Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

My wife cheated on me with a lifelong friend – she said she was ‘drunk and stupid’, but the real truth makes me want revenge

My wife cheated on me with a lifelong friend – she said she was ‘drunk and stupid’, but the real truth makes me want revenge

A man has revealed that his wife has admitted to cheating on him with his best friend.

The distraught man explained that although his partner claims she was ‘drunk and stupid’, the real truth has left him heartbroken and desperate for revenge.

A man has revealed that his wife has been cheating on him with his best friend for 15 years


A man has revealed that his wife has been cheating on him with his best friend for 15 yearsCredit: Getty
Clearly heartbroken, the man opened up about the heartbreaking situation, leaving Reddit users completely baffled


Clearly heartbroken, the man opened up about the heartbreaking situation, leaving Reddit users completely baffledCredit: Getty

However, the anonymous man, who shared his story on social media and left many open-mouthed, shared that he felt “shattered” and was unsure how to proceed with the situation.

On Reddit, in the r/relationships thread under the username @resistance_01, the 30-year-old man confessed that his 29-year-old wife “admitted” to cheating on him with his lifelong friend.

He admitted: “Two days ago my husband of five years (together 10 years) admitted to cheating twice with my best friend of 15 years.

“The first time was a few months ago. The second time was less than a week ago and they were caught by his wife (also a friend of 15+ years).

Read more real life stories

“It was also an emotional affair as they have become very close over the past four to five months.

“Just before this confession, I had a belated conversation with her about how sometimes I felt uncomfortable with the intimacy of their friendship.”

The Reddit poster claimed his wife was trying to justify her infidelity, adding: “She claims there was ‘no reason’ why she did this, that both occasions were ‘drunk and stupid’ mistakes.

“I pointed out that these were not two isolated incidents… It was months and months of covert, unfaithful behavior. Even after the first physical episode of cheating, she chose not to walk away.

“She claims there are no relationship issues or other issues that caused this behavior. I find this very hard to believe.

“You don’t cheat for no reason, and the ‘why?’ This question really messes with my head, even though I know it’s not relevant in the grand scheme of things.”

And as a result of her infidelity, the man admitted, “I also have serious doubts that this was the first time she was cheated on. She has had male friends at work who have raised some warning signs, but I clearly haven’t taken action on them.

“We are both independent and give each other the space to live our own lives… at least that’s how I used to see it.”

I had a wild ’emotional affair’ with a married man – I desperately wanted him, but it ended up VERY messy

As he pondered the situation, the smoking man explained, “My best friend is dead to me.

“While it would be incredibly satisfying to seek out a fight or some form of revenge, I doubt it would be of any use in the short or long term.

“As for me… my emotions are still incredibly raw, but I don’t see how I can live with this.

“I’m an independent person and quite closed, but my wife was the only person I ‘let in’.

It’s so hard to think clearly. Every thought is interrupted by an alternating flood of anger and crushing sadness

Reddit user

“These people were pretty much my entire social group; we were incredibly close. Now I look around my life and it feels like I’m scorched Earth…there’s nothing left.

“We don’t have children (thank God). We own a house. We have virtually no other debts. We’ll both stay in the house for the time being; she downstairs, me upstairs.”

Eager for advice, the man concluded: “It’s so hard to think straight. Every thought is interrupted by an alternating flood of anger and crushing sadness.

“How do I choose a path forward? If I leave, what do I need to put things in order?”


Reddit users flocked to the comments to share advice and guidance, with many encouraging divorce as the most appropriate way forward.

Find a lawyer and get a divorce

Reddit user

One person said: “Talk to a lawyer and leave her and your girlfriend behind. Never speak to them again.”

Another added: “Wow it sucks to lose two best friends at the same time. They will never regain that position of trust, so don’t waste your time worrying about it.

“They all chose to end a friendship, and your wife chose to end a marriage. All you can do is cut off contact and move on.”

You have to focus on yourself now. Make yourself feel good, happy and safe

Reddit user

Meanwhile, someone else advised: ‘I’m so sorry about what you’re going through. You had a terrible wife. And the worst friend ever. You don’t deserve this. ABSOLUTELY.

‘You need a lawyer to protect yourself. An unfaithful person is capable of committing many other atrocities.

“Also, you need to focus on yourself right now. Make sure you feel good, happy and safe. Surround yourself with those who really love and care about you.

“Don’t try to mend your heart with another relationship now. It never works. And don’t become a bitter man either.

‘There are many decent women who wouldn’t do what your wife did.

“There are a lot of great people who wouldn’t do what your ex-boyfriend did.”

Four warning signs that your partner is cheating

Private investigator Aaron Bond from BondRees revealed four warning signs that your partner may be cheating.

They start taking their phones everywhere

In close relationships, it is normal to know each other’s passwords and use each other’s phones. If their phone habits change, they may be hiding something.

Aaron says, “If your partner starts changing his password, taking his phone everywhere, even around the house, or if he gets defensive when you ask to use his phone, this could be a sign that he’s not being faithful.” .”

“You should also look at how they put their phone down when not in use. If they look at the phone with the screen facing down, they may be hiding something.”

They start telling you less about their day

If partners cheat, they may start avoiding you. This could be because they feel guilty or because it is easier for them to lie to you.

“If you feel like your partner suddenly starts avoiding you and stops wanting to do things with you or stops talking about their day, this is another warning sign.”

“Partners often avoid their spouses or tell them less about their day because cheating can be difficult, remembering all your lies is impossible, and it’s an easy way to get caught,” says Aaron.

Their libido changes

Your partner’s libido can change for a variety of reasons, so it may not be a sure sign of cheating, but Aaron says it can be a warning sign.

Aaron says: “Cheaters often have less sex at home because they are cheating, but occasionally they may also have more sex at home. This is because they feel guilty and use this increase in sex to hide their cheating. You may also find that your partner will introduce new things into your sex life that were not there before.”

They become negative towards you

Cheaters know that cheating is wrong and for them it will feel good. This can cause tension and anxiety within themselves that they will have to justify.

“To release the tension they feel inside, they will try to convince themselves that you are the problem and out of nowhere become critical of you. Maybe you didn’t walk the dog that day, do the dishes, or do a book read. Book to your children before bed. A small problem like this can now feel like a big problem and if you experience this, your partner may be cheating,” Aaron warns.

By Sheisoe

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