Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Author warns against power over social media

Author warns against power over social media

Ferdinand von Schirach
Author warns against power over social media

Bestselling author Ferdinand von Schirach has a critical look at the modern information landscape

Bestselling author Ferdinand von Schirach has a critical look at the modern information landscape

© image/Panama Pictures / Christoph Hardt

Bestselling author Ferdinand von Schirach sees parallels between George Orwell’s “1984” and the current information landscape.

The prominent author and lawyer Ferdinand von Schirach (“Debt”, 60) has written a personal comment on his thoughts. Diesmal mit een endringlichen Warnung voor de Gefahren Sozialer Medien. Deren Rolle has ended up in the grotesquely manipulative “Wahrheitsministerium” of George Orwell’s (1903-1950) dystopian novel “1984” from 1949.

Von Schirach, whose career as head of the Scriptures has become renowned in history, is intended for his legal analyzes of a common phenomenon. One of the ways in which American society is concerned with thinking about man and world politics is a fact that can take years for a good conversation and interviews in scharfen Worten ab.

“Wahrheit and Wirklichkeit” in social media

In an active commentary on the “Welt” demonstration, one of the overscripts is now “Wahreit und Wirklichkeit”, which itself contains documentation and graphic information about digital disinformation being generated. The article started with a detailed and detailed painting of the Gräueltaten, destroyed by Hamas terrorists in Israel on October 7, 2023. An investigation has been done to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the “New York Times” and review the results of Morden, persecution and systematic sexual reporting.

Hamas-Gräuel as Beispiel for digital Realitätsverzerrung

About the Massakern on October 7, 2023 in Israel “Over 1,500 Zeugenaussagen, over 60,000 Videos – including the reports of the terrorist chambers” are covered by Twitter, TikTok and Co. verbreiteten Terror-Propaganda und Falschinformationen “über 90 Prozent der Palästinenser in Gazastreifen und Westjordanland, de Hamas in Israel verübt geräueltaten”.

Social media so schlimm who Orwell’s “Wahrheitsministerium”?

After the description of Hamas began to be expanded, the written description of a parallel description of George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984” was displayed. In the context of the idea of ​​​​the “Wahreitsministeriums”, if reality increases the reality value in the kitchen of man, by soul Sprachmanipulation is changed.

In his opinion article, Schirach argues that social media plays a major role: “Those social media are more powerful, as a ‘Wahrheitsministerium’ you could signal. With a Tastenklick, there was an Opfer zu Tätern and Täter zu Opfern gemacht.” The value of the money is still not that great, the Wirklichkeitscheine “no longer exists, even among the most schrecklichsten Verbrechen”.

The author wrote a story using a material from Orwell’s “1984”: “If you have an image of the woolly Zukunft, then you imagine a stepel, a human is bright – an unufhörlich.” Von Schirach commented: “These Stiefel since heute these social media.”

spot on news

By Sheisoe

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