Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Drying: Erste Cannabis-Ernte – Kommunen sollen controls

Drying: Erste Cannabis-Ernte – Kommunen sollen controls

The non-US community has a lot of influence on cannabis management and ahnden. The factory dies in the rotting land administration, with the state chancellery in the middle. At the Communes and Städten these questions are subject to criticism. “We don’t know what to do, but our personal knowledge will be solved,” said Speaker of the Lower Saxony Towns and Community Bundes (NSGB), Stephan Meyn. «We are loved by the police.»

Before the Kabinett de Entwurf is free to deal with the company, it is true that the Kommunen can no longer proceed, this delivery is no longer possible. People are welcome at Cannabis-Verstößen in Rathaus anrufen, obwohl gerade smaller Communes are not genügend Personal in the Ordnungsämtern hätten.

Auch der Niedersächsische Städtetag lehnt die Plane ab. «Um es ganz deutlich zu sagen: The communal Ebene hat um dieses Gesetz nie biten. That was different,” said Geschäftsführerin Kirsten Hendricks with. The concern for the Bundes is practical, for personal checks and the costs of the costs are vulnerable.

First Ernte in the Oldenburg District

Währenddessen were honored with the first Pflanzen in the Oldenburg district. «Wir sind stolz darauf, der erein Verein in Deutschland zu sein, der eine legale Cannabis-Ernte Durchführen darf», teilte Daniel Keune, Vorsitzender des Hemp Social clubs from Ganderkesee, mit. “The fact is that it will be a bit like this when the Pioneer sees this new Ära.”

The Bundesdrogen-beauftragten have also started other Anbauvereine in Deutschland, which started with the first. Allerdings, so concrete dies in Lower Saxony sister Landwirtschaftskammer, bestehe keine Pflicht, de Zeitpunkt der Ernte zu report.

Halving the 400 Pflanzen became a matter of course, it was clear to Keune. The first serious cases have probably occurred. The Pflanzen have a good gut and the quality of the cannabis is great.” Afterwards, the cannabis is packed in Beutel and in November and the Mitglieder ausgegeben.

15 Genehmigte Cannabis-Anbauvereine in Lower Saxony

Since July 1, 2011, you will be able to enjoy cannabis in Germany and grow your cannabis community. Provided the mind lasts 21 years, it takes 25 Gramm Cannabis pro Tag and the highest 50 Grams Cannabis pro Monat zum Eigenkonsum. The first Erlaubnis in Lower Saxony was on July 8 and the Verein übergeben in Ganderkesee.

Laut Landwirtschaftskammer stellten in Lower Saxony 38 Vereinigungen bis vergangene Woche een Antrag für the Cannabis-Anbau – 15 wurde das bereits geneshmigt. Fünf wurde die Erlaubnis versgt. Häufiger Grund has never been hereditarily protected by the Health and Youth Protection Act.

The construction associations can take a few years before they go through the land management that mix ernte and weiterga and are in the file. When you make a report, some data and anonymization data will be displayed and your data will be reported. There are only castles, it is an illegal Austausch with the Schwarzmarkt market, so the Landwirtschaftskammer.

Minister: Freiheiten beim Cannabis functions now with clear regulations

The NSGB and the Stadttag provide a financial basis when the Communes take over the Controls. Health Minister Andreas Philippi (SPD) said that the Landesregierung was being pursued by the Communities due to the Übertragung Mehrbelastungen entstünden: “I am fully aware, that our communities with the theme of Cannabis-Verstöße and benso professionell umgehen became who with others Ordnungswidrigkeiten.”

Let’s be clear that the new freedoms in cannabis are now with the minister’s rules of operation: “If these rules no longer last, a certain order of investigation can be determined.”

Bereits since 1. April dürfenen im Zuge of Cannabis-Teillegalisierung bis 25 Gramm Cannabis in der Offentlichkeit with sich führen and maximum 50 Gramm zu Hause aufbewahren. Verboten ist der Konsum unter Anderem in Gegenwart von Minderjährigen, in Schulen, auf Spielplätzen and in Sportstätten.

Due to the longevity of the money catalogue, as the community orientation increases, it will last less time. Philippi said in August that he saw the Catalog and was in the Abstimmung: «I have happy Strafen from here.» There is a Time Plan for the Decision of the Ministerium that was published not so long ago.

Hohe Nachfrage at Cannabis-Anbauverein

If you look at the Cannabis Social Clubs, that is not the case with the set rules. “Of course the design is not perfect and there are no details that can be executed optimally,” Keune thought. “Picture of the history of a small part of the tatsächlichen Nachfrage ab, was the Schwarzmarkt leader who did not have a full-fledged repression.”

Der Verein hat nach eigenen Angaben schon more as 1,000 Anfragen erhalten, darf laut Gesetz aber nur 500 Mitglieder aufnehmen. “A lot of the worst part about these projects is that ultimately they can no longer be used, but cannabis can be consumed in a legal form,” Teilte Keune said. One of the dishes we made is a gründungsmitglieder and we are still a few Vereine in Oldenburg and Delmenhorst gründen.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:241015-930-261151/3

By Sheisoe

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