Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Nine releases on bullying, discrimination report

Nine releases on bullying, discrimination report

An external report into the culture at ASX-listed Nine Entertainment shows the organization has a systemic problem with abuse of power, bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment.

The report was carried out by independent firm Intersection and was drawn up following allegations made by several staff members, some of which specifically related to senior TV director Darren Wick.

Intersection made 22 recommendations to reset the culture at Nine, which also owns WAtoday and 6PR in Perth, along with the Australian Financial Review, Sydney Morning Herald, the Age and radio stations including 2GB.

“The Review found very high prevalence rates of abuse of power or authority (62 percent) in the Broadcast Division,” the report said.

“Combined with qualitative data collected through interviews and submissions, these findings paint a picture of an organization where accountability is lacking, where workplace decisions are made based on personal gain or preference, and where an individual’s role or status can be used to bully. , harass or ‘put down’.”

More than 57 percent of staff indicated that they had been victims of bullying, discrimination or intimidation.

“Experiences of public humiliation, ‘white anting’, disparaging comments or behavior, and aggressive or intimidating behavior appeared to be commonplace and normalized. This behavior is perpetrated by both leaders and colleagues and often goes unaddressed,” the report said.

Nearly a third of employees reported being exposed to sexual harassment, although the report shows this is less than the average for the media industry (64 percent) and for all sectors (33 percent).

The review was commissioned by former Nine chief executive Mike Sneesby following allegations of sexual harassment and bullying by several Nine staff. Mr Sneesby, about whom no complaints have been filed, has now resigned.

The issue was raised when Mr Wick left the organizations amid claims he had received a $1 million golden handshake. Nine claims Mr Wick did not receive a golden handshake, but the accrued rights to which he was entitled.

Nine’s board released a statement pledging to implement all 22 of the report’s recommendations.

“Today is an incredibly difficult day for Nine as we come to terms with these findings and reflect as an organization on serious cultural issues,” Nine chair Catherine West said.

“The behavior outlined in the report is unacceptable. Abuse of power, bullying, sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior are not okay. There is no place for this behavior at Nine.

“We recognize that too many of our former and current employees have been harmed by poor workplace culture, the prevalence of inappropriate workplace behavior and Nine’s past inadequate response to that behaviour.

“To anyone who has experienced inappropriate behavior that does not meet Nine’s values, we are deeply sorry. On behalf of the board, I apologize without reservation.

“The strength and courage these individuals have shown in sharing their stories as part of this process will enable us to move forward as an organization with a clear understanding of where we went wrong and their insights will help shape the culture of Nine to strengthen for the better. We thank them for that.

“Despite the proactive culture change agenda already underway, the reality is that much more needs to be done and a cultural reset is needed. Nine’s board and leadership team are united in their commitment to accelerate and drive the change required.”

The report also revealed details of staff complaints Intersection received. The complainants have not been identified.

Several staff members alleged inappropriate sexual behavior.

“While I was at (unidentified location), (unidentified person) tried to groom me,” an employee said. At the Christmas party he also touched my ass and at other times he rubbed my legs under the table. In (unknown location) I saw him do it to other women.”

“(My supervisor) told me, ‘Don’t let (an unidentified person) touch your breasts,’” another staff member said. “He primarily targeted young women. Women were constantly in tears over their interactions with an (unidentified individual). Younger women were afraid to speak up.”

Another staff member described comments made during a work meeting where colleagues had been drinking.

“At some point in the evening, (an unidentified person) was standing in a circle with myself, my then-boyfriend … and a few other colleagues in the newsroom,” the staffer said.

“There were a few harmless jokes about the relationship etc, before (unidentified person) said to my partner… ‘You can bring her to my office if you want… just tell me when you’re done. I don’t need to comment on how disgusting this is.”

Nearly 45 percent of women between the ages of 25 and 34 report having been exposed to sexual harassment in the past five years. Sexual harassment of staff was most common in Queensland (32 percent of people reported being sexually harassed in the past five years), followed by Western Australia and the Norther Territory (31 percent).

Other employees complained that managers often covered up bad behavior.

“The day after (the inappropriate workplace behavior), (an unidentified person) came to me to talk about it,” one employee said.

“I thought she wanted to see if I was okay or if I wanted to do anything about it, but no. She was there to make sure I didn’t say anything, that I didn’t complain. She made it very clear that it wasn’t it would be in my interest to make an issue of it.”

The power of some senior staff was also a cause for concern.

“This place is run like a boys’ club, and I say that as a man,” said one employee.

“The ‘cool kids’ (the ones in charge) are woefully underqualified at best. Decisions are made daily based on personal preference of friends/favors rather than benefiting the company/show/other employees. An absolute joke of a management structure and I’m shocked it took this long to be looked at. (Unidentified individual) was so powerful he could make or break careers He gave one person too much power accountable to no one.”

* The reporter works on an informal basis for Nine’s Perth radio station, 6PR.

By Sheisoe

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