Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Deutscher Buchpreis für Martina Hefter: Los, ab ins Kostische

Deutscher Buchpreis für Martina Hefter: Los, ab ins Kostische

Martina Hefters Novel, er heißt Hey guten Morgen, who is Dir?ist with dem German Book Prize Ausgezeichnet be, der am Montag zum 20. Mal vergeben wurde, and das war, zum Auftakt der Frankfurter Buchmesse, ein reformragender Grund zum Feiern.

Once this is the case, the aiming point is in the Kaisersaal des Römers verkündet wurde. Writing a letter to the authorization of the man in the Hals, the writer is Jan Kuhlbrodt, who has used a Multiple Sclerosis in the Rollstuhl seat. This is a grateful help to Martina who is involved in a political appeal. It is part of the will that the name does not first come from the world, but is the best person, and only with a backing or erroneous highland, not in the middle of the gesellschaft, stehen sollten. Whatever the case, you will see and hear what you have become. If you have time to breathe and see the figures in your book, the ton would be more telling.

The jury has a schmalen, aber großen here Roman prämiert: Ohne Kitsch und schlechtes Pathos, aber mit een präzisen Sprache gesegnet, erzählt Martina Hefter von een uit een Einsamkeit born Sehnsucht and a reality flight in the Chaträume des Internets. Turn it around Boy-meets-girl-History, because it is a false identity and an attempt to perform a trick during processing. Technically: a love fraud, a phenomenon from the rogue states of social media. Irgendwo in Nigeria is Benu, a young man with a smartphone and fake profile. If you contact the European Union, you can contact WhatsApp more and turn your partner into a liar, while these women schicken with all their money, a little that’s it.

Davon is Juno’s biggest überzeugt, die Writer from Leipzig. If you know the mash, you will see that the Tränental is the same Mirror TV-Report by written, in the most demütigte Frauen davon messages, the more wesseres Wissen, solchen Betrügern auf the Leim geleden sind. Unfortunately, the Juno on Benu does not show anything more than Lugen über itself auf. A conversation with my heart from the Love-Scammer Benu would not have been führt with a little bit of woman. Has Juno changed the Spieß now? Is this quirky? On Mirror TV I hate a love cheat who has a right to the relationship for his Seite: the woman who comes to power in the European Union in Africa is now in the time, if it is even a little bit the fault of the Rechnung.

How will Roman literature read as a postcolonial lesson, as the iniquity of the North and the iniquity of the South erected in civil justice? So perhaps the Geschäft der Love-Scammer may have begun. It is most special in Junos Augen, but it does not last long. Juno weiß for all, that’s life with the end of the day. Was auch für Benu gilded: “Leute wollten nicht wahrhaben, dass sie sterblich were, aber zuvor wollten sie nicht wahrhaben, dass sie einsam were. The Love-Scammer wollten nicht wahrhaben, that sie sie in Wirklichkeit small powers and sich westlichen Mechanismen of Ausbeutung and when it was good, people were out of the world and were sterblich, the pride of good fortune, the fall of their powers.’

Die Frage, where we might or better, is one of many others: Can’t it be passive, is it that you’re bored, and is it fresh now? Gut möglich, dass Juno, de Schriftstellerin, ihrem eigenen Geschichtenerzählertrick auf de Leim geht. So anyone who notices Martina in her lesson falls under the nase herumführt. The poetry of Trickbetrügerverführung is not known: literature itself is the most trickbetrügerisch Verführerin of all. So when Martina played a virtuoso game with the wahrheit and dem, the man had stopped – or wanted to. It so happens that Juno shoots into the sky at night and aims the smartphones at the orbit of the Orbit, so that a scheherade in the camp gets a unique situation.

Although this was not the case, this Heroine was peculiar tags ut. And that is in Roman zu Juno, from Göttin, one from the Gott-gibt, from Jupiter heißt. One in Leipzig-Plagwitz, and there are relatively many written writers. Sie: born in Allgäu for 59 years, Autorin more Romance and Lyric Band, außerdem Tänzerin and Performancekünstlerin. It will also take longer, but keep an eye on the radar of the great literary interest. Try it in Mann. Lyriker and Romancier fell, a year later as my wife, and I am in Rollstuhl with Multipler Sklerose. All details and details can be found on Martina Hefter and Jan Kuhlbrodt. And this is not the case with Security. Man knows that it is a trick that no Schlüsselroman andrehen lassen.

I am Roman since Götter, who borrow his own property. If you can find a home, it is now a matter of money and letters and the gegenüberliegende house is sprühh. It says here: TRUTH. “That Wahrheit is a big mountain, who das Graffito, thinks Juno. I am Wahrheit, aber die allgemeine, umfassende Wahrheit. Man can become a punk who looks like that.” Sogar in Nigeria. Wed in Diesem ins Kostische abhebenden Roman Benu with seinem Smartphone sitzt. Under it is a Gott. Can a man read Wikipedia.

By Sheisoe

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