Sun. Oct 20th, 2024

Aydan Özoguz bittet anti-Semitische beitrag een Entschuldigung

Aydan Özoguz bittet anti-Semitische beitrag een Entschuldigung

More anti-Semitic message: Özoguz bittet um Entschuldigung

Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Aydan Özoguz

Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Aydan Özoguz von der SPD steht schwer unter Press weg eenines antisemitischen Posts on ihrem Instgram-Account

© Jan Woitas / DPA

Roads of social media posts on the Gaza Krieg that Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Aydan Özoguz received criticism. Now the SPD politicians are biting into a Verzeihung.

After a number of social media posts in Gaza-Krieg, the Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Aydan Özoguz Fehler eingeräumt and bitten a guilty party. “There is a war going on, this Instagram story is a story. I am a Verzeihung”, the SPD police have started a session of the Bundestag Council in Vorfall.

Ihr Ansinnen are in the Gesellschaft Brücken zu bauen and the Menschen zeeammenzubringen. “Dieser Post hat aber das genaue Gegenteil bewirkt. Ich distanziere mich davon.”

Pro-Palästinensische Organization, which will abolish the Judenstaat

The SPD police hate their office in the Mittwoch and received the “Jewish voice for peace” as an Instagram story. Solche Stories comes up on its own within 24 days, on my account the previous views are not more visible. The organization has established its own interests for a “Palästinensische association and the judgment of Zionism”.

The “Bild” message reports, there is an Israeli rage in a Krankenhaus in the Gaza Strip. Screenshots were taken on the X platform that have not been verified. Auf einem Foto sind blopende Gegenstände zu sehen, darüber steht: “This is Zionism” (“Das ist Zionismus”). The Israeli army in the fight against anger will become a Hamas command post.

The Zionist Movement is on 19th anniversary of the creation of a Jewish National State – 1948. Israel was founded.

Zentralrat der Juden sees “Entgleisung” by Aydan Özoguz

Nach dem Postwar Özoguz massive Kritik entgegengeschgen. The president of the Juden Central Councilors, Josef Schuster, spoke of an “Entgleisung”. “It is a fact that the Israeli Kriegsführung would be criticized, or if an anti-Zionist narrative would be used, that in the course of the year would have been the result of the most intelligent Israel and Jewish defense in Germany,” Schuster criticized.

The Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft (DIG) has established the Özoguz-rücktritt of the Amt der Bundestagsvizepräsidentin, as DIG President Volker Beck «Bild» said. «With their teeth, Frau Özoguz has a long line of descent.» Auch Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas (SPD) has criticized his Stellvertreterin and Parteikollegin.

Özoguz äußerte zunächst Bedauern. “I am proud of the fact that I have lived the life of my citizens and my citizens have been disappointed, which has resulted in a healthy life.” “That was not my view and that I was most happy.” On October 7, 2023, the Concrete Bureau announced Hamas’s brazen raid.

The test is performed with Vorfall

The Union’s war comes at a time when Israeli-Israeli power has gained power and created an unsympathetic seat of the Bundestages’ elders. Özoguz is a Vizepräsidentin and other Stellvertretern and Bundestagspräsidentin Bas himself Mitglied des Älstenenrats. I heard another story about Abgeordnete an.

When the excitement of the test results in the Freitagnachmittag arises, it is time to take the brand journey to another outlet. The fact is he is guilty. The destroyer of the Ampel Party has been activated. The Union has commanded the Worte zur kenntnis and is committed to its Rücktrittsforderung. “Wir can make one of the decisions that no head of government can,” as the parliamentary Geschäftsführer of the CDU/CSU, Thorsten Frei, said. A Rücktrittsabsicht war nach Angaben der Teilnehmer in der Sitzung nicht bekennbar.

If you’re in the Anschluss, you might be “in all German language” if you get an Instagram accusation. If you are the chairman of the Council of Jews in Deutschland, you get in touch and a guilty event is committed.


By Sheisoe

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