Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Streit around Bohrungen im Biosphärenreservat Gypsum Karst: Neues Naturlabor eröffnet

Streit around Bohrungen im Biosphärenreservat Gypsum Karst: Neues Naturlabor eröffnet

Nabu hat im Biosphärenreservat Karstlandschaft Südharz has started a sogenanntes Nachhaltigkeitslaboratorium (NLAB). Ziel des Projects ist es, Natuur- und Umweltbildung voor Schulkinder und Erwachsene anzubiten, beispielsweise auch das Anstoßen von Citizen-Science-Projekten und de Unterstützung van Umweltgruppen voor Ort. Projects are carried out in the areas of politics, images and nature conservation.

Young people will be sure to show up

Anne Arnold from the Nabu-Waldinstitut in Blankenburg said, “I would like to know more about this approach, to motivate the next generation, to motivate knowledge and thinking in trade – and to do so under the knowledge of art and nature conservation: “It is important These days, young people from the power of nehmen and aufzuzeigen, that it was possible for art enthusiasts and physics to be unternehmen.’

The Biosphärenreservat Karstlandschaft Südharz umfasst 30,034 Hektar im Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz, the Landscape gilded as a weltweit einzigartiger Naturraum. Saxony-Anhalt is the only Bundesland, in this country there is still a Gipskarstlandschaft gibt. Urte Bachmann is a dry biosphärenreservat concretet, der Ort eigne sich aus ihrer Search further, a young Menschen das Erlebnis Nature näherzubringen: “Here you can be active if you beitragen, the Vielfalt that has a single cultural landscape zu erhalten, damit auch künftige Generationen that biological “Velfalt der Südharzer Karstlandschaft could be experienced.”

For reviewing critical studies in Gypsum karst

The Karstlandschaft area is based on the composition of the Association of German High and Karst Foresters and focuses on plant research in the area. A building materials department from the South African Republic conducted an investigation into the Mansfeld-Südharz district in August. The region is part of the region, which depends on the nature of the investigation and testing. These lower layers and adjustments were thoroughly appreciated.

By Sheisoe

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