Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Unfassbar: “Bares für Rares”-Händlerin zahlt 3.500 Euro für “Mensch ärgere Dich nicht”Figures

Unfassbar: “Bares für Rares”-Händlerin zahlt 3.500 Euro für “Mensch ärgere Dich nicht”Figures

Das Spiel "Mensch has no intention" whatever you do in the House, but those figures were absolutely Unikate. No wonder, that's it "Bares for Rares"-Team great Begeisterung rerschte ...

Golden Unicate

The game “Mensch ärgere dich nicht” would be the same, but these figures were absolutely unique. Kein Wunder, dass im “Bares für Rares” -Team major Begeisterung herrschte …


"It is completely lost"erkannte Horst Lichter de Verzückung in de Augen der Expertin Wendela Horz. "Who has this little Kegelchen hair?"fragment is Bernd from Braunschweig.

Ganz loses

“It’s completely lost,” said Horst Lichter about the Verzückung in the Augen der Expertin Wendela Horz. “Wo hast du diese kleineen Kegelchen here?”, Fragment er Bernd from Braunschweig.


"The Spielsteine ​​game comes from my fathers' nachlass"erzählte der ehemalige Zahntechniker. "They were in a Krimkrams-Schublade"and yet Bernd says softly, that is a sure thing.


“Die Spielsteine ​​​​comes from mine Vaters”, is one of the evil Zahntechnikers. “They were in a Krimskrams-Schublade”, and yet Bernd muttered so much that a certain Wert could get through to it.


There are also two stones available in jewelery shops: "That's right, that's gold." Damit urged himself for Horst Lichter the last chapter: "Would you come up with the grand idea, would this Spielsteine ​​game with Gold come your way?"

Grand idea

There are also two stones in the jeweler’s shop: “We are proud of ourselves, that is gold.” Damit asked about the Horst Lichter die last Frage on: “Were we thinking about the grandiose idea, these Spielsteine ​​​​as Gold zu machen?”


Wendela Horz laughed: "See Father." Bernd explains: "Mein Vater is Zahnarzt gewesen." The power of Horz Sinn: "In the 80s, technology has had a major hobby, such as a hobby or a new object."


Wendela Horz laughed: “Sein Vater.” Bernd erklärte: “My father is his life.” The power of Horz Sinn: “In the 1980s, the technology of engineering has become one of the hobby-friendly-schmuck-power or an unusual object.”


Darauf ließ auch the ursprüngliche Fehlen der Punzen schließen: "How a goldsmith gets the sogenante 'Pöppel', the more you fall, the more punishment you get." The Marker is the first jewel at the Prüfung-hinzu.

Nachträgliche Punze

Darauf ließ auch the ursprüngliche Fehlen der Punzen schließen: “Hätte a Goldschmied that sogenannten ‘Pöppel’ produced, it is auf jeden Fall auch aine Punze brought.” The Marker is the first jewel at the Prüfung-hinzu.


"It seems that if the man has found the Altgold verwertet"erkannte Horz an der Farbe. "Someone hated that suddenly Spaß drank."

Altgold verwertet

“It’s like this, if a man who fell lightly wears Altgold,” said Horz an der Farbe. “Someone hated that apparently Spaß drank.”


"It is a very curious work. I think it's completely silly"erreute sich die Expertin an der Idee. "This is luxury at the highest level."

Kuriose Arbeit

“That is a serious work. I think it is completely witty,” he said. “That is a beautiful luxury at the highest level.”


The Wunschpreis from 2,000 to 2,500 Euro can have a locker from 3,200 to 3,500 Euro in stock. "Wow! Sehr toll"Strahlte Bernd. "In der Krimkrams-Kiste"tough Horst Lichter about the little Goldschatz.

More than expected

The Wunschpreis from 2,000 to 2,500 Euro can have a locker from 3,200 to 3,500 Euro in stock. “Wow! Sehr toll,” shouted Bernd. “In der Krimkrams-Kiste”, tough Horst Lichter about the little Goldschatz.


"Is this for 'Mensch ärgere dich nicht'?"schlug Susanne Steigers Herz softly higher. "That's my Liebling play!" See straw: "Playing games is so common in Hause." Daniel Meyer grinned ebenfalls: "Who is cool? War hat goldene 'Mensch ärgere dich nicht'-Pöppel?"

Liebling play

“Is das für ‘Mensch ärgere dich nicht’?”, schlug Susanne Steigers Herz sofort höher. “That’s my Liebling play!” Sie verriet: “We play games so often in Hause.” Daniel Meyer grins softly: “Wie cool ist das denn? Wer hat goldene ‘Mensch ärgere dich nicht’-Pöppel?”


"Man can use a half-half machine"schlug Meyer signaler Kollegin einen Deal vor. Die lehnte ab: "If all goes well, it may merge convolut. That's since four friends."


“Man could make half-half”, schlug Meyer signaler Kollegin einen Deal vor. Die lehnte ab: “I’m happy, they may gerne as Konvolut sisterammenbleiben. That’s four friends.”


For 3,500 Euro you pay the costs and the blunder "35 grüne Scheine" auf den Tisch. "I am completely free"thanks for the Händlerin. Gab jedoch zu: "When you play, it's bisschen decadent."

Bisschen decadent

For 3,500 Euro you pay the Zuschlag and the “35 grüne Scheine” on the Tisch. “I am completely happy with myself”, thanked the Händlerin. You will say, “When you play, it is a bisschen decadent.”


Ebenfall's purchases were both sold by Salvador Dalí from the 1970s, since the Treasurer price was between 500 and 700 Euro.

Salvador Dalí

Ebenfall’s purchases were both sold by Salvador Dalí from the 1970s, since the Treasurer price was between 500 and 700 Euro.


For 500 Euro Benjamin Leo Leo bought the Sammlerstücke: "I like and Dalí wirklich. I knew nothing, that's why the Teller had authority."

It’s not good

Benjamin Leo Leo bought the Sammlerstücke for 500 euros: “I like Dalí very much.


Giulio Marotto's Gold Bracelet won an amount of 2,300 to 2,400 euros in Italy in the 1970s or 1980s.

Gold bracelet

Giulio Marotto’s Gold Bracelet won an amount of 2,300 to 2,400 euros in Italy in the 1970s or 80s.


Susanne Steiger received the sales price of 2,500 Euro, oder "25-jig green Scheine".

Green Scheine

Susanne Steiger received the sales price of 2,500 Euro, or “25-mal grüne Scheine”.


De Verkäuferinnen der Walzenspieluhr aus Tropenholz von 1870 kamen zum zum in de Show, diesmal mit den nognauwen Genehmigung. Treasure price: 1,700 to 2,200 Euro.


De Verkäuferinnen der Walzenspieluhr aus Tropenholz von 1870 kamen zum zum in de Show, diesmal mit den nognauwen Genehmigung. Treasure price: 1,700 to 2,200 Euro.


With 500 euros that Daniel Meyer spends on the retail price, it is a matter of making money with this type of toy.

Wunschpreis erreicht

With 500 euros that Daniel Meyer spends on the retail price, it is a matter of making money with these types of games.


Die Rollschuhfahrerin "Jenny" from Porzellan from Bing & Gröndahl from the year 1986 had a value of 120 to 150 Euro.

Bing & Gröndahl

The Rollschuhfahrerin “Jenny” from Porzellan by Bing & Gröndahl from the year 1986 had a value of 120 to 150 Euro.


Esther Ollick buys the statue for 180 Euro: "Lass Roller Girl to Mir!"

Roller girl

Esther Ollick bought the figure for 180 Euro: “Lass Roller Girl zu mir!”


The Linsenleuchte war leader now has a nachbildung and not so much, whoever he wants. Horst Lichter is located on the Händlerkarte map: "It is not that there are no rüberlassen."

Nur een Nachbildung

The Linsenleuchte war leader now has a nachbildung and not so much, whoever he wants. Horst Lichter liesß die Händlerkarte stecken: “Das ich nicht rüberlassen.”


By Sheisoe

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