Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Study: Jeder dritte E-Auto-Fahrer wechselt zurück zu Verbrenner

Study: Jeder dritte E-Auto-Fahrer wechselt zurück zu Verbrenner

A drittel of the bisherigen E-Auto-Fahrer which is a new Fahrzeugs at the Anschaffung, will be one of the Verbrennungsmotor entschied. This is an analysis of the HUK Coburg that has taken place 14 million times in Germany. A useful basis for the Rückkehr zu Verbrennern since 2023 abgeschafften Subventionen for Elektroautos gewesen, thus the Versicherer. That is a waste of money. Another Grund is the fehlende Lade infrastructure.

If you come out of the research, the car seater is no longer suitable for electric mobility. I wrote a total of 3.9 percent of private customers for an E-Car in the quarter of 2024, an increase of 0.1 percent in the comparison to the previous quarter.

The quote from Elektroantrieb’s Verbrenner motors varies widely in the Bundesländer with the HUK study. In Bavaria the Anteil is located with 4.1 Prozent am höchsten, Während Thuringia with 2.3, Saxony with 2.1 and Sachsen-Anhalt with 1.9 Prozent am Ende der Skala Stehen.

The study said that in general, in Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, humans have experienced increased Skepsis gegenüber Elektroautos. In Thuringia and Saxony, 56 Prozent der Befragten E-Fahrzeuge als bad or weniger gut, während dieser Wert in Saxony-Anhalt sogar bei 59 Prozent liegt. Whoever buys the Landkreis Oberharz Anreize and wants to build their own company, inherits their audio.

By Sheisoe

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