Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

Rotlicht-Beichte at “Promi Big Brother” 2024! Wieso Max Kruse works on the WM-Kader-flog

Rotlicht-Beichte at “Promi Big Brother” 2024! Wieso Max Kruse works on the WM-Kader-flog

Professional football player Max Kruse is in Staffel 12 of the “Promi Big Brother” dabei. Seine Frauengeschichten aus der Vergangenheit isdimmer whoder whoder Thema der Gespreche in Container. A story war so spicy that the career of the professional football players is defeated.

Tell your story more – it’s about the hour in the container

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

+++ Update from October 10, 2024 +++

Max Kruse: Habe mich eigen ins Aus geschossen

When ex-footballer Max Kruse chills with Matze Höhn, Daniel Lopes and Mike Heiter in Whirlpool, he confronts Matze – who so often appears in Container – with a fragment of his career. “Are you lucky enough to have a job in your career?”, Reality-Darteller von Max will say. Der überlegt nicht long: “Das eennzige, was ich wirklich gerne mitgenommen hätte, ist, zu be Weltmeister.” Mike Heiter thinks it is. When Max performed on the Traum 2014 record: “Es war das Länderspiel in London, gegen England.” In a fun round of poker with other team games, the idea was raised that an escort girl would place her order on Zimmer. “I must live my life, I have the other power”, gibt der 36-Jährige zu.

An escort girl with Max Kruse with Verhängnis

“Normal war is so schlau, that I have an extra Zimmer on another floor.” Erklärt: “In the National Mannschaft it is like this: if you are in a hotel, you have to close the entire floor. And then you never have to go to another floor. The number is 6. The 2. Stock. And then you check again, and Then you will also be in the other Stock.” Don’t do a diesem tag. “That is an incomprehensible brand name. I have no more experience and I am one of my best friends in Zimmer. Then it is a fact that the Pokerraum is raus, and then come to the Co-Trainer entgegen, Hansi Flick, and lechelt mich an. Ich schon so ‘Scheiße’ If I noticed Zimmer, I could win a great time a few minutes later.”

Kruse loves the stories of the DFB teams “hinterhältig”

What was passion then? Max Kruse: “I’m happy with the Schlüsselloch, it was worth it. I’m happy with it: Steht da Hansi Flick with Olli Bierhoff. ‘Wo is that lady, who was here here. Schick sie mal nach Hause, über den Rest wer tomorrow. ‘ Dann Kopfkino dies of the night. Auch in their Hotel and auch in their Abend. Now stop in another floor.” I look at the Tag that follows the conversation, there is mention of Max Kruse: “Who is treated with the mirror, if it is behind. They are not mentioned: ‘Max, bring that over here zu Ende und dann war’s das’, sie haben gesagt: ‘Wir sind mit deinen Leistungen zufrieden. If the problem arises, it is a clear image that you cannot use playing WM in the summer.” So a bit: if I say the right thing, then it’s okay. The war in November and in the summer war WM dies.”

I have fallen under all clouds.

Ex-DFB star Kruse: “I was who in Trance”

The following thoughtless business matters are first a schmerzlich zu spüren kommen, führt Max weiter aus: “Dann has my nor right gef***. As WM or EM it is true that the money is a press conference, and then it is one of the 30 year that we received a nomination for the 30-year appointment from the DFB: ‘Wir müssen mit dir noch een Kurzporträt drhen for the full Kader-Nominierung’ I thought that I was in the restaurant, that I was handy with the trainer and I thought: Oh, it’s so good that I’m a good friend, I’m dabei.” Fehlanzeige, who are there Mitbewohnern erzählt: “‘Yes Max, we are open to you, that is why you are here.’ I have fallen under all clouds. It’s a little jig, that’s erwish, that’s who in the trance war. I war another human being. The war is so bad that there is honor in football for me. Who has since become a Weltmeister.” All the more about Max Kruse, who has since become a Weltmeister: “That was a really nice thing, they would become a Weltmeister.”

That was a beautiful thing, Weltmeister would be …

Das Dementi by Jogi Löw

Ex-Federal coach Jogi Löw has dementia, I am 26. February 2024 in the TV interview with “Bild Sport” that Vorwürfe von Max Kruse, dieser kurz zuvor in seinem Podcast “Flatterball” geäußert hatte hatte: “Die Wahrheit ist: Er war einfach nicht gut genug “, so Löw. “Max has the quality of the game, but Max was manchmal besser in the Your Seeler-Traditionself aufgehoben gewesen, weil das Tempo seine Dynamik in dem Spiel einfach auch a Stück weit zu wenig were. Those Gründe were leistungsmäßig. Nicht das, was that the hotel passes by is the damage caused by the Federal Trainer.

Stream all the following and highlights on Joyn

+++ Update from October 7, 2024 +++

“I was right to help”: Max Kruse packs over his wild time

“I was right assi”: Max Kruse lied to those Frauen!

That Max Kruse was the first to tell you that as Fußball-Profi kein Kind von Traurigkeit war, ist kein großes Geheimnis. In the Innenhof of the Containers, the Bewohner: within the Lips of Ex-Sportlers, when there is a wild Vergangenheit with a little Liebeleien auspackt, used.

“I was young, I was a Fußball-Business, man was a dieser Euphoriewelle, hat in diesem High Flug gebt and that man now in itself thought. That is muss man ganz ehrlich sagen”, said his 36-year-old rheumatism.

Ferner gibt zu, dass is bei Trennungen von miscellaneous Liebschaften oft nicht aufrichtig gewesen ist: “I was right as assi. I’m always happy, jemandem ins Gesicht zu sagen: ‘I will dich nicht more'”, explains Max. Deshalb ended up in that situation when the situation was not properly prepared.

As a postman? So get to know Max Kruse Dilara

Lügerein und Frauen-Geschichten show heutzutage aber keinen Platz mehr im Leben des Ex-Fußballers zu haben, der seit jaar glücklich mit seiner Ehefrau Dilara zeeammenlebt. There is a problem you can reach, there is Max. “Jetzt kommt das Leben, das genauso schön ist. With the right faces of my life,” he says.

Dilara, who appeared at “Promi Big Brother” 2023 on Sechsten Platz, knew my Shisha Café. Damals were never conscious, but we are confident that postal bones evolved. But Kruses Bekanntheit mighte ihm schnell einen Strich durch die Rechnung:

Dann haben Leute nach Fotos gefragt en sie dann: “Warum fragen die nach Fotos mir dir?” I have never seen it, I will not say it myself, I was in it. I think: “Egal, if you don’t have illegal power, then everything is fine. And no Fußballer bist.” Once it is so, the war will pay off. The war is a clean affair.

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Max Kruse

+++ Update from October 4, 2024 +++

Kein Warmwasser – Kein Kruse!

Kurz-vorm Start of “Promi Big Brother” praised Bewohner Max Kruse in “Flatterball” with his podcast partner Martin Harnik about the previous week in Container. Martin fragmented Max, born in Ehefrau Dilara, died in 2023 in the Promi-WG of Big Brother, which Tipps had received. Drop the Sprache into the Wasser and Duschen. Max Kruse explains: “I have a lot of water – then I am still there!”. There is relative meaning: “Then I’ll be happy in two weeks.”

It’s nice to know that the sparrows are happy, so they can enjoy themselves fresh. It has stopped at the mirror of autumn.

When Martin Harnik marvels, Kruse says: “That’s not a problem and it’s okay. Let the geese sit down and let’s have a good time, let’s enjoy the game.” The football player never progressed. “Irrespective of who gets the best blows, he gives his Profi-Kicker Kruse-hoffnungsvoll.

Max Kruse at #PromiBB 2023: Here becomes the Bewohner: one-off

+++ Update, September 18, 2024 +++

Shock after Fitness Check!

Beim Fitness-Check for the new health-oriented trainer Max Kruse, who has had a healthy lifestyle: “My fitness has been healthy, my body shape has been good for 33 years”, offered by the ex-professional in the podcast “Flatterball”, and there is a sister with Ex-Pro Martin Harnik (37).

The high interest rate is unusual for an ex-professional. For professional football matches, the duration is approximately 8 to 13 Prozent Fettanteil. Der Normalwert bei erwachsenen Mannern liegt zwischen 10 en etwa 22 Prozent.

Max Kruse in spectacle and new football format “Baller League”

Kruse’s war will be one of the best Kicker, while Leben will go more like Leder Gab. Kruse has played life, has been playing poker since 2014 and is one of the best players in sailing. Who will know in October 2015, if a bisschen Bargeld was lost in a Taxi – 75,000 Euro!

Max Kruse has a special mention for the “Promi Big Brother” container. Auch mit 33-prozentigem Fettanteil.

Promi Big Brother” 2024: Here is 24/7 live stream

“Promi Big Brother” 2024 – “My New Year’s Eve”: Mike and Leyla are reunited

+++ Ursprüngliche Notification +++

Nach Dilara: Max Kruse appeared on “Promi Big Brother” in 2024

In the podcast “Flatterball”, in which Max Kruse played with Martin Harnik, he spoke to the professional football professional who made an egg in the “Promi Big Brother” container, a “Knowing Limits”. If you have an einkaufs-auftritt at Ehefrau Dilaras Teilnahme, you will now see one yourself in the container. Was it an extreme form of self-discovery, which was a practical page for Kruse.

Abnehmen in Container? The Fußball-Profi sagt Nutella-Brot den Kampf an

Kruse, who was concerned with his direct art, which had been neglected, was a spark of that Auftritt erhofft. If you do a self-study, this is one of the ways you can save: the weight loss goal. There is a Nutella-Brötchen-Fan hat in the seiner Zeit after the active Fußball-karriere a kind of Pfunde zgenommen.

If you reduce the size of the container to a container, you can lose a few pounds in any location. “If you are a man in two weeks, if you take a few kilos, I stop doing it before the end of the day,” says Kruse gegenüber Harnik. “Das Abnehmen is a beige beigeschmack.” There is a beautiful idea that fits into the Mitbewohnerin Mimi Fiedler.

For experimenting with a self-service experiment and a way of working, it is a matter of self-gratification. When the time of life is no more, it is an enlarged core and a bet as an opportunity, while flights take place with a blow to the schlagers and get a little better. It is exciting when the absence of the professional athlete becomes public and other violations are in the container.

While Max Kruses was grateful to his colleague Mike Heiter in Vorfeld for the “Promi Big Brother” power and gave an interview, there was no visibility at all.

“No Kruse, no party”: Max Kruse is happy with #PromiBB

Dieser Inhalt comes from external advertisements via Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Active personalization and inhalation of the CMP standards, one of these inhaled analyses.

By Sheisoe

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