigt das Zentrum, the Unterstützung for young choreographies in the national area of ​​​​the world. Körper hat im Laufe der Jahre a Netzwerk with territorial Institutions aufgebaut, including the Teatro Pubblico Campano, the National Archaeological Museum of Neapel – MANN, the Museum for Contemporary Art – MADRE, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Production Center for Theater Casa del Contemporaneo, of the Universität Federico II in Neapel, the Nationaltheater of Neapel and the regional choreutic gymnasiums, with Danes in the standard dialogue, um such a program bot and the Orten der Partnerschaften that there are.

A production center, which works with different art workers, is a way to find the way to work and the professionalism of your company. Neben der Beit des Choreograafen Gennaro Cimmino unterstützt das Zentrum die Produktionen von Künstlern wie: Luna Cenere, Giovanfrancesco Giannini, Francesco Marilungo, Gennaro Maione, Adriano Bolognino and Roberto Tedesco.

By Sheisoe

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