Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Die Rolle von Künstlicher Intelligenz in ESG reporting

Die Rolle von Künstlicher Intelligenz in ESG reporting

Rolle von KI in ESG reporting
Rolle von KI in ESG reporting

Bildnachweis: Pexels.

ESG reporting ensures that there is an uncontrolled tool for the world, one of the main objectives of the messenger and the community. In particular, in European countries, a year later in 2025, financing the nachaltigkeits dates in the annual overview of the obligations was started. It is no more than part of the intestinal images, a separate legal processing factor.

Traditional ESG reporting is often time-consuming, complex and intensive. If tomorrow comes, one of the experts and experts who are interested in the professional market will no longer make any effort to make the sale. Mittelständische Unternehmen since especially affected, that is probably Unternehmen nicht sicher since, now for the ESG-Berichterstellung new Festanstellungs purchase, or at least fool external expertise a bit. This is where cost-efficient software and advanced intelligence (AI) come into play – including generative AI – which can provide a separate component, ESG messaging becomes more efficient and funded by shapes.

The use of software and generative AI for ESG and nightlife says that, yes
these technologies are no longer active in the ESG theme
vereinfacht, under the datenverarbeitung and analyze extreme beschrailings. AI
Unterstützt dabei, immense Mixing and Dating zu verarbeiten and specific
Handling movements can be performed that are long-term and cost-efficient
absoul. Some people can no longer recognize risk
and mitigating it, if there is an inefficient solution,
Identify processes and implement effective, cost-efficient strategies that
In the long term, the economic legacy as well as the environmental tax will be minimized.

Cost savings through late payments

An often discussed question about ESG reporting is the narrow Verbindung-zwischen
Nachhaltigkeit and cost awareness. There is a more extensive Mythos, yes
Nachhaltigkeit immer mit zätzlichen Kosten verbunden ist. Research into the results of a study into CO2 emissions
Emissions can often entail costs. It is best to have a clear correlation
Change the CO2 emissions and reduce operating costs – see here again
Efficient resources, less energy consumption or optimization

AI automation and analysis of ESG data is uninteresting,
these relationships must be acknowledged and accepted, they will die
Clean the environment while saving costs. AI system with the von Parabella Analytics, an innovative start-up from TU Munich, which has no regulatory ESG form
Messages are set, identifying cost optimization. These models help find long-term strategies for their ESG hospitals as well as their business-related Leistung-vernessern.

The research into ESG reporting with AI

There is more and more ESG data in integration and integration strategy
don’t let the costs come out of the augen-verliers. Unternehmen, the ESG and
Cost performance intelligent miteinander exploration, don’t buy now
Mehrwert for your Stakeholder, try to achieve a positioning if you want and
legal regulations. AI can exist here as separate workers, um
datengesteuerte Entscheidungen zu take and the walk that they a nighthaltigeren
and profitable economics. So they could be cost-intensive
Bills and investments will be depreciated for a long time.


The Rolle von KI in ESG reporting is also more of a technological solution than now. When it comes to a problem, there is no question of a social enterprise, but it is a business economics that is strengthening. Unternehmen, the mentioned Ansatz sequels, were not nurökological, but can also yield financial profit.

Over the Author:

Marcus Ohnemus is CEO and Gründer of Parabella Analytics. As part of one of the existing software landscapes, which include ESG and CO2 data, the management and added values ​​of nachaltigkeit can be recognized: double scientific analysis, CSRD guidelines, product carbon footprints and corporate carbon footprints.

By Sheisoe

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