Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Gedankenflüge – Die Schildkröte und der Kranich

Gedankenflüge – Die Schildkröte und der Kranich

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Die Schildkröte und der Kranich

A Fabel is one of the best people who experienced the war

In a Tal lebten an alteingesessene Schildkröte, a stolzer Kranich and a freche Amsel. The story is about a long war and the whole story, which is a distant future.

Registration of the Tal of a mighty Löwen. The Schildkröte grows like a rastplätze in Boden, the Vögel strikes in the Himmel and all labs are a tasty körnern.

Aber der Löwe was not allowed to have the regge Treiben. There’s like that, it might not even be like the story and the long run.

And so there is a difference between the Lowe zahlreiche Regeln, um diesem Treiben Einhalt zu bieten. This is a list: Wer in seinem Tal rasten wolllte, mustste ihm große Gift bring.

Die Tiere Murrten– und gaben dem Löwen de geforderten Gaben. The mighty Low War is glücklich. There is little trade. One of these overvoltage constants in the tap and the shield crote can no longer be shortened.

Other Täler – smaller gifts

“Ich kenne Täler, in general it is true that the money and the lower gifts get a smaller gift – anyway!”, the life of the free Amsel – and the power is enormous, that’s the whole story.

That was what they stole Kranich now right. Amseln was not allowed in the valley, in the sein Schwarm nistete. The French Amseln had nice small Körner gestohlen.

Jetzt blieben fast alle Körner im Tal für den Kranich: “Do I have to pick up the Körner immer nor mühevoll einzeln?”, fragte er sich und hatte eenine Idee: “I am willing to do this, but I will also be able to work together.”

Power fell at that moment very tragically, all for the Schildkröte: “I brauche more Körner of the few Vögeln, who can neither here nor Rast”, they murmured.

But the Kranich wollte nicht machen: “Wir zahlen bereits genug Körner!”, someone protested. “Der Löwe desires schon so velde Geschenke. Wer bist Du, dass auch Du more verlangst?”

The Schildkröte has ended up in the law. “So the whole life in the Himmel, free and stollen, aber du siehst nicht, wie schwer die Arbeit here unten , ” continues. “And ohne Rastplatz keine Rast.”

A violation by Kampf – fell zu laut

The Streit van de Schildkröte und de Kranich were ever lauter, en bare hörten alle Tiere in Tal davon.

Schon was so praised by the Kranich and the Schildkröte that the low merksam will become. “It’s sinnlos, was sie da tun”, thought both of them. “They stretch out with a few Körner. Wer die nicht zahlen will, der rastet eben woanderen!”

If we look at the Kranich and the Schildkröte again in other words, the power over the mighty Löwe is a leises Gerücht: In other cases a Löwen has begun, smaller gifts are required…

The Kraniche from those Tälern could fly less, the Amseln kamen wieder and the Rastplätze der Schildkröten were well respected. It seems that most small gifts of the duration of the trip exist – and everything more is like a good Körner.

It is not possible to see in Countless powerful people, the ehrwürdigen schildkröte and the stolen Kranichs. If the Kranich and the Schildkröte die, they were entsetzt:

“If we handle our hands and do other things, then it is so that we get the low chance of getting a überzeugen-können. Nun is one of the two geschwächt.”

Und die Moral von der Geschicht’

The most successful solutions come from good taste – not from the use of other setzungen in all kinds of matters.

By Sheisoe

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