Sun. Oct 20th, 2024

Historical Fechten mit Schwert und Degen im Verein Schildwache

Historical Fechten mit Schwert und Degen im Verein Schildwache

Potsdam. Although both men are using their hands, both Griffe and Schwerter are schlossing. Ihre Helme hide je Gesichtsregung. Then, from the Nichts, setzt one of the Angriff and, prescht for a holt zum Schlag out. In Sekundenbrruchteilen signals Gegenüber respond, the steel blades of both Langschwerter krachen aufeinander. The attack is wrong.

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If both can do the Zeit später in Helme and Schwerter, Haris Eminovic and Philipp Schmidt will be able to make it to the Atem, aber auch zufrieden – from Rivalität keine Spur, in Gegenteil. The two men are training partners. “That’s a workout,” said Eminovic and laughed. It was a shame for others, the Hanteln or the Laufband, for both in his Schwerter. Ihr Sport: historical Fechten.

Training am Langschwert in the Sporthalle der Max-Dortu-Grundschule.

Training am Langschwert in the Sporthalle der Max-Dortu-Grundschule.

Potsdam: Historical Fechten in der Sporthalle

Jeden Mittwochabend meet themselves and the others Mitglieder der „Schildwache Potsdam“ – of the local Association for Historical Fechten – in the Sporthalle der Grundschule Max Dortu. Here you will learn who the long-term man is, or how the other person feels in the medium term.

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“We orient ourselves in art, who will fight, in erster Linie and the historical Quellen des 16. Jahrhunderts”, erklärt Trainer Stephan Eickelmann. In particular the Fechtschrifts of Northern Italian Bologna serve as a guiding line.

More Kampfkunst as Showkampf

Stephan Eickelmann is an expert in his field, trained by the trainer team of the national framework of the German Dachverbanden for Historical Fechten. Unlike Showkämpfen at such a Mittelalterfest or Ritterfilmen, it is historically Fechten nicht darum, “einfach draufzuhauen, bis der Andere am Boden liegt”.

There is talk of sport as a champion art, a connection with tactics and technique. Ziel says: “Klinge des Gegners permanently zu dominieren”. In the attack, when we all go through the art and well-being, man is so consuming, and so it may be that the fear of the beets increases. Schon der Winkel, who stops man signal Schwert, can prevent a missed goal, Eickelmann explains.

The trainer of the Potsdamer Schildwache is Stephan Eickelmann.

The trainer of the Potsdamer Schildwache is Stephan Eickelmann.

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Stumpfe Waffen und gegenseitige vertrauen

Who that is, power of the instructor – historically for trainer – vor. Danach would be the ideal Klingenführung in Paaren, ever and ever weeder. The short description of the treatment makes the teaching effective, so Eickelmann.

If the Waffen-stompf, the Pointe with rubber-prepared or bent and the blades are slightly open, the following are the characteristics of the Turnierkämpfen who are also training essence – and gebte Reality: “Everything in order?”, Fragment Philipp Schmidt send Training partner directly after one hit.

Trotz aller Vorsichtsmaßnahmen can be a natural pride and passion, and not even in a Kampfsport, Stephan Eickelmann explains. Trotz alle Vorsichtsmaßnahmen kan een Klinge in Worst-Case-Szenario sogar splittern. Dagegen schützen sollen spezielle Fechtjacken, who they would get at Olympia – now there is a dicker padded. A Florett cannot look at a man with a long story.

A price that costs: 200 and 300 euros costs earned in mass production. I want a joke from the Schmiedehand, but I think there is still 1000 euros more left than this empty. Auch Jacke, Helm and Hose cost less than 300 Euro.

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“We’ll erase, that’s not our cool look.”

Stephan Eickelmann

Trainer of the “Schildwache”

We have a view of Stange Geld, who changes the sentinel for an einsteiger-grundsortiment and Waffen and Helme. If one of the reintroductions is a fact, it may be that the Mitgliedern der Schildwache is used in a college sports group at the University of Potsdam.

The war with Stephan Eickelmanns in his historical events throughout his year. Was the Leute zu dem Nieschensport, the first in the last 20 to 30 years, long gone?

Fascination by Game of Thrones and Herr der Ringe

“It is a fact that Game of Thrones or Herr der Ring has become a bit of a joke,” says Stephan Eickelmann. If you want to see a Tag Ritter and with a Schwert-kämpfen, you know some men from your childhood – for many people who have separate motivations.

Reicht das as Erklärung aus? “I’m happy, I can make it happen at the end of the day,” said Philipp Schmidt, laughing. Of course, during sports, more than the husband of the man and the wife of the sentinel fell upon the lesson of historical events. “For my war it is definitively Liebe auf the first Blick”, ergänzt Haris Eminovic, there is one thing about such after a new Hobby war, who said.

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Freies Training am Langschwert (vorne) and Parier (hinten).

Freies Training am Langschwert (vorne) and Parier (hinten).

Gegen Faschismus: Aufräumen mit Vorurteilen

Gerade Kampfsportarten mit Waffen stehen teilweise Vorurteil gegenüber, right bis right extrem zu signal. The position of the Schildwache today is: In the Verhaltenskodex, the Code of Conduct, it is said that the Schildwache is fascist and right-wing extreme.

Darüber, who is the martial fighter as well as human beings with good views, who is definitely not happy here in the Schildwache, is himself Stephan Eickelmann in Claren: “Wir clear, that is not our cool life, beispelsweise Menschen with translated Geschlechterrolen “, said uh.

Potsdam: Schildwache trägt Pride-Flagge im Wappen

An additional conversation that is politically oriented will never happen again. Man first sympathizes with his compassion and is a novice with the identity of the sentinel’s identity. Rassismus and homo-transphobia were tolerated here with sexist witze or unfragmented body contact.

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These matters will likely be carried out during your Wappen representation. Two wrinkled Schwerter and Speere together shield in front of the Neuen Palais lying on the Pride Flag, the world’s unifying symbol of the LGBTQI community.

Training in Potsdams Stadtfarben

The Schildwache is not a strange woman, but because of the Pride-Fahne aber deutlich machen, that man has taken a clear position, Stephan Eickelmann explains: “Were we with our power, soll sich wohlfühlen”. The flag is no longer hung in the sports hall, but sits on the training track when he is not seeing.

Don’t light the lights, whoever uses the shirts can find the best way to fly. Neben de Vereinsblau ist einem der Potsdamer Adler und de Stadtfarben Rot und Gelb in Kombination auf nicht vertreten.

Stephan Eickelmann has completed the training for a short training, which Schwerter schweigen for a moment. “The moment, before the Klingen meet other people, is separated”, the Kämpfenden is now complete. Danach heißt es Partnerwechsel. And the stählerne Rasseln of the giants Schwerter inherits the Sports Hall.


By Sheisoe

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